It is too difficult to copy Yi Lingtian as a war slave for the second time!

"Call everyone, hold a military meeting!"

"All mid-level and above officers must participate!"

Fang Fan narrowed his eyes, a brief military plan had already taken shape in his mind!

In the Hall of the Emperor, a hundred generals gather!

Fang Fan looked up and down, and there are actually all races...

Human Race... Spirit Race... Wing Human Race, as well as the enslaved races of the thirteen planes originally ruled by the Wing Human Race.

Now even the winged people have become vassals of the human race, and the vassals of these vassals are naturally also vassals of the human race! Fang Fan has absolute leadership over them!

"The Palace of the Emperor, tentatively set the three major legions!"

"Human Legion, Eldar Legion, and Winged Terran Legion!"

"They are collectively referred to as the Emperor's Army! The Spiritual War Army! and the Wing Teng Army!"

"I personally serve as the leader of the Human Sovereign Legion! The tentative establishment is 10,000! Recruit high-level human races and elites from other races to join! All soldiers who join the Human Sovereign Legion are at least king!"

"The commander of the Lingzhan Legion is concurrently held by the deputy head of Lingshang! The establishment is 100,000! It is mainly formed by the spirit clan, and formed in cooperation with other races! All those who join the Lingzhan Legion must be at least in the nine-star realm!"

"The commander of the Yiteng Legion is Yi Lingtian, with a staff of 100,000! It is mainly composed of the Yiren clan and formed in conjunction with other races. All those who join the Yiteng Legion are at least in the nine-star realm!"

"These three legions are the foundation of the Emperor's Palace!"

"In addition to these three major legions, there is also a guarding legion of the Temple of the Desolate God! The deputy head of the temple, Zhang Ao, is also the commander of the legion, who is responsible for guarding the safety of the Shrine of the Desolation God and the Palace of the Emperor! Create a million! All those who join the guarding legion of the temple must be at least seven stars. realm!"

The strategy is roughly detailed.

Mainly divided into four groups!

The three major legions are naturally the so-called main battle legions!

Among them, the Human Emperor Legion is the most elite! Although there are only 10,000 establishments, Fang Fan requires that he must be a king to join!

There are very few human races who meet this requirement.

Therefore, it is destined to only select elites from other races to join the Emperor's Army!

At that time, Fang Fan will personally serve as the head of the Human Sovereign Legion, and he will control the Human Sovereign Legion once and for all! Firmly control the elites of the king realm of all major races in your hands!

Among the several races that have joined the Palace of the Emperor at present, the winged human race has the most battle power in the king's realm, and there are about 12,000 people...

The other races, the Spirit Race plus the thirteen vassal vassal races... even if they hollowed out their families... they could only make up three or five thousand kings at most!

That is to say, the battle power of the King Realm currently possessed in the Palace of the Emperor... is only 15,000 or 6,000...

This number, to be honest, is not a lot, or even… very little.

And most of them are to recover the benefits brought by the winged people...

"A winged human race still has such strength, one can imagine how strong those entry-level forces are..."

Fang Fan sighed lightly, his eyes twinkling brightly.

The winged people... can't even touch the edge of the ninth-rank forces... and they have so many king realm combat power!

And what about the genuine ninth-grade forces? What about the higher-level eighth-rank and seventh-rank forces?

Fang Fan clenched his fists tightly, everything has just begun!

Humans still have a long, long way to go if they want to gain a foothold in the forest of ten thousand strong races!

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