Fang Fan let out a mouthful of turbid air, and his combat power burst out all over his body!

At this moment, he has enough strength to look down on God Realm!

"Is this what it's like to be in the lower god realm?"

"It feels... quite comfortable."

"It's time to look for that Vulcan..."

"Ask him to clarify the matter."

"Why are you looking for me?"

"There... must be something tricky!"

"At this moment, I myself am in the lower god realm."

"In addition to this, the Blood Shura Legion is also in the lower god realm, and the other nine legions are in the quasi-god realm."


"I don't know what realm those six heroes are still in now?"

Fang Fan's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help looking at Galen and the others.

According to the practice that the cultivation base of several heroes is three levels higher than his, the next god will continue to be promoted by three levels...

Isn't that... God King Realm?

"Have you been the God King Realm?"

Fang Fan widened his eyes and said.


"No, my lord, I have been promoted to the middle god level."

said Jax the hero.

"My lord, I have also been promoted to the middle god level."

"I'm also a middle god..."

"Me too……"

Kyle, Caitlin, and Daji also spoke one after another.

All four of them are in the mid-level god realm.

"My lord, Wei Jia and I have been promoted to the upper god realm."

Galen and Vega came over.

"Master, I feel that I have reached the peak of my potential."

"If there is no chance, I want to break through again, it is basically impossible."

Galen groaned and nodded.

Everyone else basically meant the same thing.

Fang Fan's eyes flickered slightly.

He saw something wonderful in it.

It seems that this so-called practice is not necessarily accurate.

"The limit of Galen and Vega is the upper god realm, so no matter how much I improve my cultivation, the limit of Galen's and Vega's potential will be difficult to change."

"As for the four heroes, Kyle, Caitlin, Daji and Jax, their potential may be in the mid-level god realm."

"Well! I should feel satisfied."

"It is indeed impossible to be too greedy."

"Appropriately... there should be restrictions."

Fang Fan pondered for a while, his heart was secretly peaceful, and his thoughts gradually fluttered.

The feeling is in place, the rhythm and so on, all followed.

The more you think about it, the more real you feel.

That's about it.

"In this way, I have two more high-level god-level powerhouses, Galen and Vega, under my command! There are also four mid-level god-level powerhouses, Kyle Caitlin Jax and Daji."

"In addition, I am also a low-god myself, and there is a blood Shura legion in the low-god realm, and nine legions in the quasi-god realm."

"Such a lineup should be considered very gorgeous to some extent."

Fang Fan's eyes were flickering, his thoughts were in place, rhythm awareness and so on, all were refined accordingly.

With thousands of thoughts and confused consciousness, everything is silent!

bring it on! Come all along!

"It's time to go to the Vulcan Temple and look for that Vulcan..."

"This guy wanted me before somehow, there must be something wrong."

"He even offered a reward to me with the Divine Flame!"

"Where did he know about me?"

"Is there any connection between him and the God of Destruction, Caesar?"

"Or, did I show any special traces in the Vulcan Kingdom? Then they discovered it?"

"Before, I was very weak, I didn't have enough ability to resist, so I can only endure!

Endured once and once!

"But now, it's different."

"There are many benefits, and you don't have to be patient!"

"Moderately, he can also go to bloody battles! Go to fight!"

"What is refined is the essence!"

"What should come, will always follow!"

Fang Fan licked his lips, thinking to himself, his thoughts burst!

Fire Temple! coming soon!


A few days later, Fang Fan brought his followers to the Fire God Temple.

As soon as I arrived here, I felt the dazzling eyes around me.

"It's Fang Fan!"

"It's Fang Fan who offered a reward under the Vulcan crown!"

"Get rich! Just grab him! We'll take off!"

"Go! Come on!"

"Hurry up

"catch him!"

When the guards of the Fire Temple saw Fang Fan, their eyeballs were almost green.

In their eyes, someone like Fang Fan is simply a sweet potato!

At this moment, the unlimited excitement swept in place, and the corners of his mouth twitched to the limit!

So exciting!

impermanence of life! The experience is nuanced.

Subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, trembling all over!

That taste, that feeling, completely lingered in my heart.

The more I thought about it, the more I was surprised and inexplicable.

For a moment, his face turned red, and his desire to sprint was extremely strong!

coming! All followed!

Time to take off! Tell someone more!

Everyone got excited.

Everyone couldn't help but started to attack Fang Fan.

It's too silly.


Fang Fan waved his hand calmly.

Soon, the Gatling Legion of Gothic Destroyer came out.

Twelve quasi-god gods Gatling's army shot and killed them all!

Fang Fan just rushed inside with the people.

Who dares to stop?

Kill him with all your might!

Crazy killing creates the moment!

This feeling... inexplicably comfortable!

A smile appeared on the corner of Fang Fan's mouth, and his sense of restraint gradually became stronger as his thoughts fluttered.

This wave, according to this direction and rhythm, is in full swing!

The bloody about to start!


They are all coming!

Invisibly, there is an extremely strong sense of hope!

Be silent in your heart, feel this vivid consciousness!

The entire Fire Temple has been pierced!


"Who is presumptuous in my Fire Temple!"

There was a roar, and the entire Fire God Temple became crazily agitated!

This feeling is extremely strong invisibly!

For a moment, I felt that the picture in front of me was distorted a little bit.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but felt speechless.

This wave is completely stuck.

"Haven't you been looking for me?"

"Now that I'm here, are you surprised?"

Fang Fan shrugged and walked forward with a look of indifference on his face.

He found out clearly that this Vulcan is just a high god.

It doesn't matter.

Now there are two upper gods under his command!

With enough strength to lay the foundation, what else is there to be afraid of?

After a wave, wouldn't it be crushed to the extreme?

fear? Fear?

None of these exist! !

Come down in one wave, hang and beat directly!

Anyone who wants to seek death can come now!

It's that crazy!


"You are...Fang Fan?"

Vulcan walked over from a distance, with a huge body, which seemed a little illusory, and his whole body seemed to have been transformed, making it a little unreal.

"you do not know me?"

"Then why... kill me?"

Fang Fan was speechless.

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