"Meier, where's your Mayan female warrior army? I want them to be promoted..."

Fang Fan smiled and looked at Mei'er. Before leaving, these things must be clarified.

"Promoted to the Legion?"

"Oh fine."

Ye Meier blinked and nodded.

In her opinion, what Fang Fan wants to do is correct, and there is no need to obstruct it.

Fang Fan smiled indifferently and looked at the Mayan female warrior army in front of him.

"Ten Star Legion..."

"I haven't become a king-level army yet..."

Fang Fan snorted softly and immediately started the full operation.

"Promoted to a one-star king-level legion!"

"Ding! Consuming one hundred and thirty king-level promotion cards, the ten-star Mayan female warrior army was promoted to one-star king-level!"

"Continue to advance!"

"Ding! Consuming 1,200 cards... Two-star king level!"



"Ding! Consuming 12 trillion king-level promotion cards, the ten-star king-level real king-level Mayan female warrior legion is promoted to the ten-star king-level real king-level army!"

One operation, extremely fast!

A smile gradually appeared on Fang Fan's face... What he needed was this efficiency and speed!

"Extremely True King-level Legion!"

"Husband, why did you promote my legion to such a high level!"

"You are fighting outside, or you can bring the Mayan female samurai army with you!"

Ye Meier covered her mouth with a shocked look on her face.

"I was promoted to the Mayan Female Warrior Corps to ensure the safety of you and the Imperial Palace..."

"Extremely True King Stage... It's still a little bit worse..."

"Continue to advance!"

"Ding! Consuming 1.2 million king-level promotion cards, the ten-star king's realm is the ultimate real king's realm Maya female warrior army is promoted to the one-star emperor's realm!"

The speed of breaking the steps is astounding.

There is a little starlight in Ye Mei'er's eyes...

This speed is too fast!

"Husband, I'm quite safe in the Palace of the Emperor, and I don't need such a powerful legion..."

"You are about to set off for the Chentian Star Territory. I heard that there are strong people there, and one more emperor-level legion guard can be regarded as a guarantee..."

Ye Mei'er sighed lightly, and a nervous look appeared in her eyes.

Although she didn't want Fang Fan to leave, she certainly wouldn't be a stumbling block for Fang Fan.

Between each other, the mind is already clear.

"If you really encounter that kind of extreme threat, an extra one-star emperor-level legion won't do much..."

"On the side of the Emperor's Palace, there must be an emperor-level legion to sit in, otherwise I won't worry..."

"That's it! Take care of your family!"

"If you really encounter something that cannot be done, enter the Temple of the Wild God, use the power of faith as a shield, and wait for me to return!

Fang Fan explained it for a long time, and took Kailin and Ye Meier to stay warm for one night, and the next day, they set off on time!

Although continuing to stay in the Palace of the Emperor may guarantee temporary safety, but in the future, when the danger comes, everything will become a floating shadow.

"Anyway, let's first complete the task of [No Rejection] issued by the system..."

"At the very least, you need to ensure your own safety first..."

Fang Fan muttered to himself.

"Palace Master Fang Fan, please get into the boat!"

Above the sky, a huge ship suddenly appeared, and the Demon Emperor Snake Charm of the Demon Heaven Pavilion was laughing and inviting Fang Fan to enter the boat.

"This is……"

Fang Fan squinted his eyes and looked up and down the hull, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

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