
"Disgusting hell creature! Let me go! Get away!"

The king gave Jiaolong began to jump frantically, and seemed to be very sensitive to the messenger of hell lying on him...

At this moment, the king-level Jiaolong is fully focused on here...

"Hell messenger! Open your mouth!"

Fang Fan ordered again, the messenger of hell did what Fang Fan wanted...

"Swallow these thunderballs!"

Fang Fan threw five Thunder Orb cards directly, and the five Lei Orb cards turned into five Thunder Orbs in the air, and were swallowed by the messenger of hell without error...

"Go further!"

Fang Fan gave the final order!

Then the messenger of hell scratched on the king-level Jiaolong with his claws...

"Go away! Don't touch me!"

"What did you swallow just now!"




One after another, the thunder of the sky broke the sky!

There was a trace of surprise and confusion in everyone's eyes...

What happened to this sudden thunderstorm?

Fang Fan's heart settled a little after watching the five thunderballs explode smoothly.

Seeing that the existence time of the messenger from hell would soon be gone, Fang Fan made a bold decision!

He made the hell messenger stick directly to the king-level Jiaolong, and then let the hell messenger swallow five thunderballs!

The explosive power of a thunderball is equivalent to the full blow of a one-star king-level combat power!

The power of the five-star series is also great!

And the messenger of hell is the carrier that bears an explosion...

In order to completely kill this king-level pet, Fang Fan can be considered to be omnipotent!

If you don't do this, he will be the one who got cold just now!


"Cough cough cough..."


In the pile of ruins, the king-level Jiaolong's body trembled and climbed out, and the huge body was already bloody at this moment.

The scales on the body have also been blown apart...

What a terrible word!

From all perspectives, there is no more miserable king-level demonized beast than this...

The dragon's tail was completely cut off by the power of the thunderball explosion, and there was no good meat in the entire dragon's body...


"I'm not dead!"

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

"All human beings have to die! How dare you hurt me like this...cough...cough...cough..."

The king-level Jiaolong coughed out a mouthful of blood, the whole dragon trembled, and his consciousness was obviously not sober...

"Five thunderballs didn't blow up..."

"This vitality is really tenacious!"

"It's just a pity that you are destined to die when you are seriously injured!"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, his body protruding violently...

Ride on the back of the Judgment Unicorn King, and ride the dust!

"Little Golden Dragon! Vega! Caitlin! Battle Angel Legion! Full force attack! Completely obliterate this Flood Dragon!"

Fang Fan gave an order and took the lead to take out a laser gun and start shooting...

"Don't... get out of here!"

"Ah... don't move my tail!"

"My Reverse Scale!"



In the end, this mighty king-level Jiaolong had completely lost its combat effectiveness.

Even if he is alive, he is actually just lingering and dying.

Under the full attack of the ten-star combat power such as Xiao Jinlong, it gradually went to annihilation...

Caitlin finally shot the king-level dragon in the eye, and a milky white brain shot out...

"I can not be reconciled……"

The king-level Jiaolong's body trembled, and finally collapsed to the ground, unable to climb again.

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