It seems that there are many people, but in fact the combat power is very subtle.

Under the command of Guan Hai, the Yellow Turban Leader Corps slashed wildly... As soldiers of the 2-star Legion, they could easily slash the enemy in front of them in half with extreme ease.

After a slashing and killing, there are wrecks everywhere... but they have no chance to step into the shop at all!

In this small space, it is more suitable for collective defense.

Seeing more and more corpses piled up in front of the shop, these thugs were actually panicked...

They are relying on the number of people, so they want to loot...

But my heart is also afraid of death... The bloody bravery at the beginning gradually disappeared, and there was gradually more fear in my heart...

"Run...these soldiers are too strong!"

"I can't provoke it... I'll wipe..."

"Labor and capital don't want to die! The zombies are all alive, and labor and capital can't die here..."

The disintegration of emotions was so exaggerated, and a group of thugs gradually drove away.

What's the matter... I can't kill myself now!

When Fang Fan came back, Chen Bu and the others were still cleaning up the corpses standing in the door of the shop...

"What happened?"

Fang Fan glanced left and right, and saw a few restless guys peeping around.

"Boss, just some thugs who want to make a fortune while taking advantage of the chaos in the city!"

"But they're in the wrong place!"

Seeing Fang Fan's return, Chen Bu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fang Fan is here, he can feel at ease.

"Well! Chen Bu, you've worked hard!"

Fang Fan patted Chen Bu on the shoulder, and frowned slowly...

It does look like this is getting worse.

This inner city... can't hold back.

When he came back just now, Fang Fan found out that there were already many zombies at the city gate choosing to attack the city, and teams from many families in the city had already been sent to suppress the zombies...

But looking at the situation... still not very optimistic...

"I'm from the Zhao family, and I'm here to purchase 3,000 healing cards..."

"I'm from the Jiang family, I bought 5,000 healing cards..."

"Give me two thousand healing cards, one thousand serum cards..."

"I want two hundred..."

There is a card shop in the north of the city, and news of a large number of cheap serum cards and healing cards spread like wildfire!

And in this zombie siege period, these cards are obviously the most critical strategic materials!

After several mob attacks, corpses piled up in front of the strongest card shop...

These thugs did not dare to attack the card shop, and in turn became the shop's customers.

In particular, people from all large and small families are not stingy with magic crystals, and they have begun to frantically purchase healing cards and serum cards.

They are fighting zombies on the city head... and they can also get a lot of magic crystals, which is an equivalent exchange.

Zombie siege is a crisis... but also an opportunity!

In the past, they wanted to slaughter zombies to obtain cards and magic crystals, and they also went out of the city to find traces of zombies...

But now you only need to stand on the top of the city, and then carry out a comprehensive slaughter...

If it can continue like this... In fact, they are quite happy...

It's just that there are more and more zombies...more and more powerful...they can't take it anymore!

Not to mention that there are still a large number of mutant zombies in these zombie groups...

One star...two stars...three stars are starting to emerge!

Ordinary bullets hit them, and they couldn't even break the fur on their bodies...

Bombarding them with cannonballs can kill a large area...but the only remaining cannonballs in the city...also consume almost the same amount of land!

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