In an instant, Fang Fan's cultivation began to skyrocket...

Promoted from the six-star king level to the nine-star king level quasi-true king level!

Aragami's wrath magic skill is so awesome! The combat power is skyrocketing!

However, although the middle-aged greasy man on the opposite side doesn't look good, his cultivation is a real nine-star king realm!

Although Fang Fan is at the same level as him at the moment, his cultivation can only last for ten minutes!

Ten minutes's all down to nothing!

Now we must fight fast!

"Boy...Go to hell!"

The attack of the middle-aged greasy man has arrived! Fang Fan took a deep breath, and the anger in his eyes began to burn wildly.

"The majesty of the wild god!"

Fang Fan snorted secretly, the aura on his body began to skyrocket, and there was an irresistible sense of power!



The middle-aged greasy man's body trembled, and the hands that were about to attack shrank back unnaturally, with fear in his eyes.

He actually felt a sense of irresistibility, it seemed that as long as he dared to resist, he would surely die!

At that moment, such an idea suddenly occurred in my mind.

But soon, he reacted, this guy... he is obviously a six-star king realm, why should he be afraid?

As for the strong aura emanating from him, it must be fake! Must be fake!

There was a cruel smile on the face of the middle-aged greasy man. Damn bastard, he actually dared to pretend to be a calf in front of him!

The reaction speed of middle-aged greasy men is relatively fast.

It's a pity... it's still too late.

Fang Fan's attack has arrived!

Taking advantage of the moment when he was stunned, Fang Fan maximized the combat power of the Nine-Star King Realm!



The middle-aged greasy man continued to keep that smile on his face, but his head was already on the ground at this moment! Everything has become a foregone conclusion!


Everyone subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva...

too strong!


A middle-aged greasy man may not be able to figure out why a six-star king realm combat power can kill him in one hit?

He is the quasi-true king powerhouse of the nine-star king realm! A true true king!

"Fang you all right..."

Yun Yun came over anxiously, because she felt that Fang Fan's state was not right!

The six-star king realm can actually counterattack and kill the nine-star king realm!

This... is too strong...

Powerful to the will be terrifying!

"Who dares to make trouble in front of Shengtianmeng Temple!"

"Wrap me up!"

swoosh swish...

A group of soldiers from the Holy Sky Alliance suddenly rushed over and began to check and maintain order.

"Captain, people are dead!"

"You killed it?"

The leader of the team frowned and glanced at Fang Fan, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes...

Because now Fang Fan has returned to normal.

Fang Fan in normal state actually has a six-star king realm cultivation base.

And the one who was killed... is obviously a nine-star king-level quasi-true king powerhouse!

Three levels of beheading?

Even a monster genius can't do it!

"He wanted to kill me, so I killed him!"

Fang Fan shrugged and said calmly.

"Ha ha……"

"It doesn't matter if you kill this guy elsewhere, it's just that this is the Holy Heavenly Alliance Temple!"

"I want to suppress this matter... I'm afraid it's not that easy!"

"If there are a few thousand spirit crystals... maybe it can be smoother."

The team leader of the Holy Heavenly Alliance suddenly rolled his eyes with a treacherous look on his face.

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