As for the eighth-rank forces of the bright camp, they still need to face more or less.

After all, Qin Hai, the inspector of the Golden Throne of the Holy Sky Alliance, said hello, and they are not allowed to attack each other at will! In particular, Fang Fan was mentioned in particular.

Now everyone knows that Fang Fan and the Golden Throne Inspector of the Holy Heaven Alliance have a close relationship.

To attack Fang Fan in an open and honest manner is not to give Qin Hai Jinzuo the face of the inspector!

The situation is stronger than the people.

The battle on the battlefield of gods and demons never ends...

As long as the number of examiners on the battlefield of the gods and demons does not reach the standard of 98,000, the battle will still go on!

After the first wave of mutual killings, almost half of the bright camp examiners were eliminated...

But even if it is eliminated by half... that is half of 4.1 billion!

At this moment, this number still seems a bit terrifying!

But now, the anger accumulated at the beginning has almost been vented.

At this moment, they are staring at each other, and they are unwilling to continue to attack each other!

"The battlefield of gods and demons will reduce the size of the battlefield every ten minutes! Those who are left outside the battlefield will be considered eliminated unconditionally!"

"If you don't want to be eliminated, please focus on the center of the battlefield of gods and demons!"

"There will be the last place to be swallowed!"

Over the battlefield of gods and demons, one after another demonic sound fills my ears!

Everyone's eyes seemed a little surprised for a moment...

I was thinking of taking a break for a while.

Did not expect to issue a new battlefield regulations?

"Grass! Don't get in the way! Let me rush forward! Whoever dares to stop me, I will kill him!"

"Yo! You are so daring and fat? Dare to screech in front of me? Are you impatient? Don't know who we are with?"

"Made... It's useless to say anything now! Get the hell out of me! Get out of the way, or I'll kill you now, believe it or not?"

"I believe it! I must believe it! How credible are you? You dare to be arrogant with the men of Guiyuan Mountain? Kill him for me!"

"Grass! Kill these bastards!"

"Second Senior Brother was killed! Get revenge!"

"Grab the commanding heights! Charge forward! Don't let the bastards of Xuantian Palace take the lead!"

"Hahahaha! This time our Yuan clan must seize the opportunity. We firmly occupy the core position. When the time comes, our Yuan clan as a whole will enter the ruins of the gods, and the ruins of the gods will be emptied. The clan is out!"

"Hehe... What kind of waste power is the Yuan clan? Even a ninth-rank power dares to be arrogant here? Go away to the labor and capital!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"


A new wave of war has begun!

Fang Fan glanced around the battlefield, and at the very edge of the battlefield of the gods and demons, a terrifying sandstorm was sweeping over!

According to the assessment regulations, those who leave the boundary line of the battlefield of gods and demons are regarded as eliminated.

And those horrible sandstorms are the limit!

It's just that the original boundaries were stagnant, and now these boundaries suddenly start a process of rapid movement...

Those assessors who were originally around the sandstorm naturally have to go all out to attack the core area!

And those assessors in the core area have already occupied all the good positions, and naturally they do not want to be robbed by others...

One wants to come in, and the other doesn't want to be squeezed out. There will be conflicts. Will the killing be far behind?

The butcher's knife is raised, and everything will be brought to an end!

The bloody killing starts again!

Fang Fan licked his lips, a bloody smell swirling around his mouth.

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