The crowd was excited...

They all feel they have a way out...

Fang Fan's name... is quite popular now!

Double list first! No one can compare!

Let him take action, and he will definitely defeat the zombie king!

Sun Ting was silent, and his face became particularly ugly for a while.

Suddenly I felt a little bit lucky.

His nephew Sun Xin was killed by the owner of this card shop.

At first, he didn't know that the owner of the card shop was Fang Fan, but now that he knew, mixed feelings suddenly surged in his heart.

This card shop is weird!

Endless special cards, those serum cards and healing cards never seem to be sold out...

Where did he get these cards from?

And why was the legion under his command able to advance so quickly?

Samsung Legion... That's an unrealistic dream!

They don't even have a two-star there aren't many of them!

Without him, the promotion card is too difficult to explode!

Evolvable Legion Cards are unique!

What they couldn't do with the strength of the entire family, Fang Fan alone... did it all?

This scary!

If there is a chance...let it be removed!

Sun Ting's eyes gradually revealed killing intent... His killing intent was not because of the hatred of his dead nephew Sun Xin... More importantly, he felt the risk Fang Fan brought to him and the entire Sun family...

"So...what do you think?"

Sun Ting rubbed his aching head. He knew very well what these people were thinking.

The matter of asking Fang Fan to come out... is basically a set.

Even if he, the president of the Self-Saving Association, wanted to stop it with all his was absolutely impossible to change their minds and thoughts.

The reason is very simple, they have a very strong desire to survive!

"It's a good thing to be able to invite Fang Fan!"

"Yes, yes... At least it can enhance our combat effectiveness!"

"Inviting him to kill the Zombie King together will give us even greater confidence!"

"This matter must be settled! This is a good thing!"

"Anyway, I think it's feasible..."

Almost unanimously passed...

Zhao Yaxin opened her mouth several times... and finally closed...

When the noise stopped a little, Zhao Yaxin looked for and almost said:

"As far as I know this Fang Fan, he belongs to the kind of person who doesn't like to ask for trouble..."

"But he loves money... If you want to invite him... it's best... to bring out some magic crystals."

Zhao Yaxin said calmly, she remembered that when she took Fang Fan's car to Jiangcheng before, she had charged a thousand magic crystals to travel.

"Yeah! My eldest brother loves magic crystals the most! If you want my eldest brother to go out! You must get magic crystals!"

"My Zhou family is willing to give out 10,000 magic crystals!"

Zhou Kaitian responded immediately, pretending to be full of Fang Fan's name today... In fact, if he can get Fang Fan to be moved, his heart is more drummed...

It happened that Zhao Yaxin proposed to bring out the magic crystal, and he quickly exported it on behalf of the Zhou family.


The head of the Zhou family, Zhou Ba, saw a black eye... what the hell... 10,000 magic crystals just answered in one fell swoop?

"My Zhao family is also willing to take out 10,000 magic crystals!"

Zhao Yaxin then responded, Zhao Zhen, the head of the Zhao family, frowned, but did not speak.

Originally, everyone was quite resistant to the matter of asking Fang Fan for the magic crystal.

It's no problem for free, if you want magic crystals... that has to be negotiated...

But now that the Zhao family and the Zhou family, the second of the four major families, have spoken, they are embarrassed to choose to refuse...

"The Sun family can also produce 10,000 magic crystals..."

Sun Ting then responded.

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