"If everyone doesn't say anything, the Protoss will really be over!"

"There will always be the first person!"

"In the end, there's always something to sacrifice."

"At this point, I knew it from the beginning."

"This matter, since the rhythm has been grasped, the rest is meaningless."

"Whatever should be done!"

"The pattern is like this, what can I do?"

"If my death can resonate with everyone, then I would rather die on the spot!"

"This is actually another level of liberation for me!"

"I'd be super excited and thrilled!"

"That's it, that's it!"

While speaking, thoughts gradually flowed away, and everything was silent.

Talha's words seemed very sincere.

For a moment, the picture in front of him trembled little by little.

Talha smiled, looking bleak for a moment.

In this era, that's it.

This is clearly an era of sand sculptures.

have nothing to say.

All the moments of complete silence, deep in my heart, there is only endless sense of despair.

Her lips trembled, but she couldn't say anything.

My heart was filled with inexplicable emotion.

Difficult... Difficult to go to the blue sky!

Such an idea, let alone tell it to anyone!

This wave looks particularly sad!

Both hands and feet looked extremely cold!

In the moment of numbness, I can't say anything more.

Everything is completely silent and completely over.

That's it, let's say a few more!

At this moment, Talha's body suddenly twitched a few times as if he was returning to the light, and then the scene in front of him became ethereal little by little.

"God Ladder...God Ladder..."

"This is the source of the chaos!"

"The original power is so powerful!"

"Terrible! It's really scary!"


"So what if we have a divine ladder?"

"Is it really worth losing your life because of this?"

"What's the point of such a fate?"

"Or, in the end, it's all going to come to an end?"

"If that's the case, it's even more meaningless!"

"Everything is messed up."


While Talha was talking, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of reversed blood, his complexion gradually turned rosy, and for a while, his body trembled in place.

The feeling of extreme pain made the whole body numb!

This also plays with a hammer!

"Talha! Talha!"

"You...you...you won't...won't it just end like this?"

"Hold on... Hold on!"


"Talk to you!"

"Can't you hear me?"


"You said that if you died here, thanks! How wronged!"


"I don't know how many times I've told you!"


"Why... why!"

Lugas couldn't bear to see his brother so cold, so he couldn't help but feel emotional. While speaking, thoughts gradually gathered in his mind, and gradually, he couldn't even say a word.

The divine ladder has finally come down!

Gradually falling from the sky, this thing is not a normal falling speed at all.

The speed of landing on the top is very slow, and it is only slightly better when it is down.

But now, it seems to be impossible again!

The current situation is particularly messy!

My thoughts wandered, I couldn't say a word, I wanted to feel something, but I couldn't express it clearly.

To be honest, the taste and feeling are too fancy!


"be mine!"

"Everyone is making a wedding dress for me!"

"Heh! Heh heh!"

"You... you want to compete with me?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Die! Let's all die!"

There was a sharp roar, the eyes gradually turned blood red, and the footsteps gradually stabbed, as if to completely burn everything around!

Ouyangtu, the first-class saint in the Temple of the Alliance of Light, can no longer contain his excitement!

Success is imminent!

Success is in sight!

How not to feel hesitant and passionate!

A wave of direct crushing made everyone numb!

"I am the master!"

"I'm the only winner here!"

"Not only the divine ladder here! All the divine ladders behind are mine!"

"It's mine! It's all mine!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Excited... so excited!"

"Come on! Come on all!"

"There's nothing to say... a bloody battle! A bloody battle!"

"Let's do it!"


The irritable voice was about to squeeze his entire head and explode. For a moment, the picture in front of him was completely wiped out!

Ouyang Tu's surprise eyes swept all around!

After finally seizing such a surprise moment, how could he not follow Tsundere's wave?

This wave, of course, is to show off in front of others!

For a while, the smile on his face became more and more excited.

Cool... so cool!

The footsteps continued to move forward, and the complexion became a little bit rosy.

Gradually, that crazy consciousness is about to soar to the extreme!

The divine ladder fell straight towards the top of Ouyang Tu's head!

Countless pairs of envious and jealous eyes around were focused on Ouyang Tu, and Ouyang Tu enjoyed such eyes very much.

Now, he feels that he is the strongest protagonist here!

Everyone must bow down to him!

Cool! Cool!

I am the only master!

I am the only Supreme!

I want everyone to be afraid of me! fear me!

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect that the real man is really him!"

"Could it be...Could it be possible that even the true gods...have to fall in love with him like this?"

"Why! Why!"

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"I don't accept it! I really don't accept it!"


"This magic ladder really fell on him, I can only be his slave!"

"Is this my destiny?"

"Desperate moment! What else is there to say?"

"It's nothing...it's nothing!"

"Are you really going to be covered by this guy?"

"What kind of world is this!"

The voice of emotion is in place!

Yuan Jiuxiang, another first-class saint in the Temple of the Light Alliance, felt inexplicably sad in his heart.

He thinks he's not bad.

He thinks he is strong.

But the Naxi things I think are not interesting, let alone meaningful.

Toss to the end, inexplicably feel sand sculpture.

That kind of sense of fun is not very strong.

In the end, it's nothing.

Yuan Jiuxiang closed his eyes silently, to a certain extent, he had already thought of the desperate scene.

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more.

Anyway, in the end, it still looks like a ghost.

never mind.

It doesn't make sense anymore!

Nothing, just play.

From now on, he is just a dog.

Since it is a dog, there must be a viscount who is a dog.

From now on, life has followed the stereotypes!

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