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Chapter 121

Han Yu took the cloud-chaser and left that night. Although the Chen Family people blocked the entrance to the city gate, Han Yu walked from the sky, and the Chen Family people did not even see a shadow.

However, there are 2 pairs of eyes that have been staring at Han Yu in the dark. It was the Little Old Man who sold animal blood and the man who sold 7-color Magnolia. The latter did not wear a mask at this time, revealing a square-shaped square- Faced, tall and tall, with the same age as Little Old Man.

“Short old man, sure you won’t see the wrong person this time?” The square-faced Gao old fellow said with some concern.

“Don’t worry, you will never read it wrong this time.” The short old man said confidently.

“I hope so. The candidates for the remaining 6 groups have been determined, and some have already become acquainted. We shall not lose our momentum by then.”

“Hmph, I don’t want ordinary people. The person I choose must be the elite of the elite. Although time is a bit slower, I believe that when that day comes, he will not be weaker than anyone.”

“I don’t know what you said is true or false!” Gao old fellow shook the head. He really couldn’t keep up with the thinking of the short old man. He paused and said, “Why did you temporarily change your mind?”

Previously, the requirement of a short old man was to cultivate Soul Power and be a cultivation base above the Spirit Martial 5th layer to meet the standard. Therefore, it was determined that the blood essence of the 5th Void Beast could be exchanged for the 7-color Magnolia. For some reason, the short old man took the initiative to buy blood essence and sell it.

The short old man said: “I looked at this place high before, thinking that people above the Spirit Martial 5th layer can be plentiful and easily available, but the result is pitiful. Later I also discovered that strength is not important, and the most important thing is potential. Today it is. You have also seen the kid. Although his strength is not strong, he has great potential. The most important thing is that he is not yet a Shuling Lishi, Soul Power is even stronger than the ordinary Shuling Lishi, and has reached his limit at this stage. Such a person, given time, must do something. This is the main reason why I chose him.”

Gao old fellow nodded, he still believes in the eyes of short old man. In the past 30 years, he has encountered many seedlings, but in the end they were rejected by the short old man. At first, the Gao old fellow was still a little dissatisfied. He secretly observed the situation of the seedlings and found that the achievements of those people were almost the same as the short old man had guessed.

Although call the wind and summon the rain in an area, it is far from their requirements.

“Let’s go, now we have found a suitable candidate, we can go back to life, save those people always poking our backbone behind our backs.”

Two old man quietly disappeared into the night, how could Han Yu think that under the unfathomable mystery, he would become the candidate in the eyes of others.

Not long after Han Yu left, a major event took place in the Golden City. I don’t know who revealed an explosive news. Li Family Young Master Li Fengyu took a black clothed person to the underground trading market, sold a lot of materials, and counted the names of some materials. After Chen Tianba learned the news, he immediately went to the underground trading square city. Under 100 persecution, the people in the trading square city showed the list of materials to Chen Tianba for viewing.

After reading it, Chen Tianba’s entire lungs will explode. 80% of the items on the material list are Chen Family. The cultivation materials and cultivation cheats in the Chen Family treasure house are all in this 80%.

When Chen Tianba returned home, he immediately rectified his troops and killed Li Family, asking Li Family to hand over Han Yu. Li Family naturally couldn’t hand over Han Yu. The two companies had some grievances before, and they didn’t know that the underground trading market was the He Family black box manipulation. Chen Tianba was angry again, so the two companies fought with each other. Chen Tianba and Li Family’s predecessor, Patriarch Li Deyong, were even more desperate, and both sides suffered.

After Chen Tianba and Li Deyong calmed down, they realized that something was not right, but it was too late. He Family launched a thunderous attack on the two companies.

Severely injured Chen Tianba and Li Deyong were both beheaded by He Family’s predecessor Patriarch He Tianlong. He Family cleaned the two houses in one day to complete the 2-year ambition and dominate the golden city.

Han Yu stopped by Flowing Cloud Sect and walked into Fenghe Valley. A white silhouette jumped into Han Yu’s arms, with a shiny golden horn on his head. It wasn’t a small horn or who it was.

Before Han Yu was happy, he felt dizzy and almost fell when he saw Xiaojiao holding the fruit he was eating. The fruit that Little Brat is holding is actually a Grade 6 Spirit Medicine. This guy will not steal Mr. Huo’s spiritual medicine again, right?

Han Yu had the urge to run away when he wanted to hold the little horn and let Mr. Huo see Xiaojiao stealing his spiritual medicine again. I really didn’t know what would happen to him and the little horn.

But in the end, Han Yu still didn’t run, urging Xiaojiao to finish the fruit quickly, and then walked in holding it. Mr. Huo lay on the chair, leisurely. Han Yu didn’t know if Flowing Cloud Sect asked Mr. Huo to help arrange the sect Mountain Protecting Great Array, or if it was raised by an idler.

Out of courtesy, Han Yu bowed his waist slightly and said, “disciple Han Yu, meet Mr. Huo.”

Huo Mr. Huo stood up, looked at Han Yu in surprise, and said, “You came back quite quickly.”

At this moment, the little horn “sou” jumped from Han Yu’s arms, and then ran into Mr. Huo’s arms. Mr. Huo fondly stroked the little horn’s hair, and Little Brat looked abnormal. Enjoy, Mr. Huo up and down, except for his eyes exposed, even his hands are wearing white gloves.

Looking at it now, the two have turned hostility into friendship, and the relationship is good.

Han Yu is slightly relaxed. In this case, the spiritual medicine fruit that Xiaojiao ate before should not be stolen, even if it is stolen, Mr. Huo should not be held accountable.

Han Yu took out the 7-color magnolia without any muddle and handed it to Mr. Huo. Mr. Huo accepted the 7-color magnolia with satisfaction, and then returned the small horn as promised.

Little Brat not at all immediately returned to Han Yu’s embrace, but jumped to the side of the woods, and soon walked out with a huge sack. The sack was as big as a dozen small horns, and looked rather funny.

From the sack, a strong smell of medicine exudes, Han Yu raised his brow, this Little Brat won’t rob Mr. Huo’s spirit Medicine Garden, right? Even if you looted, you can’t take it out so blatantly, right? Isn’t this something people get and get?

Han Yu glanced at Mr. Huo secretly and found that Mr. Huo was missing. With Han Yu’s spiritual sense, Mr. Huo can still come and go silently, and the strength of Shuling Lishi makes Han Yu yearning.

Although I thought that Xiaojiao could make such a big package of medicine ingredients, Shiyou eight-nine was acquiesced by Mr. Huo, but Han Yu still felt the most guilty conscience. He ran to pick Xiaojiao and the sacks and ran away. Out of Fenghe Valley.

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