Now it's purely bewildered.

The whole person is dumbfounded.

Consciousness is also being completely destroyed.

Anyway, it doesn't matter at all right now.

As long as you can't be beaten to death, then do it to death!

This kind of awareness and thoughts have already taken root in Liu Dalong's mind.

He didn't want to live.

With the body of an absolute demigod, he has resisted so many lingering attacks by a two-star pseudo-god-level powerhouse. It can only be said that he is indeed strong enough!

Unparalleled and powerful combat power erupted, and he was showing his unique charm at this moment!



"The last attack!"

"You must die!"

"You are really annoying!"

"It's annoying to watch!"


"Pierce the stars and cut the moon!"


The lingering blade swept over, and for a while, the surrounding aura gradually overwhelmed it, making people feel tremors inexplicably.

The rhythm is gathered in place, and it is being promoted in an all-round way according to the established direction.

"It's just a death!"

"What counts?"

"Sometimes, death is actually a kind of relief."


"It would be great if I could be freed like this!"

"Freed, freed!"

Whispering voices followed, and the scene in front of him was being destroyed without limit.

On Liu Dalong's body, a silver light suddenly flashed past!


Wisps of divine power were crazily sweeping towards him.

At the moment, there are bursts of extremely strong oppression!

"Is this... a promotion?"

"The deputy village master has been promoted! From the top demigod realm to the one-star pseudo-god realm!"

"Vice village master...invincible!"

"Under adversity, I was actually promoted!"

"This... this is a narrow escape!"

"The deputy village master is too powerful!" =

"Deputy village master! Deputy village master!"


The morale of these practitioners in Feilongzhai was immediately boosted.

At this moment, his eyes were wide open, and the excitement was hard to express in words.

One by one, they were trembling with each other.

The more I talked, the more surging I became, and the more I talked, the more my body was out of my control.

This time, consciousness is being destroyed without limit!

Such a feeling, fully swept in place!

A real batch!

Excited to burst!

Others are missing, let alone what to say.

Because everything is said in vain!

"I didn't expect you to have such an opportunity!"

"It's a bit of a skill!"

"But don't think that if you are promoted, you can escape disaster!"


"Damn it, I still have to die!"

"Speaking of which, it was only the skill of killing Jue Dian demigods, but now I can easily pick up a skill of killing false gods!"

"Good! Excellent!"

"I'm destined to take off!"

The head of Jiufengzhai, Ling Xiao, sneered, and then continued to attack Liu Dalong.

Liu Dalong, who has just been promoted to the one-star pseudo-god realm, has certainly increased his fighting power!

But if you want to fight against a veteran two-star pseudo-god-level powerhouse like the master of Jiufengzhai now, it's still a bit short after all.

Now, although Liu Dalong was able to withstand two moves from time to time, but looking at the overall situation, he was still basically being beaten up.

The current state looks very messy.

For a time, the overall situation was also under unlimited suppression.



"Go on! Come on! Fight!"

Liu Dalong's will is still as strong as it was at the beginning!

"Blood Asura Legion!"

"It's your turn to play."

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, his thoughts wandered in place, and his consciousness was being completely suppressed!

"Obey my lord!"

After Luo Hu, the leader of the Blood Shura Legion, got the order, he instantly summoned the other six Blood Shuras to his side, and whispered to himself.

"Asura unite!"

The exclusive legion skill [Sura Unity], once used, the combat power will be fully improved!

For a time, it will have unimaginable infinite power!

After the full explosion is in place, you will be suppressed to death in an instant. That state is intense and crazy!

Invisibly, it makes people feel trembling!

All wishes are under full lock!

[Sura Unity] Once the Legion's exclusive skill is used, seven Blood Shuras can be assembled into one, and then become the ultimate body of Blood Shura.

At the same time, its combat power will also directly increase two levels of combat power!

Unfortunately, it can only last ten minutes.

The original blood Shura was in the strong half-god realm, after two realms were raised, he is now in the one-star pseudo-god realm!

After adversity and promotion, Liu Dalong is also a one-star pseudo-god.

Coupled with the ultimate body of Blood Shura, the existence of two one-star pseudo-god realms cooperate with each other, and the current combat power will naturally soar in an all-round way!

Immediately, there was an extremely strong motivating effect, and everything in front of him was completely wiped out!

Such a formation made people feel crazy and numb for a while!

In the end, the whole person became lonely, and that was probably the case.

"Another one-star false god?"


"The cards are all out now, right?"

"good very good!"

"You want to play, right?"

"You like to play, don't you?"

"Play together! Let's play together!"

"If you want to play, I can accompany you!"

"Interesting! It's really interesting!"

"Today, I, Ling Xiao, am destined to make great contributions!"

"Pick off the heads of your two one-star false gods and dedicate them to the castle master. The castle master will be happy together!"

"Together! Come together!"

"Dead! All die!"

A fierce roar followed, and the attitude of gnashing teeth swept across, and the viciousness in the eyes was beyond words!

Ling Xiao, the owner of Jiufengzhai, seemed extremely crazy.

The roar is being suppressed step by step.

Consciousness spewed out, completely locking everything in front of him!

The consciousness of fighting is at its peak at the moment!

"This guy... is crazy."

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, looked up, and then murmured to himself.

This state is no different from madness.

For a while, there were still bursts of sand sculpture consciousness attacking in an all-round way.

Not much else to say, the feeling seemed very real.

"Ha ha!"

"I still have reinforcements?"


"This time, maybe we can counterattack and fight back!"

Liu Dalong yelled, and couldn't help but glance at where Fang Fan was.

He knew very well that it was impossible for those cultivators in Feilongzhai to gather a one-star pseudo-god existence.

The only one-star pseudo-god-level powerhouse in Feilongzhai is the village owner Ma Yiliang, but Ma Yiliang has gone to nowhere for a long time.

He slipped away, that Ma Yiliang left them here as a substitute for the dead ghosts, how could he come back to rescue them?

As for the rescue of the Castle Master and the Mansion Master, it is beyond the reach of the whip, and it is unrealistic.

So Fang Fan is the only one who can come up with one star of pseudo-god-level combat power!

Only Fang Fan, he couldn't see clearly.

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