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Chapter 1107

2nd day In the morning, the sun had just risen, and there was a knock on Ye Xunhua’s door.

“Come so early?” Ye Xunhua sneaked to herself, “Please come in.”

Last night, Ye Xunhua broke You Lixuan’s good deeds twice in succession, and the second time he injured You Lixuan strongly. You don’t need to think about it. People from Boundless Holy Land must come to him to ask for an explanation.

The door opened, and a maid with a pink face came in. After the maid walked in, she was not as respectful as the other maids, looked towards Ye Xunhua with a deep love.

Because of her identity, she still gave Ye Xunhua a salute very well, and said softly: “Young Master Ye, there is a Young Master outside asking for a meeting.”

“Who is it?” Ye Xunhua asked.

“I didn’t say, just told Young Master to go out and meet him.” The maid said.

“Hmph, make a mystery!” Ye Xunhua sneered, stood up and tidied his big flower robe, and walked out.

“Young Master Ye.” The maid cried a little shyly.

“Do you have anything else?” Ye Xunhua turned her head and asked a little unhappy.

“Young Master Ye, when will you take your servant out of here?” The maid lowered her head in shame. After waiting for a while, Ye Xunhua didn’t reply, and lifts the head to find that Ye Xunhua did not leave.

Ye Xunhua came to the living room, not at all the guests, and asked them to find out that it was outside the palace.

“Is it Yu Gaoyuan or Chen Tiantian with such a big score?” Ye Xunhua snorted and strode out of the palace.

Outside the palace gate, a man turned his back to Ye Xunhua’s palace. When Ye Xunhua saw it, he couldn’t help being stunned. This person is neither Yu Gaoyuan, nor Chen Tiantian, nor anyone from Wuliang Holy Land.

Ye Xunhua was surprised and happy, strode up, said with a laugh: “I don’t know what wind it is, it blows Brother Han.”

The man hearing this turned around, holding a cute little beast in his arms, and the little beast was covered with a blanket. This person is not Han Yu and who he is.

Han Yu glanced at Ye Xunhua lightly and said, “Don’t you want to protect me, let’s go!”

Han Yu finished speaking, turned around and left.

Ye Xunhua was taken aback for a moment, and she didn’t understand how Han Yu was singing, but it was a good start for Han Yu to come to him on the initiative. A few strides to catch up with Han Yu, said with a smile: “Brother Han joked. With Brother Han’s ability, how could he need to be protected from the bottom, but yesterday’s matter started from the bottom, which should have been resolved by the bottom.”

Han Yu didn’t have much expression fluctuations, and said faintly: “People from the ancient forces generally don’t appear in the outside world. This time there are so many people from the ancient forces in Fenglie City, why?”

Ye Xunhua said: “We have all received news of the fight between the Heavenly Mountain Range and Leiyin Holy Land.”

Han Yu said: “Where are they fighting?”

Ye Xunhua said, “Leiyin Holy Land Northwest is towards Perak Mountain.”

Han Yu nodded, as he guessed, these people came for the competition between Hu Lilie and Qin Yin. Asked: “Who released the news?”

Ye Xunhua said, “Stealing the mountain range, Brother Han is also interested in this competition?”

Han Yu glanced at Ye Xunhua sideways, and asked lukewarmly, “Are you interested?”

Ye Xunhua said: “I heard that this competition had already planted the seeds ten years ago, and one of the protagonists of this competition, Hu Lielie, who steals the mountain range, even threatened to defeat the piano sound, and then Qin Yin steals back to warm the bed. Qin Yin is one of the most graceful and innate talented women among the ancient forces. If that Hu Lilie is really allowed to succeed, wouldn’t it be a flower on the cow dung? The bed is also for the romantic and heroic me!”

Han Yu looked at Ye Xunhua’s boasting shamelessly appearance, really wanted to punch him in the face, harboring malicious intentions asked: “putting it that way, don’t you just go to the show?”

Ye Xunhua said, “Of course, as the flower protector of the ancient forces, I have the responsibility to protect any beautiful woman among the ancient forces.”

Ye Xunhua had her chest straight, proud and righteous.

“The fairy guardian?” Han Yu didn’t know much about the ancient forces, and he didn’t know what Ye Xunhua said true or false.

“The flower guardian envoy means the flower guardian messenger. Because this Ye is full of gods like jade, and the immortal appearance is peerless, it accepts everyone’s love and is called the fairy messenger, which means the messenger sent by Divine Immortal to protect the beautiful women in the world.” Ye Xunhua face is not red and not irritable.

Han Yu can be considered to have heard it, this Ye Xunhua is simply a cheeky, you don’t need to think about it to know what flower protector, I am afraid he has sealed it himself.

“9 Celestial Immortal Ye is looking for flowers, looking for flowers and loving flowers and protecting flowers!” Ye Xunhua opened the folding fan, and each minding their own business chanted, with a face of intoxication and sensuality, the end of the chanting. Unfinished talent said: “Brother Han, this poem describes no talent. For Qin Yin, I have been admired for a long time. I heard that she also has a younger sister called Qin Le, who is also beautiful. If you find this Two flowers, transplanted in my harem garden, I have fulfilled two wishes in my life.”

“Hmph!” Han Yu snorted and said heavily: “I asked you to come, but I didn’t listen to your lust.”

“Uh…” Ye Xunhua was taken aback for a moment, and her dissolute expression was slightly reduced.

The next two people were speechless. After leaving Fenglie City, under the leadership of Ye Xunhua, the two flew straight to the north.

“Brother Han, what kind of breed is your little beast? It’s so cute and cute. It’s the Supreme Divine Artifact of the sister. You are really blessed.” Looking at Han Yu’s face slightly better, Ye Xunhua looked towards Han Yu The little horn in his arms, his eyes shine brightly, and he loves it tightly.

“Hmph!” Han Yu exhaled directly through his nose.

“I have a request next, I hope Brother Han can agree to it.” Ye Xunhua said with a smile, looking forward to it.

“What request?” Han Yu asked.

The reason why he took the initiative to find Ye Xunhua this time was to find out the details of Ye Xunhua and his purpose, and now he finally said his purpose.

Ye Xunhua said, “I want to borrow this little beast to use it.”

Han Yu narrowed his eyes and asked, “What good is it for me?”

Ye Xunhua’s eyes lit up, she took out a cheat book, and handed it to Han Yu, “Brother Han, this is a mysterious low-level Magical Powers. As long as Brother Han borrows this little beast from me for a few days, this Magical Powers is Brother Han’s!”

The low-level Magical Powers of the mysterious order, looking at the First-Class Sect such as Tianchan and Golden Bell, belong to the sect protecting Divine Ability Level, and their value can be imagined.

Is Ye Xunhua willing to spend such a big price just by borrowing?

Han Yu’s gaze gradually became colder, staring into Ye Xunhua’s eyes, and said: “Is it borrowed and not repaid?”

Ye Xunhua looked stunned, and said in surprise: “Brother Han, don’t you believe this Ye? You can inquire at the ancient level. Ye Xunhua always stands by one’s word.”

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