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Chapter 1217

This person is wearing a black robe, thin body, black qi steaming on his body, and monstrous demonic energy, like a peerless great demon, with his back facing Han Yu, but he gives Han Yu a feeling of deja vu.

He rose to the same height as Han Yu, and then slowly turned around. When he saw his face clearly, Han Yu was as if was struck by lightning.

This person looks exactly like him.

Han Yu couldn’t help stepping back a few steps, and stormy sea turned in his heart.

“Who are you?” Han Yu asked warily.

“I’m you!” black robed man said, his voice was cold and expressionless, but his voice was exactly the same as Han Yu’s.

“Hmph, dressing up as God, playing the devil, I am me, how could you be me?” Han Yu quickly stabilized. He thought it was an illusion.

In this world, there is absolutely impossible to have a person whose looks and voice are exactly the same as him. Such a situation is definitely an illusion. Maybe something went wrong during his breakthrough.

“Do you think I am a phantom?” the black robed man asked.

Han Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the black robed man, without speaking.

“That little animal tooth can eliminate many illusions.” black robed man said.

Han Yu glanced at the little beast tooth he was wearing on his neck, and his heart trembled. Only he himself knew the effect of the little beast tooth. Why did the other party know the effect of the little beast tooth?

“I am you, everything about you is everything about me.” The black robed man seemed to know what Han Yu was thinking.

“Joke, who are you?” Han Yu asked in a deep voice.

The black robed man glanced at Han Yu, and then said to several Divine Dragons: “You guys come here.”


Several Divine Dragons roared and rushed towards the black robed man excitedly. They were a bit more excited than when they saw Han Yu. Even Xiaobai abandoned Han Yu and rushed into the other’s arms.

This greatly stimulated Han Yu. The 7 Divine Dragons are his divine objects within the body. They can be regarded as his incarnation and are the closest to him. How can they listen to others’ orders?

“Don’t you believe it? I am you, and we are the same person!” black robed man said.

“Since you are me, why don’t I know your existence?” Han Yu asked.

The opponent seems to have mastered everything about Han Yu, but Han Yu didn’t have the slightest control over the opponent.

“You are thinking, I control everything about you, and you don’t know anything about me. Since we are the same person, you should also control everything about me.” said black robed man serene.

He really knew what Han Yu was thinking.

“That’s because I am the higher-level you and you are the lower-level me.” black robed man said.

“High-level? Low-level?” Han Yu didn’t understand, how could a person be assigned such a level.

“Cultivation base is divided into high and low, and I also divided into high and low. The previous me, that is, you, is the unawakened me, now I am the awakened you!” black robed man said, although it is a bit mysterious, but Han Yu Seems to understand.

“Bloodline awakens?” Han Yu asked.

“We are the purest body swallowing heavenly demon. Bloodline has awakened a long time ago, and now it is the awakening of ability.” black robed man said, “You have not mastered the true ability of swallowing heavenly demon body, and I have mastered swallowing heavenly demon. With many methods of body, I am you after transformation!”

black robed man looked towards red Divine Dragon and said: “Xiao Hong, give me the past, show your strength.”

The red Divine Dragon roared with excitement, rushed towards the 9th Layer, looked down at Heaven and Earth, uttered Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, opened its mouth, and spit out a terrifying matchless flame from its mouth. Soon, above the sky The flame was billowing, and the flame seemed to burn the sky and boil the sea. Han Yu couldn’t help but feel his heart palpitations. The expert of Martial Sovereign 1st Layer fell into it, and it was absolutely burned to fly ash in an instant.

“You, only master Xiaohong’s fire fighting technique, which is Xiaohong’s most superficial method. Fighting fire is Xiaohong’s real ability!” black robed man said.

He beckoned to Xiao Hong, Xiao Hong opened her mouth and swallowed the flames in her belly, flew back, screaming constantly in her mouth, as if trying to convince Han Yu.

Han Yu was also a little excited. As his strength increased, the abilities of several Divine Dragons within the body seemed a bit tasteless. If their abilities could really be improved, for Han Yu, it would definitely be a big deal. Good thing.

“You still don’t believe me?” The black robed man looked at Han Yu.

“Why did you only show up at this time?” Han Yu asked.

“Because you have only truly become a demon now.” The black robed man glanced at the dark water around him, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

“Magic?” Han Yu whispered secretly.

This word is like ten thousand zhang giant mountain, always pressing on him, did he finally embark on the demonic path?

“Demonic path is our way, we are the ancestors of demonic path!” said black robed man.

The sound is not loud, but every word is like Sound of Thunder

“crackle ……”

In the sky, a few lightning bolts suddenly passed, followed by a deafening thunder.

The word “Demon” seems to be even feared by Eternally Blue Sky and the 4 Sea Gods.

“Now, what do I need to do?” Han Yu asked. He has already understood some of this path, so he is not too surprised to stand in front of the demonic path now.

“Abandon you and choose me; throw away the past and move towards the future; fade away from weakness and move towards strength.” black robed man said. The sound was like a big Lu Hongzhong, which made Han Yu’s head hum.

“What do you mean?” Han Yu’s heart trembled.

“You die and you live!” the black robed man said in a single pause.

These 4 words are like a bolt from the blue! Han Yu stepped back again.

“Don’t be afraid, your death is just to cut away the former me; my life is to choose your future.” The black robed man step by step walked towards Han Yu, and 7 Divine Dragons followed him, already becoming His accomplice.

“No!” Han Yu shouted.

“Only in this way can we move on.” The black robed man said calmly.

Han Yu’s heart in chaos is numb, is this really the way of swallowing heavenly demon? Want to continue, do you really want to kill everything before? Can it be cut?

“No, I am who I am. My Dao is I is not the way of swallowing heavenly demon; the way of swallowing heavenly demon is just one of my ways.”

Han Yu instantly cleared comprehension, and his heart was like a rock.

Since ancient times, Han Yu is not the only person who swallows heavenly demon, but Han Yu is unique and unmatched.

Each swallow heavenly demon body has a different way.

Han Yu’s way should be controlled by himself, not by swallowing heavenly demon.

“You are not me, you just swallow heavenly demon body!” Han Yu stared at the black robed man and shouted.

“You are also swallowing heavenly demon body!” black robed man said.

“No, swallowing heavenly demon body is just my physique, just a part of my life. You are also only a part of my life, what qualifications do you have to replace me?” Han Yu scolded, his voice billowing like thunder, shaking Dantian World.

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