The Spirit of the Divine Veins was instantly stunned...

One thousand drops of divine vein essence is too little? Is this what you mean?

Why don't you go to heaven? Why don't you stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?

Do you really think this is Chinese cabbage? How many kilograms does it take to take two hands?

"This...this is the essence of the divine vein...very precious..."

The Spirit of the Divine Veins said aggrievedly.

"Fang Fan, a drop of this divine vein essence is at least trillions of divine crystals, and it has no market value. Its value is equal to that of divine source..."

In the end, Yun Yun couldn't stand it any longer, and explained from the side.

Fang Fan was stunned... a drop of trillions? real or fake? Are you sure it's Divine Crystal? Not another unit of counting?

If that's the case... that's a bit of a mess...

The half bottle in his hand contains almost a thousand drops of Divine Vein Essence, isn't it worth a trillion Divine Crystals?

Fang Fan subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and sent it out... What a special post!

No wonder those people thought it was like a cat seeing a mouse when they saw the divine veins, and the fierce look on their faces was simply too real!

Not to mention Divine Vein, just a few drops of Divine Vein Essence will be sent out!

Although the heart is shocked, but on the surface, Fan still looks disapproving...

"Humph! For the sake of Xiao Yun'er's plea for you, I'll let you go for the time being, but don't even think about cheating and cheating! Producing more Divine Vein Essence!"

"And... there is time to breed a divine vein!"

Fang Fan's mouth slightly raised...

Cool! So cool to burst!

The spirit of this divine vein is simply a cash cow!

If you manipulate it well, you can always make money on it...

"I need the divine crystal... to produce the essence of the divine vein... to breed the divine vein..."

The Spirit of the Divine Veins said with a grievance on his face.

Fang Fan was stunned for a moment. Want a Divine Crystal?

"Give you!"

"Ten thousand yuan! It's generous enough!"

Fang Fan waved his hand, looking majestic...

Ten thousand Divine Crystals, he hasn't paid attention to it yet.

"That's it? It's not enough for the god to stick his teeth..."

The Spirit of the Divine Veins snorted, swallowed it all in one breath... not even the slag was left...

Fang Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, why did he have a big stomach king?

But looking at the half bottle of Divine Vein Essence in his hand, Fang Fan took a breath and decided to endure a wave...

Then he directly took the spirit of the divine vein and sent it to the small world of Chutian Pavilion, and threw 100 million divine crystals into it by the way.

"We must evacuate here quickly... If those idiots find something wrong, they will definitely search around!"


Fang Fan's eyes glanced around the surroundings. Anyway, the biggest gain has been obtained by him. If he doesn't leave now, when will he wait?


"Who took the Divine Vein!"

"You bastard! Who the hell does the divine vein belong to!"

"Hand over it! Hurry up and hand it over! Who dares to oppose my Demon Heaven Pavilion? Hand over the divine veins, and the Demon Heaven Pavilion will reward millions of divine crystals!"

"Haha! Let's send the divine veins to my Holy Heaven Alliance! I am the Holy Son of the Holy Heaven Alliance, Shangguantian! Hand over the divine veins! I recommend that you become the Holy Son of the Holy Heaven Alliance just like me!"

"The Devil's Son Situ Zhan is here! Who dares to disobey?"

"I am Qian Hao, the chief disciple of Xingluo Academy of the bright camp! My Xingluo Academy aims to cultivate geniuses for the heavens and thousands of races! By handing over the divine veins to my Xingluo Academy, it can be regarded as a contribution to the development of the Sunlight Galaxy! With this merit, he entered Xingluo Academy and became the direct disciple of the dean!"

"The trash of Xingluo Academy, don't come out and fool people! I am Gu Lin, the master of the dark camp Soul Chasing Pavilion! Who wants to offer the divine veins, ten Soul Chasing Orders and Soul Chasing Technique Cheats with both hands!"

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