"Brother Fang Fan, can this guy cooperate?"

"Why do I feel that this guy has a kind of consciousness that he would rather die than obey?"

"He is a slave contract of a crazy rebel."

"And now the sense of resistance is still so strong."

Liu Dalong couldn't help reminding from the side.

He felt there was something wrong with it.

It looks... very strange.


"The upcoming battle to capture the Millennium Village will not be delayed."

Fang Fan pondered for a while, and then he was very confident.

This is no ordinary war slave contract.

This is the [Rage God's Contract]!

So far, it seems that nothing has happened to this 【Rage God's Contract】.

If not, Fang Fan would not have such confidence.

Thinking about it in my heart, the smile on the corner of my mouth naturally increased.

A wave of involvement is in place, and they are being fully implemented in accordance with the established direction and goals.

In terms of feeling, it is quite real.

Feel silently, that's all.


Yang Da, the deputy head of Qianxi Village, viciously touched his head on the ground, and then let out a muffled sound.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Da's expression became completely numb.

This wave is completely speechless.

After a long delay, Yang Da raised his head tremblingly.


"Yang...Yang Da convinced!"

"Yang...Yang Da never dares again!"

"Master, from now on, Yang Da will be respectful."

"Please... Master please stop torturing me."

"I...I feel the strength of the master."

Yang Da couldn't help shaking his body while talking.

The cold sweat on the forehead instantly seeped out.

As he spoke, the look of horror in his pupils was beyond words.

The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't control my heart.

The whole person almost fainted.

It's too exciting, and I can't grasp it.

Now that he completely surrendered to Fang Fan, Yang Da felt that the splitting headache had disappeared.

Not to mention that he did any special moves to Fang Fan, even if he wanted to hurt Fang Fan in his heart, his head would subconsciously ache.

In this case, he naturally had no choice but to gather all his consciousness back.

After all, whenever there is a little accident, the mentality will be completely collapsed.

Difficult... Difficult to go to the blue sky!

"I'm afraid there is no hope for this life."

"I can only follow the master."

"I can live only if the master lives."

"If something happens to the master, as a war slave, I will definitely be buried with him."

"If the master is living well, I will naturally be able to live well."

"So I can only pin all my hopes on the master in the future."

"I want to help... to help the master become stronger."

"That's good for me, too."

Yang Da lowered his head, thinking in his heart, all consciousness is fully diverging.


"As long as you obey my orders, I will naturally not deliberately target you."

"But if you insist on telling me some crooked things, then I'm sorry, and I can only kill you directly."

"These mainly depend on your own will."

"Think about yourself."

Fang Fan pondered for a while, and then spoke directly.

"We are going to attack Qianxi Village, you lead the way, is it okay?"

Fang Fan looked at Yang Da and confirmed.


"This is sure to be fine."

"Master, don't worry about me."

"I've been in Qianxizhai for so many years, if I go there, they won't dare to move around."

"On weekdays, I am the one who manages the daily affairs of Qianxi Village, and I am quite prestigious among them."

"The key now lies in Jia Hao, the owner of Qianxi Village!"

"This Jia Hao is a two-star pseudo-god existence."

"I can't beat it at all."

"I'm no match for him."

"If there is a fight, it will definitely be very dangerous."

"Especially in this situation."


Yang Da took a deep breath and looked at Fang Fan. Now he couldn't help thinking about Fang Fan.

"The two-star false god is not a problem."

"Just take us with you."

Fang Fan chuckled, if he didn't even have this self-confidence, he would be blind for nothing, then he wouldn't come here to make a fuss.

Since he is here, it shows that he has the self-confidence of a Jedi!

As for how to develop in the future, it depends on how this road will continue to operate.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered, and his consciousness exploded as his thoughts fluttered!

In the entire Feilong village, except for a few guards left behind, the rest of the army attacked!

At this moment, he sprinted directly towards the Millennium Village.

This wave is to do a big job thoroughly!

All kinds of rhythms and so on have followed and stabilized.

Next, is the most iron-blooded moment!

Invisibly, inexplicably, people felt a slight twitch.

A few hours later, everyone rushed to the gate of Qianxi Village.

"The deputy village master is back!"

"Deputy village master, why did you bring so many people behind you!"

"Deputy village master! Who are they!"

At the gate of Qianxi Village, a sentry couldn't help asking.

"Shut up!"

"These are my guests!"

"When is it your turn to ask?"

"Open the door!"

"Let labor and capital go in!"

Yang Da snorted coldly, looking very bad-tempered at the moment.

What it was like on weekdays, it should be like now.

If the deviation is too large, it will definitely be discovered by others, and it will be bad if there is an accident or something.

"Uh... Deputy village master, the village master said that people of unknown origin cannot be allowed to enter the village."

"It is said that the surrounding area is not very safe recently."

The sentinel whispered something.


Yang Da slapped him with a big mouth.

"Let you talk back!"



"You dare to investigate the person brought by the deputy village master!"

"Go away!"

"Labor and management personally open the door!"

"Where is the village master, I will tell!"

Yang Da looked aggressive, and immediately opened the gate of Qianxi Village.

Fang Fan was also polite, and went in with the people directly.

Now everything is still running rampant according to the established direction.

Looking back, it's pretty normal.

Basically, there were not too many surprises.

Fang Fan squinted his eyes, thoughts flickered in his mind, and his consciousness gradually drifted into place.

The scale of the Millennium Village is indeed larger than that of the Feilong Village.

After all, it is a famous Dazhaizi nearby, so it is indeed different.

"That's the residential area for ordinary villagers."

"Master, I can handle those people, there's no problem."

"That's the logistics area."

"That is the mansion of the Walled Master Jia Hao."

"The slightly smaller one next to it is my mansion."

"When the battle is over, I hope to bring Master to my house as a guest."

Yang Da lowered his head, nodded and bowed his head.

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