Just as he was about to say something, he found that Cao Ji on the side ran away without a trace.

At a glance, it runs faster than a rabbit.

This posture, this state, is inexplicably frightening.

For a moment, with his mouth open, his gaze went numb.

This... What else can I say about this?

Apart from howling a few awesome words, it seems that there is nothing to say, right?

This state is invincible, isn't it?

Invincible at the moment, extremely trembling!

"This sky thunder...how could it be on top of this saint!"

"Damn it!"

"What the hell!"

"Cao Ji!"

"Get back! Come back!"

Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint in the Temple of the Alliance of Light, took a deep breath, and the corner of his mouth twitched wildly, feeling really anxious in his heart.

This day the thunder... came on top of his head!

To say that there is no sense of anxiety at all is definitely bullshit.

Think about it carefully, now that someone is holding this knife to your neck, can you still remain unresponsive?

That must not work!

At this time, not only do you have to react, but you even feel terrified. That kind of feeling is spinning wildly in your mind, which is uncomfortable.

Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.

This is true for husband and wife, let alone subordinates.

The moment Cao Ji observed Tian Lei's transfer, he ran away like a rabbit.

Why do you want to stay here?


What are you doing here? Do you want to die?

When the time comes, I will kill you in minutes!

Can Cao Ji not know the character of this Ouyang apprentice? This shit is not a good thing, when the time comes, he will definitely grab him and take him to die with him.

Cao Ji is not stupid either, he would naturally not accept this kind of sand sculpture start.

So he just sneaked away without making a sound.

"If the thunder falls this day, maybe this Ouyang disciple will be directly killed?"


"If he dies, won't I be free?"

"Although I can no longer take revenge from now on, but... But my desire for revenge doesn't seem to be that strong now!"

"Anyway... Anyway, it feels like that."

"If...if that's the case, then don't even think about it!"

"Whirring whirring……"

"Then I should hurry up and find a chance to escape?"

"It would be a great thing if Ouyangtu died!"


"How good does it feel to be free?"

"I miss it! I prefer it!"

"For my freedom! Freedom, you will be hacked to death by the Thunder Society!"

"Hey, so you did something good before you died?"

"Tsk... tsk tsk tsk, that's it, that's how it looks!"

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

Cao Ji took a deep breath, thinking to himself, and the gleam in his eyes kept trembling.

The more you think about it, the deeper you feel.

Thoughts were completely messed up in my mind.

All kinds of stimuli are completely in place in my mind.

real, and clear.

It feels like that's about it.

Of course, these are Cao Ji's true thoughts in his heart. If he is outside, he must wear a mask.

He is not the kind of person who likes to do things absolutely, because there are indeed some potential dangers.


"Master Ouyang! Lord Saint!"

"How could this be the case!"

"Master Saint! You... You were murdered by a traitor!"

"Master Saint, I...I can't go over. If I go over, it will be equivalent to two people. By then...the power of the sky thunder will be even stronger!"

"Master Saint! Come on! Come on!"

"You are so strong, you must be able to survive this level!"

"Master Saint, if something happens to you, I will definitely avenge you!"

"I will never let go of the bastard who secretly entrapped you!"

"Lord Saint, please rest assured!"

"I, Cao Ji, swear here! Blood debts!"

Cao Ji is definitely very professional in acting. He held his head high while talking at the moment, and the excitement on his face was beyond words.

Anyway, everything that can be said and can't be said has been said in one go.

It's not that important to take a formality.

If this Ouyangtu managed to escape the catastrophe, he would not be punished too much for saying this.

If Ouyangtu's wave is directly cold, that's okay, just say it to the dead soul.

Cao Ji felt extremely relaxed now.

A dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor Taoist.

As long as this matter does not fall on me, I don't know what it means to be anxious.

Now I even have a slow feeling.

What is there to worry about with this thing?

Frankly, it doesn't matter, I even want to laugh!

The posture is very surging.

The idea is especially real, that's all.

How could Ouyang Tu at this moment listen to these things, the sky thunder spinning above his head really made him feel a sense of fear!

This is a strong demigod level sky thunder!

Although he is also a strong demigod, who can say such things as the sky thunder falling?

If you are not careful, your soul will return to the spot.

That sense of fear and anxiety welled up in his mind, and his whole body went numb on the spot.

"Fang Fan!"

"It's you!"

"You nasty bastard!"


"Are you going to take revenge on this saint now?"

"Fang Fan!"

"You conspired to assassinate the first-class saint of the Temple of the Alliance of Light! What should you do!"

"If this saint is dead! Fang Fan has a lot to do with him!"

"I must... I must kill this kid!"



"Kill him!"

The roars gradually increased, and everything around was about to be fully crushed!

That kind of taste, that kind of feeling, let alone tell who!

Ouyang Tu stared at Fang Fan firmly, and now he felt that Fang Fan was the culprit.


In fact, if he had to think so, there was nothing wrong with it.

Because the truth is, it really is.

But Fang Fan would naturally not admit to such a groundless and unsubstantiated matter.

People like Ouyang Tu don't need to pay attention to morality.

After all, this guy has always been sinister and vicious.

Like before, Fang Fan was deliberately sent to the Protoss to seek information.

After that, they deliberately confronted each other, trying to seize the God-destroying Cannon of Fang Fan's Destroyer Artillery Corps.

All these piles are placed there one by one, and they are not fabricated by Fang Fan.

This guy doesn't look like a president at all.

Despicable, shameless and treacherous.

Such an existence, if it really dies, it will be pure.

"Sage Ouyang, don't talk nonsense."

"You are the president of our light faction stationed in Yuanshi God City, and you are also the first-class saint under one person and above ten thousand in the Temple of Light Alliance!"

"What you say must be carefully considered!"

"What are you talking about?"


"It doesn't even make sense to me!"

"Which eye of yours saw me transfer the thunder to your head to trap you?"

"Or which ear heard me order this Tianlei to move?"

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