Fang Fan glanced at Gongsun Cheng suspiciously...

"What is the light camp and the dark camp?"

When Fang Fan said this, not only did Gongsun Cheng look stunned, but even Lingshang, the head of the spiritual clan, and Yi Lingtian, the head of the Yiren clan, turned his face away, as if he was saying...I don't know you...

Gongsun Cheng looked at Fang Fan in astonishment. He didn't know if Fang Fan really didn't know, or was he here to delay time...

Generally speaking, a normal person wouldn't even know this, would he?

Besides... is this still the master of a ninth-rank power?

"The hall master is joking with me..."

The corner of Gongsun Cheng's mouth twitched... he said with a speechless expression.

"I really don't know..."

"No one ever told me..."

"Or else the Ginza Inspector will give me an analysis?"

Fang Fan spread his hands and said sincerely.

"alright, you win……"

"Since ancient times, the gods have divided light and darkness!"

"The gods of light hope to make the plane of all races a happy paradise! But the gods of darkness have repeatedly destroyed it! I want to make everyone crazy!"

"Over time, the two forces entangle each other and attack each other!"

"In order to influence more dark believers and let them return to the embrace of the light gods, the gods of light have spent endless divine power!"

"More and more believers of darkness turned and threw themselves into the light, and the gods of darkness became angry and began to attack the gods of light again and again!"

"Even... they are still contacting their respective believers, carrying out bloody massacres and battles!"

"The gods of light protect their followers! Start actively preparing for holy war! Fight against the existence of the dark camp!"

"It is an honor that you will join the embrace of the bright camp!"

Gongsun Cheng, the inspector of Shengtian League in Ginza, looked at Fang Fan with a smile on his face...

Fang Fan could only listen to half of Gongsun Cheng's words...

Because this guy shaped the so-called gods of light so perfectly!

And what Fang Fan saw was not like that at all!

Immediately, Fang Fan listened to the voice transmission of Yi Lingtian, the head of the Yiren clan, and Ling Shang, the head of the spiritual clan, and roughly gathered the information together.

reached a conclusion……

Whether it's the gods of light or the gods of darkness... it's not a good thing.

To put it bluntly, it is to compete for the power of each other's beliefs, and to have more believers!

Even... the gods of the same light camp or the same dark camp will fight because of their beliefs, and even their followers are incompatible...

"Then how did Inspector Gongsun know that I belong to the Bright camp? Even I... don't know..."

Fang Fan couldn't help but ask again.

"The place shrouded in holy light is light!"

Gongsun Cheng said something serious.

"Say something I can understand..."

Fang Fan pursed his lips, and are you still talking to me here?

"Because I am one step ahead, the Holy Sky Alliance behind me represents the most powerful light force in the Sun Galaxy, so... you should also belong to the light camp."

Gongsun Cheng spoke righteously.

Fang Fan: "..."

Can you be any more casual?

Isn't this just pulling people's heads?

"Then what if I want to join the dark side?"

Fang Fan shrugged, his face fearless.

This is a very normal option!

"Lord Hall Master! Holy light covers the earth! Ten thousand clans will eventually return to the light!"

"Don't mistake yourself!"

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