After death, there is no way of prosperity.

Lu Hong, the head of the Changling Mansion! The eight-star pseudo-god realm exists, so it's so cold.

For a moment, the audience was shocked!

At this moment, everyone is completely terrified of the eighteen seven-star pseudo-god-level Shenlongmen under Fang Fan's command.

At this moment, do you dare to treat it casually?

Kill you directly!

Can't stand it.

Broken mind.

That's pretty much it.

Thinking so far, I feel inexplicably that the picture in front of me is spinning infinitely.

The more you think about it, the more intense your feelings become.

For a while, it was completely difficult to hide.

impermanence of life……

Dead silence, at this moment!

Lei Hai, the Lord of Snow Eagle Castle who had chosen to surrender before, narrowed his eyes and his heart trembled.

"I made the right choice."

"This Fang Fan really has something unusual."

"Before...before, I also speculated at will."

"I didn't expect it to come true!"


"It's like this... it's directly oppressed to the extreme."

"At this moment, there is simply no other hope at all."

"There is a big problem here!"


"Forget it."

"It's useless to worry about these things now."

"I have already chosen to surrender, so just surrender obediently."

"As for the position of the Palace Master, is it really that important?"

"Actually... not necessarily."

"Even for me, it's still a burden!"

"It makes me feel uneasy."

"I would feel panic in my heart, I would feel fear."

"Not what I want."

"I want to escape."

"If there can be a strong enough existence to gather me."

"I naturally have a goal to fight for."

"Fang Fan...he is not a mortal!"

"His future will be even brighter!"

"That will be an extremely gorgeous picture!"

"I have no regrets about today's decision!"

Lei Hai, the owner of Snow Eagle Castle, narrowed his eyes, thinking silently in his heart, his breathing gradually became rapid, and for a while, his whole body trembled slightly.

That kind of mood, that feeling, seems to be particularly exciting.

Isn't this kind of security what you want?

Now...all of them.

You should also feel content.

How do you say it?


No more than this.

Thinking about it, feeling it, is still the same.

Feeling it silently, I felt that there was some cold sweat gradually on the palms of my hands.

This sense of tension can be imagined.

For a moment, he pursed his lips, swallowed his saliva, with boundless passion!

Those who should come will follow.

Silently performing various prayers in my heart.

Those who should come will follow!

Thrilling...and real!

it is more than words!

Create the moment!

"Are you still clamoring now?"

"Aren't you unwilling to surrender?"

"If you feel dissatisfied in your heart, you can go up and clamor now."

"The opportunity is given to you, now it's up to you how to choose!"


"Isn't it loud and loud?"

"What's the matter now?"

"Huh? Are they all following the mute?"

"Why don't you talk?"

"Didn't you still be passionate just now?"

"What now?"


"Is it sluggish right away?"

"So, what's the point?"


"What about the big talk just now?"

"Yang He!"

"You were the one taking the lead just now, weren't you?"

"Stop hanging around there!"

"It's your turn to perform!"

"Get it done!"

The yelling was in place, and the sparkle in the eyes flickered.

All of a sudden, all kinds of motivation swept across the board!

For a moment, there was an inexplicable sense of pleasure.

Thorough heart, comprehensive in place.


Yang He, the deputy lord of Snow Eagle Castle, opened his mouth, and at this moment his whole body became listless.

At this moment, I want to say something, but... but I really can't say it!

Dude, what the hell is this... how to say?

"My lord, still have foresight."

"It's's just that I didn't think much about it."

"Now it seems that you are still right!"

"Before we were really too shallow!"

"My lord, we were wrong... wrong!"

The trembling sound was in place, and for a while, his eyes flickered, and his thoughts gradually became chaotic.

His expression was unpredictable, and the sense of panic in his heart was sweeping across the board.

The eyes of Yang He, the deputy lord of Snow Eagle Castle, flickered, and he couldn't help but have some different thoughts and ideas in his heart at this moment.

He was a little curious as to how the Castle Master saw Fang Fan's potential and chose to surrender in advance.

They didn't accept it before, but now, they can't accept it.

It's not on one level.

"If you forcefully charge forward, you will be beaten until your brains explode!

That kind of taste, that feeling, you will know how exciting it is after a little experience.

As soon as I thought about it, the picture in front of me gradually became messy.

For a while, I didn't know why.

With the corners of his mouth murmuring, the whole person seemed in a trance.

For a while, it was a bit messy.

Eighteen seven-star pseudo-god realms exist.

How to fight against such an opponent?

Going up...isn't it a dead end?

Go up to seek death?

No one is willing to accept such a fate.

After thinking about it, the sense of panic deep in my heart... completely cracked.

For a while, it was completely difficult to explain that state.

It's really... so difficult!

Difficult to go to the blue sky!

What are we going to do?

"My lord, we are also willing to surrender!"

"My lord, we are all willing to obey your orders."

"Now that you have surrendered, then we...we naturally have nothing to say!"

"Surrender! Just surrender!"

"Save... save any accidents."

"Go up... go up!"

The vibrato is in place.

For a moment, the picture in front of him was rapidly changing.

During the change of expression, mentality and so on, it almost collapsed.

Feeling like this, rushing away directly from the bottom of my heart!

Immediately, I really wanted to hit the wall directly.

too difficult.

Difficult to go to the blue sky!

All kinds of other feelings make me feel uneasy.

Life is impermanent...the large intestine wraps the small intestine.

Thinking of this, I am extremely embarrassed!

"Yes, Lord Master, we are all your subordinates, we will do whatever you want!"

"My lord, we will always follow you!"

"Your will is our direction!"

"Swear to follow the castle master!"

"Fight! Fight!"

The yelling became urgent, and for a while, the rhythm followed the trend, and for a while, the footsteps rushed straight up!

Listening to this uniform slogan, Lei Hai, the owner of Snow Eagle Castle, was instantly happy.

Are these ones really capable of changing faces?

That's not what I said before.

How long has it been?

Everyone's faces changed?

Is it a bit too direct?

There is such a sense of shamelessness in the directness?

No matter what happens, it's not good.

It feels a little too deliberate.

"It's time to meet the new lord."

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