From now on, this temple will be Fang Fan's small vault!

Fang Fan walked out of the Desolate God Temple silently. Outside the temple, a group of people were already waiting eagerly.

"Starting today, we will worship the God of Wilderness in the Hall of the Emperor!"

"I am the messenger of the wild god, and I will take over the power of reward and punishment in place of the wild god!"

"Shan Hu!"

Fang Fan said solemnly, at this time, this kind of force must be pretended!

As for the rest, just keep calm!

"Activate the magic skill: the majesty of Aragami!"

Fang Fan murmured to himself, the first time he pretended to be forceful, he couldn't ignore it!

Originally, everyone had unconditional trust in Fang Fan. At this moment, after Fang Fan activated the majestic magic skill of Huangshen, the surrounding area suddenly rolled over with divine power! People subconsciously have to kneel down and worship!

"God! This is the true God!"

"Long live Lord God!"

"Great desolate god! Please bless our Spiritual Race!"

"Great Aragami! I request to be your most loyal believer!"

Before the others spoke, Ling Shang, the patriarch of the spiritual clan, rushed over impatiently, with a look of infinite excitement on his face.

Immediately everyone, their own mountain call!

"Ding! Get first-level believers +1. Second-level believers +1, first-level believers +1..."

The number of believers started to accumulate like crazy!

This wave of pretending to be a ghost is indeed still somewhat effective.

Believers are mainly divided into 1 to 10 grades!

The first to third level believers belong to a little faith, but if they want to make him do something for their faith, they will not be willing. This level of believers is relatively wide and is called pan-believers!

Relatively speaking, even if believers of the fourth to sixth levels are more concerned about their beliefs, they are willing to sacrifice often, and they will not risk their lives for it. This is called a shallow believer!

Believers of the seventh to ninth levels are more pious for their faith! Basically, they will focus on the inheritance of faith. Generally, only the priests and priests of the temple can have such a degree of piety. Such believers are called devout believers!

A tenth-level believer is extremely rare! Faith has reached the level of madness and even madness! For the existence of destroying beliefs, he will disregard his own life to defend his beliefs! This is called a fanatic!

Pan-believers, shallow believers, devout believers, mad believers!

Different levels have different powers of faith!

"According to what the system said... One to three level pan-believers can bring one to ten traces of the power of faith in a year! But because of the large number of believers of this type, it is quite impressive!"

"A shallow believer who reaches the fourth to sixth level can bring one to ten traces of the power of faith in about a month, which is the faithful foundation of the temple!"

"As for the devout believers of the seventh to ninth level, it is very precious! Basically, one day can bring a little faith!"

"The most advanced mad believer can even bring a full ray of faith in one day, which is a hundred strands of faith in conversion!"

"A trace of faith is equivalent to a point of creation..."

"If you can cultivate a few mad believers, you will be prosperous!"

"One hundred traces of the power of faith every day is one hundred creation points!"

"Tsk...don't be too cool!"

"Ding! Seventh-level believers +1!"

Fang Fan was in the middle of his imagination, and suddenly such a system sound came from his mind, making Fang Fan stunned for a while...

Before that, what he obtained was basically some pan-believers like first-level believers and second-level believers...

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