Now Fang Fan still has almost 1.3 billion Faith Beads in his hands.

It's okay... Continue to promote...

There was a fiery look in Fang Fan's eyes.

The ten four-star pseudo-god realm legions are all his confidence.

There are two choices before Fang Fan.

Or promote all the top ten legions to the five-star pseudo-god realm!

If everyone is promoted to a level, it is still relatively possible, and it will not seem too difficult.

The other one is dedicated to a legion, which can be promoted to the six-star pseudo-god realm by two levels at once.

Fang Fan seemed a little stuck at the moment.

He hesitated.

"If you are promoted as a whole, you can certainly get more five-star pseudo-god existences, but this will seem too mediocre."

"Compared to the current overall situation, it is not very cost-effective."

"After all, I'm about to fight against more strong men behind me..."

Fang Fan groaned, his expression unpredictable.

For a moment, thoughts fluttered.

"At the gate of the city, the eight-star pseudo-god realm's Changling Mansion's master and the seven-star pseudo-god's realm master Lei Hai are fighting fiercely."

"Compared to myself, it is impossible to stay here forever."

"Sooner or later, it's going to go straight over."

"From this point of view, I have to do something."

Fang Fan pondered for a while, thinking to himself, his thoughts swelled all over.

"Specialize a legion!"

"In this way, in the next battle, the maximum effect and combat power can be exerted!"

"This is the most important thing right now!"

Something more real appeared in Fang Fan's mind.

Gradually, in accordance with the established direction, fully respected to the end!

"Now we can see which legion to choose to fully upgrade two levels at once."

"Is it the Gatling Legion of Gothic Destroyer?"

"It's still the Shenlongren Legion or the Blood Shura Legion."

"These legions each have their strengths and weaknesses."

"Once you advance to two levels of the Gothic Destroyer Gatling Legion, you will get twelve six-star pseudo-god God Gatling machine gunners."

"Once the combat power is unleashed, it will be endless."

"That scene will make people feel infinitely exciting!"

"At that time... there will be extraordinary scenes."

"At this moment, it is still necessary to stabilize these rhythms."

"If you are not careful, some abnormal deviations may appear."

Fang Fan pondered for a while, and immediately started brainstorming!

For a moment, the tearing of the picture in front of him became more and more intense.

Gradually, there is no direction at all.

"Dragonman Legion!"

"It's better to be promoted to the dragon army!"

"Once the Shenlongren Legion uses the legion's exclusive skill [Human-Dragon Unity], they can get a one-hour combat power bonus, and then they will be able to gain a level of combat power within an hour."

"If all the resources of the Faith Beads are piled up on the Shenlongren Legion, the Shenlongren Legion can be promoted to the six-star pseudo-god realm."

"If you use the legion's exclusive skill [Human-Dragon Unity] to increase your combat power by one level, then you will have the combat power of the Seven-Star Pseudo-God Realm!"

"Eighteen seven-star pseudo-god realm combat power lined up."

"Even if it's only for an hour, that's enough."

"After all, Lu Hong, the head of the Changling Mansion, is only in the Eight-Star Pseudo-God Realm, and he is also an Eight-Star Pseudo-God Realm who has enjoyed countless years!"

"If there is a real fight, it is unknown what kind of combat power it will have."

"But since the master of Snow Eagle Castle, Lei Hai, can challenge Lu Hong, the mansion master of the eight-star false god realm, with a seven-star false god realm cultivation base, it shows that he cannot be too strong."

"So... I'm relieved."

"Originally, if I played against Shangxueyingbao or Changling Mansion, I wasn't very sure, and it was the most powerful among the three."

"But now it's changed, but it's not the same."

"Take Changling Mansion and seize the day!"

"Now this Changling Mansion is most likely...all of them can be taken."

"So, it's much more stable."

Fang Fan let out a sigh of relief, thinking silently in his heart at this moment, the radiance in his eyes exploded in full force!

It's a matter of deliberation, and everything goes without saying.

This time, these are fully implemented in accordance with the established orientation.

Taste or something, it feels okay.

At the moment, it is developing smoothly and proceeding smoothly, and the feeling is not too bad.


Lu Hong, the head of the Changling Mansion, who was in the bloody battle before, was panting heavily, his body was a little weak, and he couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead at this moment, his whole body was about to collapse.

It's kind of... too uncomfortable.

The whole person seems to be completely collapsed.

My brain was buzzing and I didn't know what to say.

"This Lei Hai... has really become a climate!"

"It's so powerful now!"


"It really exceeded my expectations!"

"But it's okay!"

"What a big deal!"

"Dare to treat me like this, and I will definitely teach you a lesson later!"

"I'm going to make you eat and walk around!"

"Damn it!"

"Sooner or later...will kill you!"

The posture of gritting teeth is fully displayed, and the consciousness is surging to the extreme.

All of a sudden, thoughts erupted in an all-round way!

Mansion Master Lu Hong felt more and more resentment in his heart!

All this hateful thing!

How did he become such a dog!

These are far from what he expected!


"My internal library!"

"Who broke through the palace lord's inner treasury!"

"Little thief! Little thief!"

"How dare you be such a jerk!"



"Little thief! My Palace Master will not let you go!"

"Dead! Die!"

Hesteri's roar followed, and the attitude of gnashing his teeth was fully displayed. For a while, his mentality completely exploded!

The more I think about it, the more I feel a little unsure in my heart.

At this moment, he was panting quickly, the corners of his mouth twitched to the extreme, and his consciousness stretched to the extreme.

Immediately, it was impossible to grasp the messy proportions in it.

It's all damn it!

Why not die!


The resentment and anger in my heart exploded at this moment!

He is fighting here at the moment, and he can't get away at all, and then this kind of thing broke out at this time?


At this moment, he was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

As the eyeballs trembled wildly, the stream of consciousness collapsed!

There are thousands of thoughts, and the rhythm directly follows the explosion!


"Why is Palace Master Lu Hong so violent?"

"If Lu Hongfu mainly feels pressure, he might as well retreat right now!"

"You and I have known each other for a while, and the owner of this castle is not willing to drive you to death!"

"If Palace Master Lu Hong is willing to leave Changling Castle, and promises that he will never return to Changling Mansion, you can leave here alive!"

The cold snort swept across, and the consciousness was directly suppressed to the extreme!

Lei Hai, the owner of Snow Eagle Castle, said domineeringly.

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