In the palace master's mansion, the noise continued for a long time.

From time to time, a wave has to erupt.

For those people in the palace master's mansion, they have already gotten used to it a long time ago.

It's just that this time it's a little bit special.

It seems that the palace master and the eldest son are making noise inside?

When the army is pressing down on the border, you don't want to retreat from the enemy, but you are still here, what's the matter?


Why does it feel a little special...

Inexplicably, waves of sand sculpture consciousness swept through.

It just doesn't feel right.

There are many tricky looks hidden in it.

Next, how to promote it is the most important thing!


"Kill or not?"

Palace Master Lu Hong stared at his son Lu Sheng, his tone softened a little.

"Father, they are all pregnant, how can I kill them?"

Lu Sheng said helplessly.

"Father, why don't you wait until the child is born and see who it is, and then it won't be too late to kill him."

Lu Sheng continued to add.

Lu Hong: "..."

"In this case, even if blood is used to recognize relatives... there is no detection result."

"But it's better to experiment."

"Anyway, let's find out whose child it is!"

"This generation can't be messed up."

Mansion Master Lu Hong gritted his teeth and stared at the belly of his concubine Ye Xiang, with a stubborn expression on his face!

impermanence of life!

How could this kind of shit happen to him!

bad luck! How unlucky! Almost vomiting blood!

You can't do this shit!

The more I think about it, the more I feel the blood surging in my heart!

At this moment, I can't grasp it at all!

Damn it! Damn it!


"Father, the key point is that you can't recognize your relatives with blood..."

"This child...hasn't been born yet."

Lu Sheng blinked.


"According to the ancient secret method, it is enough to pierce the abdomen with silver needles, and then extract a little blood from the embryo."

"bring it on!"

Mansion Master Lu Hong groaned, and immediately began to operate.

The little concubine Ye Xiang was trembling at the side and didn't dare to speak. She was lucky to be able to save her life at this moment.

She now hopes that this child belongs to the Palace Master. If so, the Palace Master may spare her life.

Thinking of this, my concubine Yexiang couldn't help becoming nervous.

The embryonic blood was extracted.

Put it in the water now.

"You come first or labor and management come first?"

Palace Master Lu Hong frowned.


"This... Dad, you should come first."

Lu Sheng said humbly.


Palace Master Lu Hong snorted coldly, then bit his own finger, and dripped a drop of blood into it.

Blood was never compatible.

Palace Master Lu Hong's complexion turned extremely cold in an instant.

"This is not my son!"


"Even if this is my grandson, even if the degree of mutual integration is not so high, it is not so repulsive!"


"Whose species is that in your stomach?"

"It's not mine, and it shouldn't be Lu Sheng's either!"


"How many green hats have you put on labor and management!"

Mansion Master Lu Hong stared at his concubine Ye Xiang through gritted teeth, and almost fainted from anger at this moment.

Immediately, he directly pinched the throat of my concubine Yexiang, as if trying to kill her!

Oh shit!

This is too irritating!

The whole person was immediately exhausted.

While grinding his teeth at this moment, his complexion became more and more sinister.


All this hateful thing!

The more I think about it, the more messy I feel!

damn thing!

It's all fucking dog stuff!

Just vomited!


"Just the two of you!"

"You can't go wrong!"

"The child cannot be someone else's!"

"Could it be that the method of recognizing relatives with a drop of blood is simply...unreliable at all!"

"Otherwise, let the eldest son bleed again."

The concubine Yexiang felt the strong killing intent of the mansion master Lu Hong, and immediately grabbed the last straw.

"Father, let me try again."

"Maybe there is something wrong with your method."

Lu Sheng followed suit.



"This is the ancient secret method! How could there be an accident!"

Mansion Master Lu Hong sneered, and immediately saw that his son Lu Sheng had successfully bit off his finger, and then that drop of blood entered the clear water.

The blood taken from the child's embryo and Lu Sheng's blood were perfectly fused together.

And the blood of the palace master Lu Hong stayed alone, without any fluctuations at all.

Palace Master Lu Hong's face became even colder.


"my child!"

"This is my child!"

"Father! You can let Ye Xiang go now."

"Yexiang didn't lie!"

"Father, please, since Ye Xiang didn't lie, you will be killed."

"What's in her stomach is your grandson after all."

Lu Sheng smiled.

Little did he know that at this moment the palace master Lu Hong's heart had already exploded on the spot.

"She didn't lie to me, but your mother did!"

"What your mother hides is really deep!"

"You and the blood of this bastard are not compatible with me."

"This shows that you are not related to me by blood!"

"You and this bastard are indeed father and son! But labor and capital have nothing to do with you and this bastard!"


"You are not my own son either!"

"The green hat your mother gave me!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Palace Master Lu Hong roared immediately.

But for any individual, when encountering such a thing, he is more or less overwhelmed.

You may even feel that life has no meaning and no pursuit.

At this glance, I was completely at a loss!

damn thing! It's all dog stuff!

The more I think about it, the more messed up I feel in my heart!

This... What is the meaning of this!

Collapsing and numb directly!

Why is the urge to vomit blood so strong?

When I think of this, I have nothing to say!

Really want to kill all this!

The truth locks it all in!

At this moment, I can't cover it at all!

Can you calm down a little bit?

It's been so messy all the time, who can stand it?

I don't want to say the vicious words anymore, I want to vomit blood now!


"This... no way."

"Dad...Dad, hold on."

"Father, don't think too much."

"This method of blood recognition is indeed...really unreliable."

"Father, don't believe me."

" should be more careful!"



Lu Sheng panicked.

The matter just now was big or small.

It's fine for Father to beat him up, no matter how hard he beats, at least he can save his life.

If it is found out that he is not the biological son of the father, how can he keep it?

At that time, it will be really fatal.

Thinking of this, the whole body is shaking accordingly.

At this moment, his lips are pursed, his eyes are slack, and he can't say a word.

Mentality or something, has long since exploded to the extreme.

Lu Sheng wanted to run away.

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