Although it was said that they collaborated to kill the supervisor just now.

But it doesn't mean you can entrust it at will.

Who can say for sure about this kind of thing.

Here, interests are all entangled everywhere.

Under the full support of the relationship of interests, it will really eat people.

If you are not careful, you may be completely swallowed.

"Oh, so that's the case."

Xiao Nanshan's eyes flashed, and then he said a few words.

At this moment, his expression was changing, and his thoughts were flying ahead.

The rhythm is sweeping madly.

"Let's go!"

"Through the dark forest, we are safe."

Xiao Nanshan shrugged and said with a smile.

"This black forest...isn't that easy to get through."

"We're always on the periphery these days."

Fang Fan murmured.


"Crossing this black forest can also be said to be an adventure of a narrow escape."

"In the depths of this black forest, I don't know how many monsters are hidden."

"If you are not careful, you may be completely swallowed up."

" careful with it."

"Whether you can survive depends on whether your life is hard enough!"


"Anyway, there is no better way!"

"This time, the leader of the overseer is not alive, so we can get a chance to escape."

"If it weren't for that, I wouldn't dare to make up my mind to leave at will."

"If you don't grasp the opportunity to escape this time, you don't know how long you will have to wait."

"If it really comes to that time, it will really be completely terminated."

"If that's the case, it's meaningless."

"Lengbo on the spot, a dead end!"

A murmuring sound followed, and the picture in front of him was being fully locked.

The more you think about it, the more relevant your feelings become.

For a time, it was sweeping like mountains and seas again and again.

The bearded man Xiao Nanshan gritted his teeth, showing the aura of a tough guy.

Fang Fan silently nodded, actually agreeing with the big bearded man.

Things have developed to this point, and there seems to be no better way.

Instead of just sitting here and waiting to die, it's better to go for a gamble!

What if it works.

If it succeeds, even if it is completely escaped from here.

At that time, it will be a brand new life!

If you continue to stay in this ghost place, you will not have much development in your life.

Along the way, Fang Fan and Xiao Nanshan walked forward as much as possible, so as to minimize their sense of existence.

After a wave, they also encountered some low-level monsters.

Overall, it's relatively safe.

The night was gradually falling, and it seemed that it was already night.

"There is a vigil at night."

"Can't sleep too hard."

"At night, anything can happen."

"Those supervisors probably won't come after them, but the monsters here should pay attention."

"If you are not careful, you may be attacked."

"So be more vigilant."

"You can't wave, you must be steady! Stability is the first!"

The murmuring to himself followed, and Xiao Nanshan's expression gradually changed significantly.

Now it's time to cheer up!

Absolutely... Absolutely no more mistakes!

Can't afford to make mistakes!

If it's messed up, there's nothing left.

In the middle of the night, the howling of wolves followed.

"It's the Shadow Sirius!"

"Be careful!"

"This beast is poisonous!"

"If you get bitten, you will feel dizzy!"

"Can't wave!"

As soon as Xiao Nanshan's complexion changed, he rushed towards the position of a shadow Sirius, crushed directly, and then began to strike wildly!

A sense of chaotic oppression swept over, inexplicably shocking!

The picture in front of him was spinning crazily, and his consciousness gradually became less clear.

For a moment, an extreme sense of confusion came, and his thoughts suddenly burst out!




In front of him, a dozen or so shadow wolves were following like shadows, rushing towards them frantically at this moment.

When bouncing, it is full of explosive power!

"All of them are in the strong demigod realm and the peak demigod realm."

"Brother Fang Fan, you have to be careful!"

"It's not easy!"

"If there is a slight deviation, it will be chaotic!"

After Xiao Nanshan finished speaking, he rushed forward, and immediately started fighting with these shadow wolves.

Fierce battles are underway.

Yuwen Hanlin is also in the top demigod state, this wave also rushed forward, Ling Lie's attack has already formed!

The crazy battle broke out at this moment!

crash! Keep hitting!

For a time, it is a bright spot!

At the moment, the picture in front of him changes rapidly, and his consciousness is also being crazily contained and compressed!

At the end, at the end, I was cold on the spot, speechless!

At this moment, a shadow Sirius took advantage of the situation and rushed towards Fang Fan's position.

Fang Fan glanced at it, and was sure that he would not be able to beat him.

At this time he has two choices.

Either run away, or release a few heroes or the top ten legions, let them fight to the end here.

Fang Fan blinked, thought carefully, and decided to run away.

Xiao Nanshan is still here, there is no need to reveal his hole cards at this time.

Running to a remote place, Fang Fan made a thought, and then his whole body has entered this consciousness.

The picture in front of me was changing wildly, and the light flickered, as if everything was going to be completely wiped out!

With an excited heart and trembling hands, only by experiencing it can you understand the true meaning!

Fang Fan entered the small world of Chutian Pavilion to take refuge temporarily.


Shadow Sirius shook his head and watched his food disappear just like that, with a look of bewilderment on his face.

Was he still here just now?

Is he in hiding?


Shadow Sirius continued to growl anxiously, but didn't think much of it, and then turned his head to attack Yuwen Hanlin and Xiao Nanshan.

Xiao Nanshan's attack power is really too strong.

The ten or so strong demigods and the top demigods were basically killed by him!

As soon as he made a move, everything was wiped out!

All of a sudden, all the formations were crushed into place, which made people feel thrilling inexplicably!

For a while, I didn't know what to say.

The whole person is in anxiety and numbness.

The mentality collapsed, the consciousness was destroyed, and the rhythm was even more chaotic!

"So strong."

Yuwen Hanlin took a deep breath, thinking about it in his heart, and silently wrote it down in his heart.

Looks like I have to be more careful in the future!

If this guy suddenly confronts him and his master, with his power of Yuwen Hanlin, I'm afraid he really can't handle it.

To some extent, this is not a level of combat power at all.

They are far from each other.

In this way, I naturally have ideas and solutions in my heart.

"By the way, where's the master?"

At this moment, Yuwen Hanlin remembered that he hadn't seen Fang Fan for a long time.

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