Pixiu can't stand it anymore!

Fang Fan looked at Yuan Kong and couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

How could he not see the situation clearly.

It's just what should be done now, which is the most important thing.

Otherwise, it will only continue to make the situation worse.

"problem occurs."

"The phantom of the mythical beast Pixiu summoned by Fang Fan doesn't seem to work well."

"Just sucked away the energy of the pseudo-god-level sky thunder, and added a little more."

"Hey, if we follow this trend, there is no limit."

"I don't know what will happen next."

"This is the most complicated."

"The sense of bells and whistles is being superimposed in an all-round way."

"If there is no other way, wait for the pseudo-god-level sky thunder to accumulate enough energy, and by the way, this phantom of Pixiu will also be blasted away."

"If it really comes to that time, it will really be over."

"At that time, this defeat will be unstoppable."

"Hey, Fang Fan's confidante is about to go blind for nothing."

"A wise man will make a mistake if he thinks a lot!"

"After all, it still didn't prevent problems before they happened."

Bai Piao took care of the overall situation, and while talking, couldn't help but shook his head and said.

From his point of view, he felt that this round was quite problematic.

If you are not careful, you will be fully involved.

The situation really needs to be more serious.

Can't wave, one wave destroys everything.

"Now what?"

"Hey, if I knew it earlier, I might as well continue to transfer Tianlei!"

"Or I'll grab you and let Fang Fan divert Tianlei?"

Uncle Jie raised his eyebrows, then looked at Bai Piao, and said seriously.

Bai Piao: "???"

Boy, are you serious?

What the hell am I.

When did I become such a pathetic character?

"Are you my master?"

"Oh shit!"

"Even if you are eccentric, do you have a restraint?"

"It's fine if you give the family property to Fang Fan, it's your preference."

"But...but you still have to be a little bit partial in this preference!"

"If you don't have any speed, play with a hammer."

"Pull me over to collide with that pseudo-god-level sky thunder?"

"Grass! I'm really not that strong."

"At that time, I will be torn apart in minutes."

"Master, you are my real master!"

"You really dare to say that!"

"Really, are you really not afraid of the cold in my heart?"

Bai Piaoxu was rambling, and couldn't help but sighed with emotion from the side.

While talking, the speed at which the corners of his mouth twitched was fully displayed.

The sense of despair in the depths of my heart swept across the board.

Everything seemed so real.


"I don't want to do that either."

"The point is, isn't the situation urgent now?"

"When human life is at stake, how can we take care of these details?"

"If it's really out of control, Fang Fan can only come back first."

"In any case, you can't take his life with you."

"This demigod Thunder Tribulation evildoer has reached its peak, and Fang Fan has already tried his best."

"It can only be said that this girl's life is not good."

"I'll call Fang Fan back."

"When the time comes, let's enlighten him together."

Taishu Jie narrowed his eyes, and then couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

As a master, you must play the role of a pillar in a timely manner at critical times.

Otherwise, what's the use of him?


"Don't disturb Fang Fan!"

"Maybe...it's not that far yet."

"There is still a connecting flight."

"Fang Fan hasn't given up yet!"

"This bastard is good at using strange tricks!"

Xue Wanren, deputy head of Guangming Academy, squinted his eyes, and then nodded frequently while talking, his heart beating silently.

Excited heart, trembling hands, you can see if there is one at this moment.

"What do you see?"

"What else can I do?"

"The cards are exhausted!"

"My apprentice has always been the kind of character who doesn't give up until he reaches his goal."

"I'm really afraid that if he gets into the horns, it will really be over."

"Hey, what we have to do now is to run quickly."

Taishu Jie groaned, and couldn't help sighing softly from the side.

While speaking, various thoughts gathered in his mind, and then his lips murmured slightly, and his steps gradually became vain.

All kinds of thoughts deep in my heart gradually increased.

Thousands of thoughts, confused consciousness, everything is silent.

What should be done next, already has the most realistic rhythm.


Seeing the ever-growing pseudo-god-level sky thunder, the surrounding melon-eating people couldn't help but start screaming excitedly.

After eating melons for so many years, this is indeed the first time I have seen such an interesting picture.

There is more or less a surge of meaning in this heart.

Thinking to myself, the eyeballs were turning faster and faster.

"Pseudo-god-level sky thunder is still growing! Will the sky thunder continue to upgrade?"

"Grass! How far has it been upgraded? Quasi-god level? Or...or the legendary true god...True god level?"

"True god-level sky thunder? Gudong! Am I lucky enough to see it?"

"Now the key depends on the endurance of this mythical beast Pixiu phantom! Damn! I really hope it can last for a while, so that I can see more!"

"Grass! This is really cool! It took off directly! My thoughts swelled!"

"Do it! Go up and do it!"

"Steady, everyone, stay steady, don't slack off in the slightest."

"My God, I'm invincible! This wave is really invincible."

"Extremely tyrannical!"

"Is this the boss's world?"

"Invincible! Invincible!"


The shouts around him gradually increased, his eyes gradually turned blood red, and his breathing gradually became rapid.

The people who eat melons also slowly followed.

No one is optimistic about the next situation, but everyone wants to see the emergence of a stronger Tianlei.

They all thought that this demigod thunder disaster had completely failed, and it was impossible to create a brand new demigod.

Failure, already doomed?

Lina blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at the sky thunder roaring high in the sky. At this moment, the pseudo-god-level sky thunder gradually changed into the appearance of a brontosaurus, fighting back and forth with Pixiu phantom.

Pixiu Xuying tried his best to absorb the energy of the Thunder Dragon, if he followed this speed, he would be able to completely devour the energy of the Thunder Dragon for a while.

However, the thunder dragon evolved from Tianlei has endless backup energy storage.

In this case, the energy devouring of Pixiu phantom seems to be a joke.

"Wait until the thunder dragon evolved from Tianlei is strong enough, am I going to face a death?"

"Is it still going to go that way after all?"

"I can't bear it, I can't bear to be crowned by the Lord God."

"I...I haven't repaid the kindness of His Majesty the Lord yet."

"I want to dedicate everything I have to His Majesty the Lord."

"Under God's crown is my sky, under God's crown is my everything."

"So nostalgic..."

Lina licked her red lips, looked into the distance, looked at that familiar figure, and felt empty in her heart for a while.

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