This promotion is really like eating and drinking water, it's too simple.

Frankly, a look of indifference.

"I was promoted too."

"Me too!"

"My bottleneck is broken!"

"This energy... is too abundant!"

"Is this fattening us before killing us?"

"No... No! There is a problem!"

"There must be a problem!"

"It's not so easy to improve your cultivation base."

"I... I have broken into the strong demigod realm!"

"I know exactly how difficult it is to cross the threshold between the weak demigod realm and the strong demigod realm!"

"There must be tricks in this!"

Xue Wanren, deputy head of Guangming Academy, squinted his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching crazily while talking.

Impatience frantically churned in his mind, and his eyes flickered to the extreme for a moment.

The tingling sensation is silently being felt in the bottom of my heart, and the feeling is gradually followed.


"What's the meaning?"

"Aren't you happy that you have improved your cultivation?"

"Still chattering here!"


Uncle Jie curled his lips angrily, looking a little upset at the moment.

There is no indication of his combat power.

His cultivation base is stuck between the quasi-demigod and the supreme saint.

The previous demigod lightning tribulation seemed to have passed, but it seemed that he hadn't.

It was pretty embarrassing anyway.

Only one thing is certain, that is, because of his previous epiphany, his combat power has been upgraded to the weak demigod level!

Now that this wave of energy is completely poured back, for other normal practitioners, their cultivation base has skyrocketed!

Even those who are strong in the demigod realm have been promoted to a level.

Saint Venerable Realm can generally be promoted to two levels.

As for the existence of the six-star high-level sanctuary like Fang Fan, it directly crossed a large level, and the cultivation base expanded in an all-round way, and then became the existence of the seven-star high-level sanctuary.

Strong, invincible, and explosive.

For a time, people felt inexplicably happy and excited.

The light in the eyes is flickering, the lips are cracking little by little, and the footsteps are slowly moving forward. When the thoughts are flying, everything in front of me is suppressed and cleaned up!

Rhythm, gradually stable, thoughts, gradually fluttering.

Put your hands together in front of you, so heartbroken, let alone talk to anyone!

At the moment, basically everyone is celebrating happily.

Originally, they felt that the lava was about to submerge here gradually, and they were about to die without a doubt, and there would be no bones left, and they felt infinite anxiety and pain in their hearts.

But looking at it now, all of these have changed!

The speed of change is inexplicably delightful!

It would be a lie to say that there is no feeling at all.

Anyway, this time is really happy.

Feel flattered.

That's basically it.

Very stable and comfortable.

Gradually grasp various rhythms!

Very graceful!


"I'm alive?"


"Really alive!"

"I have known for a long time, I have known for a long time that I am the child of destiny!"

"Can jump out of that dangerous situation!"

"I am simply invincible!"

"Also... and my cultivation has actually been promoted from the strong demigod realm to the absolute peak demigod realm!"



"Who can... who can compete with me?"

"I am now... now in the same realm as the Bright Pope Yuwen Hanlin!"

"Now... now even if Yuwen Hanlin is in front of me, I can beat him directly!"

"Confidence! This is my own confidence!"


"Exciting...too exciting!"

"I like...I like this feeling!"

"Cool! So cool!"

The look of excitement gradually appeared on his face, and while he was talking at this moment, his breathing gradually became more real.

Infinite brilliance flashed in his eyes, and then he began to stab forward without limit!

Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint in the Temple of the Alliance of Light, gradually changed from that sad atmosphere, and gradually, excitement and excitement appeared on his face.

Such an urgent heart, let alone tell anyone.

While the footsteps are silently moving, the mind is bursting out in an all-round way!

Now he is more and more convinced that he is the child of destiny!

This Pagoda Palace exists for him,

"The fantasies I had before definitely didn't just exist in the spiritual world."

"It will become a reality!"

"My conjecture is absolutely correct!"

"At that time, I had an extremely strong feeling that I was destined to be here!"


"Now it seems that this is really the case!"

"Fortunately...fortunately, I lost my mentality before, no... I didn't play around a little bit!"

"Now... now is the time to have such an opportunity."

"The opportunity is right in front of you, but you must... you must not miss it!"

"Steady the rhythm, stabilize the mentality, this is what I need to do most now!"


"A mere demigod can't make me very happy!"

"Start! This is just the beginning!"

"There is a broader future waiting for me to seize!"

"My tomorrow will only look more graceful!"

"Ha! Hahaha! Cool! Cool!"


Excited screams blazed wildly in his mind, and for a while, his complexion became rosy, and his breathing gradually became rapid.

Ouyang Tu held his head high and his chest up, and his aura also increased.

Now he is the protagonist here!

Everyone can only worship under his feet! Then go lick his heels!

"Yuan Jiuxiang!"

"Kneel down!"

"evil creature!"

Ouyangtu let out a cold snort, and then walked directly in front of Yuan Jiuxiang, another first-class saint in the Temple of the Light Alliance, and then let out a cold snort, showing his posture to the fullest!

While speaking, he swallowed his saliva frantically, and then looked down at that Yuan Jiuxiang with a proud face.

Yuan Jiuxiang, the first-class sage of the Temple of the Alliance of Light, just woke up from the shock, and seeing this Ouyang disciple falling ill again, the corners of his mouth twitched subconsciously.

Now, he is even a little used to it.

Is this intermittent neurosis?

From time to time, you may get sick.

Then show off your sand sculpture sense all the time.

At a glance, his skull was about to burst immediately.

At this time, what else is there to say?

Don't understand, don't understand at all.

At the moment of sand sculpture, let's talk to someone.


"I know how you've become such an idiot again now."

"Isn't it just that you have been promoted to the top demigod realm?"

"Do you really think that this Futu Palace only loves you?"

"This saint has also been promoted!"


Yuan Jiuxiang snorted coldly, and then showed his aura indifferently.

All of a sudden, the aura of Jue Dian semi-god rushed towards his face, and the arrogant expression on Ouyang Tu's face instantly subsided, and his face was replaced by gray and black.

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