In fact, these low-level soldiers really want very little.

As long as these little wishes are fulfilled, their energy will break through the sky, and you will not be disappointed.

"At the moment, the Spiritual War Legion is completely canceled! No new legions will be added for the time being!"

"Originally, practitioners of all ethnic groups in the Spiritual War Legion can join the Emperor's Legion, the Wing Teng Legion, and the Temple Guard Legion!"

"Basic requirements for joining the Emperor's Legion: King Realm or above!"

"Basic conditions for joining the Yiteng Legion: Nine-star awakened or above!"

"Basic conditions for joining the Temple Guard Corps: Seven-star awakened or above!"

"I hope you will actively participate! Fight for the protection of the Imperial Palace!"

"Starting today, all legions will be paid monthly!"

"Ordinary soldiers of the Human Sovereign Legion will issue 10,000 divine crystals every month! Ten low-grade spirit crystals! Officers will be given preferential treatment separately!"

"Ordinary soldiers of the Yiteng Legion are given 5,000 divine crystals and five low-grade spirit crystals every month! Officers will be given preferential treatment separately!"

"Ordinary soldiers of the Temple Guardian Legion will be given 1,000 Divine Crystals every month, and one low-grade Divine Crystal, and the Legion will receive preferential treatment separately!"

"I hope you don't disappoint me!"

As soon as Fang Fan said it, the audience was boiling!

Military pay! Still such a high amount of military pay.

Since then, they have never considered the so-called military pay! Aren't these things all right for them? It is an honor to fight for the palace master and the patriarch! What military pay? Never had such a concept in my head.

Of course, this was before, now...everything!

"Swear allegiance to the hall master!"

The people's will, and even the level of their respective believers has improved a bit.

Fang Fan chuckled and nodded secretly, don't say all kinds of big truths, in the face of practical life, these are all nonsense!

If everyone can't open the pot, what's the use of talking about chicken soup?

Only by letting ordinary soldiers truly feel the benefits of joining the major legions can they become more motivated!

Of course, if Fang Fan insisted on not paying the military salary, what could they do?

There is no reward for killing the enemy, no pay for joining the army, and you can rely on majesty for a while for a day or two, but what about the time? When that enthusiasm wears off?

Obviously, this is not a long-term solution.

The implementation of the military pay system was something Fang Fan had been worrying about before, but he never found a particularly suitable opportunity.

As for the different salaries for the lower-level soldiers of the three legions... that should be the case.

In the Human Sovereign Legion, all the soldiers are in the one-star king realm, while the Temple Guardian Legion is a reserve army, and many soldiers are simply seven-star and eight-star awakeners. The gap between the two is not a star and a half.

In this case, can they keep the same military pay?

Not blindly giving benefits is an excellent leader. A respectable leader must be just, confident, and even more wise!

The corners of Fang Fan's mouth rose slightly, and the Palace of the Emperor... gradually began to take shape.

After all, it is already an eighth-rank force, and it may not be long before it can be directly promoted to a seventh-rank force. Some formal things must be controlled...

In addition... I gave those ordinary soldiers Divine Crystals and Spirit Crystals, and I hope they can quickly improve their cultivation, so that they can keep up with the promotion speed of the Emperor's Palace...

The Palace of the Emperor, like a new star, is rising!

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