"Don't stare at me like that..."

"I told you a long time ago, this serum card can completely remove all the toxins from your body..."

"Including those erysipelas poisons."

"Isn't this routine?"

"It's not...it's not so exciting..."

"Hold on..."

"It's not a big problem."

"Now it seems that I won the bet?"

Fang Fan licked his lips, then looked at Cathy's red lips, and said jokingly.



Cathy's face turned red in an instant. At this moment, both hands were placed in front of her, twisting and twisting all the time, and she seemed very nervous anyway.

How could she, who is smart, not know what Fang Fan meant by the bet...

Cathy couldn't help looking down, her face was even more flushed now.

This guy... so scary...

I thought that this bet could turn the serfs into singing.

Well now, this servility is getting deeper and deeper.

In addition to the sense of humiliation, Cathy also had a different kind of excitement.

"You...you win if you win..."

"Is there anything else you want?"

Cathy averted her eyes, and then said coquettishly aside.


"According to the original bet..."


"Are you so good at playing?"

"Are you thinking about these things in your head?"

"You are so perverted!"

Cathy's face was flushed, she was biting her red lips at this moment, and her heart was also throbbing violently. As she spoke, her breathing gradually became rapid.

"What does this have to do with being perverted?"

"I simply followed the bet..."

"We must have the spirit of contract, don't we?"

"You can't just not care about anything!"

Fang Fan nodded, and then said in a serious manner, the smiles on the corners of his mouth gradually increased.


"Anyway, you are not a good person..."

"But...but your card is really easy to use..."


"So I'll satisfy you..."

"Who told you to drain my erysipelas and poison..."

"Now... now is simply to repay..."

"Yes! It's repayment!"

Cathy took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she was full of thoughts, then she slightly opened her red lips, and silently lowered her head.

Fang Fan felt that it was really necessary to have such a small world of Chutian Pavilion.

How many good things are facilitated in this place.

Fang Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking to himself, the smile on the corner of his mouth increased.

An hour later, Cathy looked at Fang Fan with resentment...

Time began to pass bit by bit...

Fortunately, this is the world of Chutian Pavilion...

The internal time flow rate of Chutian Pavilion is ten times that of the outside world...

Ten hours have passed here, but only one hour has passed outside.

But a lot of time has actually passed since Fang Fan brought Cathy into the small world of Chutian Pavilion.

There must be dozens of hours.

The big world outside has also passed for a few hours.

After this kind of thing is condensed for a while, it is basically difficult to draw back the mental power from it.

After a moment of enjoyment, it is understandable that some are hard to extricate themselves.

"Are you OK?"

"Don't you want to steal the warehouse of the City Lord's Mansion?"

"You still have to lead me the way..."

Fang Fan glanced at Cathy, and then couldn't help reminding.

Cathy's current identity is the seventeenth lady of the Santo's Mansion, so she must be more familiar with the internal structure of the Santo's Mansion than Fang Fan.

Moreover, she is still a weak demigod. With her help, it would be much easier to loot the warehouse of the City Lord's Mansion.

If possible, Fang Fan actually wants to loot the entire warehouse of Tianlin City...

But according to what Cathy said, in the warehouse of Tianlin City, there are still first-class god generals who are strong demigods stationed...

So, forget it for now.

As far as Fang Fan's current strength is concerned, he really doesn't have enough capital to fight against a first-class general who is in the demigod realm...

In other words, there is no level of battle between the two at all.

It basically looks like it was tortured and killed...


In this case, it is natural to fully control it and not slack off in the slightest.

The overall situation must be stabilized...

With a lot of thoughts, the light in the eyes increased, and the smile on the corner of the mouth flickered all over...


"Racked the warehouse?"

"Do you think I still have a little bit of strength now?"

"Now it feels like my whole body has been cut..."

"You...you are a demon..."

"You are the devil sent by heaven to torture me..."

Cathy was crying, her heart had already collapsed with blood.

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