The village funeral broke out and cursed.

The ten-star dragon and lion have no chance to fight back in front of the one-star king-level Jinlong Aoguang with the blood of a true dragon.

They are like lambs to be slaughtered, even the most basic resistance is enough...

There was bloodline suppression in the first place, and now there is another level of suppression...

The one-star king-level golden dragon is enough to smash the entire dragon and lion knight army.

In a blink of an eye, the entire legion that originally had twelve dragon-lion knights was killed five, two were seriously injured, and more than half of the loss...

The Dragon and Lion Knights have done their best, they have fought fiercely for honor, and even more than half of the casualties!

But the masters they belonged to actually scolded them so harshly, and even directly called them trash! Let them kill themselves! "

There is a cold look in the eyes of the Lion Bone, the leader of the Dragon and Lion Knights...

"Mighty human powerhouse, my lion bones are willing to pursue you forever, to be loyal to you, and to kill the enemy for you! Please accept my weak dragon and lion knights! All the dragon and lion knights are willing to serve you! "


Above the battlefield, in the sky, suddenly such a scene appeared...

Don't say it's someone else, even Fang Fan's face is full of confusion at the moment...

Is it still possible?

He has been fighting for so long, and he has killed thousands of legions, not just 10,000...

But I have never seen any legion surrender directly on the battlefield!

This operation... This is the first time Fang Fan has seen it.

It can be seen that the burial of this village is such a rookie chicken...

Even the legion that has always been loyal and reliable chose to abandon it.

"Ding! Because of your plundering, the loyalty of the Ten-star Dragon-Lion Legion has dropped to zero... The Ten-star Dragon-Lion Legion has chosen to abandon you!"

At this moment, there is such a prompt sound in the ears of the village funeral...

"Bastards! What are you doing! Come back! Come back to me! Who made you betray!"

"You are my legion! I'll let you die! Why don't you obey orders? You treacherous and shameless people!"

Ju Cun Burial stood on the city wall of Bincheng and scolded, like a shrew who scolded the streets.

His biggest support, the Ten-Star Dragon and Lion Knights, just surrendered?

Is this betrayal? Or a battlefield uprising?

If he has enough strength, he will definitely rush up with a samurai sword and kill all these traitors!

"Ding! Because of your kingly demeanor, the Ten-star Dragon and Lion Knight Legion is willing to serve you, do you accept it?"

At the same time, Fang Fan's ears also heard a boosting sound.

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes and took a few steps forward while riding on the Judgment Unicorn King.

"What I want to kill is the burial of the village."

"You are just a vassal legion, and you have just been summoned, and your hands have never been stained with the blood of my Chinese, so I accept your service!"

"From now on, you have to fight for China! Fight for Yan Kingdom! Fight for me!"

"Loyalty, I will keep you strong!"

"Betrayer, I will personally kill you with a knife!"

Fang Fan uttered a righteous and righteous voice, and his eyes flickered with light.

With a ten-star legion in vain, he naturally would not refuse!

Such a great thing... once in a lifetime!

Moreover, it is still the powerful army of the enemy, and now it has become its own...

This refreshing feeling gradually superimposes...

A whole new level of coolness!

"Lion bone thank you Lord!"

"As you wish, where your sword is pointing is the direction of our attack!"

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