For example, divine envoys cannot participate in normal battles, and so on...

And God Envoy is also equivalent to a cross-border supplier, which can be used to exchange some strategic resources.

"Isn't this robbing me of my business?"

Fang Fan secretly complained...

"If you say that, will the Kingdom of Yan also descend upon a divine envoy?"

Fang Fan couldn't help frowning. In fact, if he looked at it from his point of view, he would actually reject the so-called divine envoys.

It may be able to increase the combat power to a certain extent, but to a certain extent, the Yan Kingdom may also be restrained...

There is something on the top of the head inexplicably, which is naturally uncomfortable.

Fang Fan frowned, and now there is no divine envoy around him, so it seems that this divine envoy has come to Jiangcheng?

"Go at full speed and head to Jiangcheng!"

Fang Fan gave an order, and several legions under his command immediately began to move.

Halfway through the road, Satan led the demon army to fly over.

"My lord, a guy who claims to be an envoy has come to the city lord's mansion in Jiangcheng!"

Satan's face was a little unsightly, and the black wings were violently instigating, as if he wanted to use this to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

"What's wrong with your face?"

Fang Fan's brows suddenly wrinkled, and a slap mark can be clearly seen on Satan's face...

"Lord, it's alright..."

Satan gritted his teeth, he is also a person who wants to face...

"Is that the angel doing it?"

Fang Fan's eyes flashed with anger.

"Lord...that divine envoy is not a thing!"

"As soon as I came to Jiangcheng, I was arrogant. I insisted on requisitioning the City Lord's Mansion. I guarded your bedroom and prevented him from entering, and that's it..."

"And...and he has a lot of disrespect for both Miss Meier and Miss Yaxin..."

Satan vented all his grievances in one breath, this feeling is really too suffocating!

"Mei'er... is she all right? And Zhao Yaxin, where are they all now?"

Fang Fan clenched his hands tightly, and a nervous expression flashed on his face. If something happened to them, they would really die.

"Don't worry, Lord, Miss Mei'er and Miss Yaxin have already left the city. I specially arranged for two demons to protect them!"

"Let's go to the Acropolis, Jiangcheng... we can't go back!"

"Although that divine envoy is extremely domineering, he is very strong, and I have no resistance in front of him!"

Satan's face suddenly turned red, he was always arrogant, but this time, he really couldn't beat him.

Even, there is no desire to resist at all...

The difference is too big!

"Go! Return to Jiangcheng at full speed!"

"My site, I call the shots, it's not the turn of an outsider to be so arrogant!"

Fang Fan's face showed the ultimate killing intent...

So far, no one has dared to treat him like this.

This is clearly overkill!

What if it was an angel? If you really want to die, then everyone will die together!

Fang Fan silently held the two sacrificial messenger cards in his hand... This is the strongest trump card, and also the bottom card.

Such trump cards cannot be exposed at will.



Both Zhao Zhen and Zhou Ba carefully waited on the young man in red robes in front of him.

Naturally, they all heard the sound of the world announcement.

Then this guy who claimed to be a divine envoy entered the city lord's mansion in Jiangcheng!

Immediately afterwards, the domineering and wild nature of this guy was completely revealed...

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