Although the surrounding discussions were heterogeneous, the conclusions were almost the same, that is, this Ouyang disciple is despicable and shameless!

For Ouyang Tu at this moment, it doesn't matter at all.

You can say whatever you want, if you care, I will lose.

How big of a problem, bells and whistles, mess around.

I just don't admit it, what can you do to me?

As for the decline in reputation, are these things a thing? I don't care at all.

Fang Fan couldn't help laughing at this moment.

People are shameless, they are invincible.

However, there will be opportunities to deal with such things in the future, and now Fang Fan is too lazy to say anything.

Today, we can also see some thoughts of the bright pope.

Although the Pope of Light has been defending Fang Fan's interests on the surface, it is not difficult to see that he just did some helpless actions in front of everyone.

In fact, in essence, he didn't feel very happy about the existence of Fang Fan.

As for whether you hate it or not, it's not clear yet.

Right now, they can only silently stare at the situation in front of them, and then proceed in an all-round way according to the established path.

The turmoil of struggle here has temporarily come to an end.

Fang Fan then returned to the resident of Guangming Academy in Yuanshi Shencheng.

For the time being, we have to wait for a while before we can know the situation of the phantom of the divine ladder and the phantom of the exquisite palace in the distance.

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, his thoughts fluttered, and everything was kept silent.

Develop in an all-round way according to the established rhythm, but in the end it has some special fun.

This is what is needed.

"Vice Palace Master, what kind of person is that Pope of Light?"

"Why do I feel that he and Ouyang Tu... are a bit similar!"

Fang Fan glanced around, and then suddenly said.

Xue Wanren's body trembled slightly, and his eyes flickered at this moment.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you feel his murderous intent on you?"

"The Pope... wants to harm you?"

Xue Wanren, deputy head of Guangming Academy, was speaking with a nervous expression on his face.

This is no small matter.

If the situation gradually gets worse, there will be big problems!

At that time... At that time, this round will be completely bloody.

Thinking up to this point, the endless brilliance flickered in his eyes.

The state of mind immediately followed the blood collapse to the extreme!

Things got a little louder.

"It's not that direct."

"However, I can tell that he is very guarded against me, and there is no tenderness in his eyes looking at me, but more of the vigilance towards the enemy."

"This is not too different from the way Ouyangtu looked at me back then."

"It's just carved out of a mold."

"It seems that there is a big problem."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, and when he spoke, his eyes fluttered all over.

There is a high probability that his intuition will not be wrong.

In this way, the problem here is serious.

"The Pope is not the same as Ouyangtu."

"No matter how much Ouyangtu hates you, there are still people on the top who are suppressing him. He dare not be too reckless, not to mention that you have two weak demigods from the protoss to help you, so this Ouyangtu is considered a I am dissatisfied with you, and I dare not make any excessive moves."

"If there is a fight, it will be a bloody battle at worst. These are not problems."

"But... But if Pope Yuwen Hanlin wants to kill you, how can he stop him!"

"No... Why did the Pope want to kill you?"

"He's already the Pope, he's already done it to the extreme, what can you threaten him with?"

Xue Wanren groaned, and then started a brainstorming session. He just couldn't figure it out at this moment!

The more I thought about it, the more my brain ached.

The current rhythms are completely out of order.

What else is there to say.

it is more than words.

His thoughts were confused, his consciousness was stretched, and everything collapsed.

What I want, maybe this is the effect?


"It's just because you're in a high position that you feel nervous."

"I'm afraid that someone will compete with him for this position."

"Maybe...he saw my threat!"

"Afraid that my growth will affect his position as Pope?"

"Who knows!"

"Forget it, I don't want these anymore."

"These are things for the future."

"If you have a chance, go to the place where the phantom of the divine ladder is located."

"If there is a chance to accumulate all the nine sacred ladders, maybe there will be some special gains."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, thinking to himself, his thoughts gradually expanded in his mind, and everything was kept silent.

The more you think about it, the deeper your feelings become.

But when the time comes, any fool will know that there will be countless people competing for it.

What will happen in that crazy scene is unknown.

Maybe there will be some new stimuli, or maybe everything will be completely dead.

This kind of thing, no one can say bad.


At the same time, the Protoss Tianlin City.

The battle here is still not over.

The armies of God Clan Emperor City and Disha City surrounded Tianlin City.

The frantic fighting is still going on, giving people a sense of great oppression in consciousness, so oppressive that people can't breathe.

That taste and feeling completely swept the whole body and mind, and immediately, I couldn't breathe at all.

This time, let me tell someone more about my thoughts.

Consciousness collapsed, rhythm stretched hips, everything was silent.

Talha led a group of protoss powerhouses to fight a way out from a remote place, and then entered Tianlin City covered in blood.

Immediately went to look for Cassius, the lord of Tianlin City.

"The city lord!"

"Master City Lord!"

"Finally... finally found you!"

"Whirring whirring!"

The second-class general of Tianlin City, Kuide, was panting heavily, as if he wanted to show his loyalty.

"came back?"

"Where's the ladder?"

"Where is the treasure?"

"Where are people?"

Cassius, the lord of Tianlin City, completely stared at his eyes, and now they are as terrifying as copper bells.


"This... let Talha tell you!"

"Yes! He is the leader! He is the leader! He knows best!"

"Ask him! Ask him all!"

The second-class God General of Tianlin City, Kuide's eyes changed, and he saw that he was getting into the point, and then quickly retreated.

Showing his face just now is enough for the city lord to remember, which shows that his goal has been achieved.

If you want to rush forward recklessly at this time, you are really trying to die.

When the time comes, I don't know how I died.

Thinking of that scene, my brain trembled all over, my thoughts were messed up, and I didn't know what to say at all.

Let Talha do this kind of blame thing!


This is also the key to admitting that he is the team leader!

Everyone doesn't want to take the blame, so we need to find a blame man!

This time, none of the divine ladder, the treasure, and the foreigners were brought back. It is a high probability that the city lord will be furious.

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