"The guns in your hands are all flaming sticks! Shoot me! Give me the steps! If you pile up human lives, pile them up for me!"

"Go! What ink marks! Grass!"

"Who can't get up! I broke him so badly!"

Sun Xin covered his right ear, which was still oozing blood, with a ferocious expression on his face.

He's broken!

Ears are gone.

Stay in this card shop forever.

The doctor said that his ear was crippled and could never be saved, and he delayed the best time to receive the ear.

In other words, he lost this ear forever, and he in the future will always have an ear!

The shame made Sun Xin go crazy, and gradually, more hatred grew in his heart!

He wants to completely wipe out this hatred!

He wants to prove his existence with blood!

chug chu...

Da da da……

The gunfire continued, internal and external wars!

The artillery fire inside the card shop is fierce, but there are more guns outside!

Chen Bu's forehead began to seep cold sweat!

He has already sent someone out to pass the news to the boss, but he just doesn't know when the boss will be back!

Now all he can call is the Qingzhou Army Corps and the Gothic Submachine Gunners Corps.

The Qingzhou Army Corps is just an ordinary army, and it cannot evolve, and its combat power is average.

The Gothic Submachine Gunners Corps is a one-star army with powerful combat power and high shooting speed and accuracy.

But unfortunately...the number of people is too small! Only twelve people!

And outside... roughly, there are more than 300 people!

"Cao Hong! Let all Qingzhou soldiers come to the backyard to get submachine guns and bullets, and defend on the spot!"

"Each person is issued three healing cards, just in case!"

"Be sure to hold on until the boss comes back!"

Chen Bu had a gloomy face, the situation was deteriorating so fast that he couldn't control it.

But no matter what, he must firmly believe in a belief, and he must persevere to the end! Fight to the end!

The task given to him by the boss...he must complete it!

Chen Bu held a submachine gun, crouched on the ground, raised the submachine gun, and started shooting frantically!

"Young Master Sun... The casualties are too high! Their weapons... are very powerful! And it's just such a small shop... It's impossible to make a scene!"

"Yes, Young Master Sun, it's not that we don't want to rush, it's really not easy to get on..."

"Or... let's mobilize a tank? Bombed him directly?"

The blue veins on Sun Xin's forehead became more and more abrupt, grass! so hard to beat?

"Grenades are here! Young Master Sun... A box of grenades has been delivered!"

Just when Sun Xin was furious, finally came a piece of good news...

"Hahaha...Okay! Blast me! Blast them! Grass!"

Sun Xin's face was full of excitement, he waved his hand, the grenade was distributed, and the death squad under his hand charged forward again...


With the sound of explosions, the gunshots inside seemed to be a lot more depressed...

The corners of Sun Xin's mouth rose slightly... It's done!

It just made him feel strange that no matter how he shot with a gun or bombed with a grenade, the shop was unscathed...

The plaque above the store is unusually conspicuous...

The six characters of the 'strongest card shop' created by gilding are even more dragons and phoenixes...

"Rush in! Rush in!"

"Made... I have a big reward for copying the shop!"

"Hey...it really hurts!"

Sun Xin's face was full of excitement, and he followed behind everyone and started running towards the interior of the store...

In the shop, Chen Bu's face was full of despair...

too difficult!

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