Divine System of the Strongest Card Supplier in the End Times (Doomsday Strongest Cards Supplier)

Chapter 664 This is the reservist for the Lord of the Palace, right?

The gap is too big to bear to look directly at!

The Imperial Palace Academy! Fang Fan, wearing golden armor, ascended to the point of command!

Gongsun Cheng followed.

"Inspector Gongsun, how are the athletes in the Imperial Palace?"

Fang Fan raised his head proudly! All the legions formed by cultivators at the nine-star level or above are so cool to look at!

"Are you kidding me, Hall Master Fang Fan? This should be... a reserve army, right? Hall Master Fang Fan still take me to see the main battle army..."

Gongsun Cheng glanced around, and probably scanned the realm of the soldiers in front of him.

Most of them are nine-star and ten-star realm? Not even the realm of kings...

The proportion of soldiers in the king's realm is less than ten percent...

As for the elite soldiers above the three-star king level, there are not many at all!

Not to mention the ace soldiers above the five-star king realm...

With such an army size, it is said that it is an unpopular force... but it is barely enough.

But if it must be said that it is the main battle legion of the ninth-rank forces, it would be too sloppy!

"Uh... This is the main battle legion of my Imperial Palace!"

"In the middle, that's the Human Sovereign Legion! It's the elite of my Human Sovereign Palace!"

"The left wing is the Spiritual War Legion, and the legion commander is the Spiritual Clan Chief Spiritual Warfare!"

"The right wing is the Yiteng Legion, and the commander of the legion is Yilingtian, the patriarch of the Yiren clan!"

Fang Fan introduced in a serious manner, the proud look on his face never disappeared.

It's just that Gongsun Cheng's face gradually... darkened.

"Fang... Hall Master Fang Fan... Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"Just pulling these troops to the battlefield of ten thousand races... Even forming a scout team is enough..."

"Palace Master Fang Fan, you can't be so disingenuous! Millions of Divine Crystals and 10,000 Spirit Crystals have already been given to you! All of my net worth has been paid for! But if you use an army of this level to fool me, right? Some are too much!"

Gongsun Cheng gritted his teeth, he felt like he was being tricked!

He felt that there must be more elite existences under Fang Fan's command, but he was unwilling to take them out!

Use these rabble to fool him? Is there such a thing?

You must know that in order to recruit the Emperor's Palace to join the bright camp, he spent 5,000 spirit crystals out of his own pocket!

Originally, he wanted to bring the elites of the Palace of the Emperor back to ask for credit, but now, if he really brought an army of this level back, let alone credit, it would be good not to be slapped a few times!

Gongsun Cheng thought he was too difficult!

Seeing Gongsun Cheng's extremely aggrieved appearance, Fang Fan shrugged helplessly.

"Whether you want to believe it or not, these... are indeed the family property of my Imperial Palace!"

"You saw it too, these are the three main armies!"

"There is also a reserve temple guardian army in preparations..."

"Even these three main legions have just established their establishments!"

"The commander of the Yiteng Legion, the highest realm, the eight-star king realm!"

"The commander of the Spiritual War Legion, the six-star king realm!"

"Well... it's the Human Emperor Corps. I'm the commander of the army!"

"If the inspector Gongsun doesn't believe it, you can go to my human race plane to see. If you think who is qualified to join the main army, I won't say a word, and I will pull the strong man!"

Fang Fan looked at Gongsun Cheng honestly.

As for the Ginza Inspector of the Holy Heavenly Alliance, at this moment, he looks like he is about to cry...

Don't bring such a fool!

How can it be like this! Isn't this making fun of him?

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