Jiangcheng is the core city and the capital of the country. Acropolis is a companion capital, and Guancheng is an empty city. It has now been used by Fang Fan as a war fortress.

In addition, there is Shuyang City...

Ye Zhao, the acting city lord of Shuyang City, had already sent a letter of credentials to pray for incorporation into the Yan Kingdom, but Fang Fan did not respond at that time...

For Fang Fan, Shuyang City could not be ignored either.

After all, it was Ye Mei'er's home, and her relatives were all there.

And Fang Fan also opened a card shop in Shuyang City...

"Ok, I know."

Fang Fan's brain began to spin rapidly...

At present, the sea monsters gathered under Jiangcheng are the most, and the pressure is also the greatest.

Because these demonized beasts under Jiangcheng City are all genuine and valuable from the endless sea!

As for the siege of the Weicheng and even Guancheng, or the sea demonized beasts in Shuyang City, they are actually the demonized beasts that came out of the surrounding small rivers and streams. Although these sea demonized beasts also caused a certain degree of pressure, But it's not so scary in comparison.

"Concretize these ten first-level demonized beast camp cards and these eleven second-level demonized beast camp cards..."

Fang Fan specially allocated a large piece of land around the City Lord's Mansion to house these camp cards...

"Ten first-level demonized beast camp cards let me directly get the help of 100,000 three-star demonized beasts..."

"Eleven second-level demonized beast camp cards can directly gather 11,000 six-star demonized beasts to fight for me..."

"A part of the troops will be drawn from the 100,000-star demonized beasts and the 11,000-star demonized beasts to support Acropolis, Guancheng and Shuyang City..."

"Selection of 10,000 three-star demonized beasts and 366-star demonized beasts to help the Acropolis!"

"Selection of 10,000 three-star demonized beasts and three hundred six-star demonized beasts to aid Shuyang City!"

"Another 10,000 three-star demonized beasts and 466-star demonized beasts will be dispatched to help Guancheng..."

"In this way, the military system is brought under control."

Fang Fan nodded secretly, according to his deployment plan, this is very good.

"The remaining 10,000 six-star demonized beasts and 70,000 three-star demonized beasts will be stationed in Jiangcheng!"

"Haha, since then, isn't it impregnable?"

"In addition to the 200,000 ordinary demonized beast army that Jiangcheng originally had..."

"The total force has reached 300,000!"

"It should be enough to defend Jiangcheng with such a force, right?"

Fang Fan raised the corners of his mouth, thinking to himself...

It was only when he came to the city wall of Jiangcheng and saw the waves of sea demonized beasts rushing down below, Fang Fan still felt a sense of disgust...

Too much!

These shrimp soldiers and crab generals rushed over like they didn't want money...

Wave after wave, incessantly.

"Ocean demonized beasts are stronger than ordinary demonized beasts!"

"All ocean demonized beasts start at the two-star level..."

"One-star level ocean demonized beasts... almost invisible!"

"And there are five-star and six-star ocean demonized beasts in large areas..."

Fang Fan frowned, the situation is not good!

Just under the city of Jiangcheng, it has become the world of these demonized beasts!

Groups of groups...waves...it makes my scalp tingle...

"Weak human race! You have ruled this land long enough! Now it's time to have a taste of being enslaved!"

"The whole world will belong to my marine demonized beast group!"

"You all have to die!"

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