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Chapter 1192 3 Women on Husband

It didn’t take long for the maid who went to report to come back, saying that it was three Young Lady who declined to meet the guests. Han Yu told the maid to go down first, indicating that they had to wait.

Seeing that 2 people and 3 Young Lady’s little pets were playing so well, the maid thought that it shouldn’t be a normal guest, and she didn’t dare to say anything. She let the 2 people sit in the living room, and she went down to do her own business .

After Han Yu left the maid, let Sun Dahou wait, and he walked quietly to the bathroom.

“These three Little Lass, what the hell is happening?” Han Yu sneaked into the bathroom quietly, and the bathroom was filled with smoke.

This bathroom is equipped with a small Heaven Deceiving Formation method to prevent Shui Ling’er from taking off the Qi Tianjia and leaking the breath of Heavenly Master to attract heaven punishment.

This little Heaven Deceiving Formation method was taught by Han Yu to Shui Ling’er. Those who are familiar with the road will enter the within array.

Inside is a huge bath, steaming, and 3 women are playing in the water.

3 Women are peerless beauties, no matter the figure, appearance, or skin is perfect. At this time, the water drops on the skin, and the skin is white and red, which is a beautiful picture.

3 The girl didn’t notice Han Yu coming in. Han Yu thought about it, hiding his figure with imaginary formation, just and honorable walked to the bathtub and squatted down, smiling and peeping.

At this moment, from his perspective, the three women have a different flavor.

“Two elder sisters, Husband has gone so long and haven’t come back yet, do you want him?”

Shui Ling’er swam to the opposite side of Han Yu, put his arms on the edge of the pool, half of his body was exposed out of the water, and Han Yu swallowed.

Shuixian’er and Ma Su swam over, emerging from the side of Shui Ling’er 2, and leaning agaist the pond’s edge like Shui Ling’er, putting their hands on them, and for a while, 3 women have a bloody figure. Being exposed in front of Han Yu made Han Yu feel a little hot in her belly.

3 People are different in body and style, but they are all peerless stunners.

“Yes!” Narcissus and Ma Su said almost in unison.

3 In the eyes of the female, there is a deep sense of longing.

“Ai, I thought that after I came to Wu Province, I could get tired of being with Husband every day, but he didn’t expect him to leave us here, so he went out to play by himself, which made us suffer from loneliness.” Shui Ling’er cocked her mouth. , Some resentment.

“Younger sister, Husband, he has important things, you have to be considerate of him.” Ma Su said empathetically.

She is the elder 2. She calls Narcissus elder sister and Shui Ling’er is younger sister. You don’t need to add a name to the front, and you know that she is talking to Shui Ling’er. But Shuixian’er and Shui Ling’er are the boss and the youngest. They have to add a name in front of them when they talk, so that they know who to talk to.

“Yeah, haven’t we been used to it a long time ago?” Narcissus said with a smile, her eyes full of tenderness and thoughtfulness.

Han Yu was ashamed.

“Two elder sisters, how about we play a game today?” Shui Ling’er turned his eyes.

“What game?” Both Narcissus and Ma Su looked towards Shui Ling’er curiously.

“Let’s talk about the shortcomings of Husband, we can only talk about the shortcomings. Whoever says the most shortcomings wins, and whoever knows Husband best.” Shui Ling’er said.

“Huh?” Narcissus and Ma Su were both surprised.

Han Yu was also taken aback, but it was interesting to think about it. He looked at the three women while listening silently.

“Husband people are so good, how can there be shortcomings?” Narcissus said.

“Sister Su Su, it seems that Sister Xian’er has given up. Let’s compare the two.” Shui Ling’er looked at Ma Su and blinked.

Ma Su smiled secretly and said, “Okay, it seems that elder sister doesn’t know Husband that much, but I know many shortcomings of Husband.”

Narcissus said dissatisfied: “Who said I don’t understand anymore, it’s just that our 3 sisters are here quietly talking bad about Husband, okay?”

Shui Ling’er said: “Just our three sisters, whispering, and so on. Xian’er elder sister, you are the boss, you can talk first.”

“Me? Let’s forget it, Su Su first.” Narcissus said.

She was originally a gentle and kind person, and would not say bad things behind others, let alone bad things about Han Yu. But after thinking about it, the three sisters are like one body. It’s exciting to talk bad about Han Yu, but it’s still not easy to start.

Ma Su thought for a while and said, “Husband, everything is good, but sometimes it is too impulsive!”

Shuixian’er and Shui Ling’er thought it was nodded.

“Okay, Sister Su Su said one, it’s up to you Sister Xian’er.” Shui Ling’er said, like a referee member.

“Ling’er, let’s talk first!” Narcissus said.

“Okay, then I will do my part.” Shui Ling’er said, “Our Husband, everything is good, but sometimes a little bit of arrogance!”

Narcissus and Masu both thought it was nodded.

After Shui Ling’er finished speaking, he and Ma Su looked towards Narcissus.

Narcissus hesitated and said, “Husband, everything is good, but sometimes it is a little bit lustful.”

Both Shui Ling’er and Ma Su thought it was nodded. But thinking about it, lust is not a disadvantage, otherwise, would the two of them not be able to marry Han Yu.

It’s Masu’s turn again.

“Husband, we like to be an arm-flinging shopkeeper.”

Shui Xian’er and Shui Ling’er think about it, it seems to be a shortcoming. It was a bit irresponsible to throw a huge country to Masu.

“Our Husband…”

Han Yu was speechless when he heard it from the sidelines. At first, the three women hesitated to speak, but when they came back, they grabbed it. Each of them at least said the ten shortcomings of Han Yu, which made Han Yu a little unlovable. feel.

Fortunately, the shortcomings they mentioned are all trivial, otherwise Han Yu would doubt whether the three of them really like him.

“It seems that it’s okay in the future or don’t do such sneaky things. It’s really asking for trouble!” Han Yu secretly sighed.

“Okay, okay, having said so many shortcomings of Husband, let’s talk about the advantages of Husband.” Narcissus said, feeling a guilty conscience.

“Good, good, let me talk first!” Shui Ling’er rushed.

“You, why didn’t you rush to say it just now?” Ma Su glanced at Shui Ling’er.

“Hehe, who told me to be small.” Shui Ling’er said with a smile.

“Okay, let you come first.” Narcissus and Ma Su both smiled.

Han Yu cheered up and listened respectfully.

“I think, the biggest advantage of our Husband is that we have a vision and take a good wife like me.” Shui Ling’er said with a chest out, making Han Yu almost laughed and sprayed blood.

“Are you complimenting Husband or yourself?” Narcissus and Ma Su were speechless.

“You dare to say that Husband has no eyesight?” Shui Ling’er cunning said with a smile.

Shuixian’er and Ma Su clicked on Shui Ling’er’s head, but they could not do anything about her.

If they deny it, wouldn’t they be ashamed? Shui Ling’er said that Han Yu had vision, and to some extent he was indirectly praised the two of them.

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