With his head held high and his chest held high, Bai Piao still looked presentable.

Thoughts drifted away, and the arrogance on his face was beyond words.

At the moment, the more I talk, the more excited I become, and the more I talk, the more surging.

Gradually have the feeling, consciousness, and gradually wake up!

Cool batch!

Feel happy!

The taste is endless!

That's it!

For the rest, the original rhythm is still developing smoothly.

"The reward is so rich, it must be difficult."

"These are all corresponding."

"We still can't be too reckless."

"Let's try to feel the Buddha Monument first!"

"It shouldn't be so easy to comprehend."

"Everyone goes there, and if anyone comprehends fast enough, they can try their best to help her enter a higher level."

Fang Fan pondered for a moment, then said

To be honest, Fang Fan didn't have much confidence in the Buddha Monument.

After all, it was the first time we met.

What is the situation, he has no idea in his mind.

In case it is buried inside like this, then play with a hammer.

This wave must be steady!

Stability is the first!

Fang Fan's eyes flickered slightly, and as his thoughts fluttered, various consciousnesses gradually came into place in his mind.

At the moment, like these people, I can only explore bit by bit.

Fortunately, every Buddhist monument here can accommodate many people to study together.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to divide the hundred monuments.

Fang Fan stared at the stele with big eyes and small eyes, but the small eyes couldn't help but move.

I don't understand any of the above questions.

Is it necessary to comprehend?

When I touched the monument, it was cold to the touch, but I didn't feel much other than that.

Looking at it at this moment, the whole person fell into a state of bewilderment and couldn't extricate himself.

I can't do anything I want to say.

All kinds of messy thoughts gradually became chaotic in his mind, so there is nothing else to say about this.

With his brain buzzing and trembling, he couldn't say a word.

All kinds of sand sculptures are in place, basically that's it.

If you can't stand still, it will be messy!

Very solid.


"I leave it to you to understand!"

"You know, I've never known anything about this kind of stuff!"

"I just glanced at it twice, and now I feel my brain is twitching."

"It really hurts!"

"very messy!"

Tai Shujie was the first to choose to give up.

Shaking his head quickly at this moment, he couldn't even comprehend a single monument.

Bai Piao tried his best to read all the one hundred monuments, and then walked back with a look of regret.

"I really don't know what you are trying to understand!"

"I don't know the word, and there are no steps on it!"

"Are you just staring at me so stupidly?"

"Good guy!"


"I can not stand it any more!"

"Looking at it like this, my eyeballs are going to be blind!"

"I can't take it anymore!"


"You come, you come!"

"I will give you the opportunity!"

"I'm waiting for you to take me off!"

"Come on!"

"This matter is related to the ownership of the divine ladder!"

"And there are rewards such as divine grace and so on!"

"It's simply not too cool!"

"Hold it, and you can take off!"

"Make good use of this opportunity!"

Bai Piao babbled, speaking in a serious manner.

This guy is always so confident when talking about others.

It's just that when things happen to me, it doesn't work well, and then I follow suit.

This guy has always been in such a habit.

Fang Fan shook his head, deeply moved.

A wave of bells and whistles.

This is completely flirting around.

While thoughts are flying, everything is silent.

If you are safe, you have to be safe.

In this matter, it really can't be messed up!

After watching for more than ten minutes, Fang Fan's eyes felt a little sore.

As for the harvest, there is nothing, everything, all in vain.

On the contrary, it made the whole person exhausted.

The corner of Fang Fan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help shaking his head, with an extremely helpless expression on his face.

This is really meaningless!

"Vice Palace Master, how are you doing?"

Fang Fan looked at Xue Wanren, the head of Guangming Academy, and asked immediately.

Xue Wanren can be regarded as a highly respected existence among this group of people.

"I can see some ideas."

"It seems to be regular."

"But if you want to comprehend, it will take time."

"Don't bother me."

"Let me study hard!"

"I feel that this thing is quite interesting."

Xue Wanren blinked his sleepy eyes, and while talking, his breathing gradually came into place.

Immediately, he hugged the monument like this and didn't want to let go.

The whole person's thoughts seemed to have been completely immersed in it and couldn't extricate themselves.

The more I looked at it, the more excited I became, and the more I looked at it, the more flushed my face became.

If there is some enlightenment, the whole person wants to subconsciously follow suit.

Exciting, exciting batch!

As thoughts fluttered, consciousness immediately expanded into place.

This wave, I feel flattered!

The refreshing feeling is also being superimposed little by little.

This shows that Xue Wanren did find some fun in this monument.

If not, he wouldn't be in this posture.

I just don't know what special truth to find in it.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his eyes flickered, his thoughts were messed up, and everything was kept silent.

Slowly, it feels in place.

Looking at the audience, some people are very irritable, while others are very quiet.

Those who are irritable have no feeling for this monument.

A quiet person is enlightened.


Suddenly, a golden light flickered past, and a person not far away actually had a golden light on his body!

"This saint, enlightened!"



"Indeed there is!"

"Is this saint the first to comprehend the human stele?"


"It's so easy! It's a small skill!"

"I thought it was something!"

"Too simple, isn't it?"

"It doesn't matter at all!"

"Casual...too casual!"

The person with the golden light is Ouyang Tu, the first-class saint in the Temple of the Alliance of Light.

He finally found such an opportunity to pretend, can he miss it now?

At the moment, it is natural to pretend to be full of force!

"The Buddha Monument has appeared!"

At the same time, that cold female voice reappeared!

Immediately afterwards, a golden list appeared in the air!

The relevant rankings are impressively recorded on it.

List of Buddha Monuments:

First place: Ouyangtu, a stele of enlightenment!

Second place: None!

Third place: None!


Due to the limitations of certain factors, it looks quite hip now.

Sweeping in place at a glance, my brain buzzed and trembled.

This taste gradually became numb.

For the rest, let's talk about a hammer.

While the thoughts are suppressed, the ideas are about to burst into place.

More than ten minutes passed, and the only one who comprehended the human stele was Ouyangtu.

And it's just a comprehension.

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