"Is there really no one who can fight?"

Xu Dakai, the owner of Changhai Castle, took a deep breath, and then scanned the surrounding roads.

His implication is already very strong, I just hope everyone can stand up enthusiastically!

What the hell, all of them are shrinking their heads, what's going on?

One by one, inexplicably like sand sculptures, you know?

Can't you be a little more comfortable?

Do you pull your hips so much?

It's really disgusting to the extreme!

On weekdays, she pretends to be cocky, what's wrong? Now as soon as something serious happens, you start to run away in a hurry?

Damn stuff!

What's the use of raising these bastards?

I only know how to piss people off!

The more I think about it, the more restless I feel in my heart.

While thinking in a mess, the whole person gradually followed Ma Zhua.

A wave of bells and whistles.

Rhythm, pull the hips to the extreme!


"My lord, you are wise and mighty, or else...or you will personally conquer..."

At this time, a cultivator from Changhaibao snorted, with a flattering attitude on his face.

Xu Dakai: "???"


play? Oh shit!

Can it work?

If you can't get along, just say it frankly!

Don't fool around here!

Shaking all over with anger!

If you don't go, let the master of this castle go?

If you are afraid of danger when you go inside, the owner of this castle is not afraid of danger?


Is this kind of thought hidden in everyone's heart?

One by one, why not go to heaven? Why not go shoulder to shoulder with the sun?


Xu Dakai, the owner of Changhai Fortress, let out a mouthful of turbid air viciously, black lines were densely covered on his forehead.

These bastards, one counts as one, and none of them is good!

Damn stuff! I almost pissed myself off!

damn thing! Do you all want to die?


Just say it if you want to die! Don't be so special here, it means a hammer.

Xu Dakai, the master of Changhai Fort, was walking back and forth, his brows were furrowed, his thoughts were wandering, and his expression became very solemn little by little.

"It seems that no one really wants to go."

"Could it be possible that Ma Yiliang really wants to lead troops to take back Feilongzhai?"

"It's just that I just taught this guy a lesson and told him to get out of the hall. Now, do I want to lick my face and let him come back?"


"This... I really can't do it!"

"At least, I really can't be so shameless."

"Where is the face of the lord of this castle?"

"No, this won't work."

"It makes the owner of this castle look like a piece of rubbish."

Xu Dakai, the owner of Changhai Fort, was walking back and forth, he still cared a lot about face.

It's just that someone actually directly curbs it now.

How can this work?

Isn't this slapping him in the face?

"My lord, the village master Ma Yiliang seems to know that he is wrong."

"It's crying outside right now."

"My lord, you have a lot, why don't you give him another chance?"

At this time, a pseudo-god cultivator from Changhai Fort secretly delivered a sentence.

In this way, Xu Da, the lord of Changhai Fort, will be opened a step down.

At least in this way, he can develop smoothly, instead of gnashing his teeth all the time.


"Is it?"

"He really knew he was wrong?"

"Did you not deceive the Lord of this Castle?"

Xu Dakai, the master of Changhai Fort, deliberately raised his voice.

"Yes, Lord Castle Master, the subordinates can vouch for him!"

"That's right, Lord Fortress, let's give Village Lord Ma Yiliang a chance!"

"My lord, Ma Yiliang's willingness to reimburse you is really rare!"

"My lord, look at Ma Yiliang, if you don't forgive him, he may kneel down there forever!"

"My lord!"


There were bursts of shouts from around.

All of a sudden, it gathered together.

Rhythm consciousness and so on are completely torn apart.

The more thoughts, the more feelings.

So many people are opening the steps for Xu Da, the owner of Changhai Fortress.

If Xu Dakai didn't come down at this time, he would be really stupid.


"Let him in!"

Xu Dakai, the master of Changhai Fort, waved his hand.

This arrangement is suitable.


Outside the main hall, Ma Yiliang was still beating up his cronies Sun Zhan crazily!

"You are a broom star!"


"If you hadn't advised the owner of the village to leave Feilongzhai and flee to Changhai Fort, how could the owner of the village have fallen to this point?"

"It's all you! It's all you!"

"Since the owner of this village has followed you, nothing good will happen to him!"

"Damn it! The aura is the owner of the village!"

"Why don't you die!"

"Ah! What face do you have to continue living?"

"Lick your face, who the hell are you showing it to?"

"How about yourself, don't you have any points in your heart?"

"Oh shit!"

"When I see you like this, I feel angry inside!"

"I'm furious!"

"Fight! Keep fighting!"

"Thump you to death!"

Hesteri's roar followed, and the sandbag-sized fist fell crazily.

This is really punching into the flesh!

At this moment, Ma Yiliang really beat Sun Zhan like a sandbag.

All the anger and resentment are vented in this way little by little.

At this moment, his complexion is sinister, his consciousness bursts, his eyes are blood red, and his consciousness is rioting!

It's all damn it!

Damn it all! Damn it all!

Let you be arrogant! Let you swell!

ah! Ahhhhh!

Hestia's roar is so sincere!

Those who should come will always follow, just like this, crazy squeeze!

That sense of madness is very real!

"Ma Zhaizhu, don't fight."


"If you hit again, you will really kill someone!"

"Hurry up and stop!"

At this time, a practitioner from Changhaibao came over to fight.


"Leave me alone?"

"Oh shit!"

"Why didn't you pull me when labor and capital were beaten up by the castle owner?"

"Laozi beat his own dog, what's bothering you?"


"It's driving labor and management crazy, labor and management will fight with you!"

"Turtle's stuff!"

"It's not a good thing at all!"


While talking, Ma Yiliang continued to hit Sun Zhan's face with his fist, directly knocking out the last back molar of Sun Zhan.

At this moment, Sun Zhan could only curl up his body and protect his head as much as possible.

Being alive now shows that his physique is really good.

If the physique was poor, he would have been hammered to death long ago.

impermanence of life.

"I have to live!"

"I want to live!"

"There is hope in life!"

"It's okay to be beaten into a cripple, beaten to look bad."

"Just live."

Sun Zhan muttered to himself, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

All consciousness is completely numb at the moment!

Only the living consciousness seems so stubborn!

Excited heart trembling hands, almost like this.

It's nothing, just a few fools.

"Master of the horse village, the master of the castle let you in."

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