Things that obviously do not conform to common sense should naturally be questioned.

You can't pretend to be blind, can you?

This will not work.

How sad is this heart?

Mentally burst?

When I think of this, the pattern is stretched.

"You forced me!"

"Blood Swallowing Technique!"

Ling Xiao, the owner of Jiufengzhai, suddenly roared, and then the clothes on his body began to be stretched out little by little.

Immediately afterwards, the clothes exploded, revealing the muscle bumps inside.

Looking at it at first glance, it seemed quite surprised.

Blood packs suddenly bulged up on this guy!

At this moment, the combat effectiveness has improved a lot.

"Blood Swallowing Kungfu! By devouring one's own blood energy to forcibly increase one's strength, this kind of kung fu is going to damage one's foundation! Is he crazy? You have to practice this kind of kung fu?"

"If it is not done well, there will be no chance of promotion in the future!"

"Hehe! Why is this so? If you can't say it, you will be cold from now on, and then you don't know how to die."

"Crazy, what a crazy!"

"But I have to say that this exercise is really easy to use. At least it can improve your strength immediately, okay?"

"Eh... this really cannot be denied."

"What should we do now? In this situation, it's dangerous! Can our deputy village master hold on?"

"The deputy village master is so brave, there must be no problem! The deputy village master will fight to the end!"

These people in Feilong Village can only pin their hopes on Liu Dalong now.

Liu Dalong also tried his best, but after all, he was one level behind. Although he had the comprehensive support of [Battle Control] magical skills, in this situation, he still felt that he was a little bit behind.

This taste gathered silently for a while, and it seemed very bitter.

At present, Ling Xiao, the owner of Jiufengzhai, also tried his best, and even showed the [Blood Swallowing Kung Fu], which damages the foundation.

At times like this, it's only normal to have bouts of depression.

Relatively speaking, this thing is actually human nature.

"How to do how to do!"

"I don't know how long this sudden increase in power can last."

"If he disappears, there will be no chance to destroy him again!"


"I'm trash!"

Liu Dalong seemed to be giving up on himself.

"Brother Liu!"

"Later, you have to attack with all your strength!"

"Use all your strength!"

"He will be locked for three seconds later!"

Fang Fan shouted to Liu Dalong from the air.


Liu Dalong was stunned for a moment and then received a solid fist, looking a little dazed for a while.

The consciousness is suppressed in place, and the eyes flicker, it doesn't feel like that.

There always seems to be some problems here.

"Cough! Cough cough!"

Liu Dalong was beaten to the ground, coughed and got up again.

Although he didn't know the specific consciousness of Fang Fan's words, it didn't matter.

He believed in Fang Fan unconditionally.

At times like this, no-brain trust is fine.

For the rest, it doesn't matter.

He is waiting for the best time to attack crazy!



"A bunch of fools!"

"What are you expecting?"

"Could it be possible that you really thought that the village master would be locked for three seconds?"

"What is lock? Will the owner of this village be locked?"

"Thinking too much!"

"Who dares to target the village master!"

"Who? Who?"


When Ling Xiao, the owner of Jiufengzhai, was rampant, his face suddenly became stiff.

At this moment, his body seemed to be in a daze on the spot.

If you look at it from the outside, this guy looks like a statue now, and then he just hangs there stupidly.

Anyway, this wave can't go or move, and at a glance, there are inexplicable bursts of weirdness all over the place.

For a moment, I couldn't say a word, and my thoughts followed Mazhu directly.

The rest are missing, say a hammer?

It doesn't make much sense, it's basically like that, quite realistic.


How could Liu Dalong miss this opportunity, at this moment, all the prehistoric powers around him were unleashed.

The endless power is frantically gathering, and the surrounding space seems to be completely fissioned!

Looking at the past in the same way, I feel inexplicably terrified and excited in my heart!

Holding a weapon in his hand, Liu Dalong stabbed the guy in front of him again and again.

Then continue to make up the knife, for fear that this guy will still have a moment of vitality.

It wasn't until Ling Xiao, the owner of Jiufengzhai, was dismembered, that Liu Dalong collapsed to the ground gasping heavily.

tired! Extreme fatigue invaded the whole body.



"Almost...almost boiled to death."




Liu Dalong spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, and the blood on his forehead dripped down with sweat.

At the moment, the whole body is trembling and trembling.

The feeling and taste of extreme madness is not as good as imagined.

From time to time, I have to shrink my neck.

It was painful and tormenting.

As for the surrounding practitioners of Feilongzhai, they lost their voice immediately.

They were dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

Their deputy village master Liu Dalong killed Ling Xiao, the chief of Jiufeng Village? That is the existence of the two-star pseudo-god realm!

Really kill! Kill directly!

At this moment, the corpse has become such a ghost!

Not fake!

A real batch!

For a moment, he was completely speechless.

At the moment, how can I say a word? While trembling all over, my mentality has already collapsed.

"The deputy village master is invincible!"

"The deputy village master killed Ling Xiao!"

"The deputy village master killed the supreme powerhouse of the two-star pseudo-god realm!"

"Deputy village master! Deputy village master!"

"We won! We won!"

"We really won!"

"We all survived!"

"Long live the deputy village master! Long live!"


There were bursts of cheers from around.

The long live here is purely to express the obedience to Liu Dalong, not to curse him to live only 10,000 years.

After all, for a cultivator in the pseudo-god realm, as long as he does not want to die, it is still relatively difficult to die of old age.

Of course, when you reach a certain age, for example, when you are a million years old, you may also encounter some kind of catastrophe. If you are not strong enough, you will be wiped out.

The Heavenly Dao of God's Domain must also set up some mechanisms to regularly clean up a group of people before allowing the next group of people to come up.

Otherwise, if you lived for endless years, what would you become? One by one, they all became monsters!

When I think about it, it's kind of scary.

There were cheers and cheers, and everyone was very happy.

After resting for a while, Liu Dalong finally recovered a little energy and energy.

Looking at Ling Xiao's corpse in front of him, he still felt unreal.

This is the corpse of Ling Xiao, the head of the Jiufeng Village in Snow Eagle Fort! This is the corpse of a two-star pseudo-god-level powerhouse!

This guy was killed by him!

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