Fang Fan's mouth twitched... I... Am I so shameless and despicable in your eyes?

Am I being embarrassed?

"It's okay to help you send your sister to the small world, but whether it will work... I'm not sure."

"All I can say is, do your best."

Fang Fan sighed lightly, as can be expected, a girl has been tormented by the absorption of spiritual energy since birth, until today...

Such a thing... has to be said to be a kind of sadness.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was a disaster.

"What if... it works..."

"Thank you Fang Fan, you are a good person!"

Lingyun sent Fang Fan a good person card with a sincere look on her face.

"Hehe... Don't say it, it's our turn to enter the hall soon."

Fang Fan chuckled lightly and prepared to enter.

Waiting in line for three or four hours, just for such a shiver!

"The little brother in front, can you give me a place? Oops... They have important and important things to deal with..."

Suddenly from a distance, a few beautifully dressed women came over. There was a scent of fragrant powder all over their bodies, and thick layers of powder accumulated on their faces. The clothes on their bodies were also extremely cool, and they could use less fabric. Absolutely not much waste.


Tube top...

A pair of white and tender long legs are even more eye-catching.

"What a beautiful beauty..."

"Beauties, please come ahead of me, line up here... it's really boring!"

"It's fine for us big men to stand for a while longer, don't let the beauties get tired!"

A middle-aged man standing in front of Fang Fan showed a hint of desire in his eyes, and his greasy hands deliberately touched the core of these women.

Not only did these women not stop them, but they wanted to welcome and reject them.

"Thank you little brother... Little brother is so nice!"

The whistling female voice came again, obviously a middle-aged old man, can this little brother be called out?

The middle-aged greasy man's expression of enjoyment made him even more excited.

"You step back a little! Back off! Didn't you see my beauty coming in?"

"Grass! Back off!"

"I am the Deputy Valley Master of Longyougu!"

The middle-aged greasy man also specially emphasized his identity, obviously he wanted to force a wave on these charming women...

Originally, Fang Fan and Yun Yun were standing there, with Yun Yun standing in front and Fang Fan following closely behind.

But because of the sudden insertion of a few women, the front became extremely crowded!

The crowding in front naturally caused everyone to start to move backwards.


Yun Yun was unsteady on her footing, and was directly pushed onto Fang Fan by the person in front of her.

The people in front are still going backwards madly, after all, there are several charming girls who need to cut the queue...

"Are you all right?"

"Be careful……"

Fang Fan hugged Yun Yun so that she would not suffer any harm.

At the same time, Fang Fan stood in the same place like a green pine, standing tall and straight!

"Made! What's going on behind you! Retreat! Didn't you hear clearly that you should retreat?"

"You want me to say it again?"

"Damn things..."

The middle-aged Greasy Difficulty, who claimed to be the Deputy Valley Master of Longyougu, looked extremely irritable, glared at the crowd behind him fiercely, and then strode out of the queue.

"Why didn't you retire? Didn't you hear what the owner of this valley said?"

The middle-aged greasy man looked quite arrogant.

"Why should I retreat? I was standing here."

Fang Fan coldly glanced at the middle-aged greasy man, this guy is really funny!

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