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Chapter 123

Within a few days, none of the Chen Family members appeared, and Han Yu took a cloud-chasing crane to Jincheng to check the situation. Passing through the mountains 30 li outside the Gilded City, a fight attracted Han Yu’s attention.

I saw 7 people besieging a 8-13 years old girl. The girl was injured in many places and is now putting up a desperate struggle. On the girl’s back, a 14~5 years old boy was carrying, crying and calling elder sister, apparently the girl was his elder sister.

“A group of big Lords, bullying a pair of lonely brothers and sisters, really to have no shame!” Han Yu’s heart suddenly burned with anger, prompting the cloud crane to dive down, loudly shouted: “Stop it for me!”

Before the cloud crane fell, Han Yu jumped down from the sky and landed in front of the girl. The powerful impact directly smashed the ground and made a few people jump.

“Where’s the brat, be nosy, be careful to kill you with you!” After the leading man saw that Han Yu was just a teenager, he became confident.

“It doesn’t look good at you either, I will enforce Justice on behalf of the Heaven today!” Han Yu’s eyes were cold, and murderous aura surged.

“Hahaha, before the hair grows up, just learn hero saving the beauty, kid, you go with them!” The leading man cut off with a sharp splitting the air sound.

“Be careful!” behind Han Yu, an exclamation came.

As soon as Han Yu moved, he avoided the leading man’s knife like lightning, and cut a palm on his arm. Everyone was surprised to see that Han Yu’s palm was sharper than the blade, and he directly hit the man’s The arms were all cut off.

“Ah!” The man clutched his severed arm and suddenly howled like a pig.

“Remember, be a good person in your next life!”

Han Yu hit the man’s chest with a palm, and the man flew upside down like a cannonball. After hitting the ground, he violent death. The remaining men and girls were all dumbfounded. Han Yu actually killed a Profound Martial 4th expert while talking and laughing. How strong is this?

The others had been terrified and turned their heads and ran away, but how could their speed be comparable to Han Yu, and Han Yu soon fell to the ground and beheaded decisively.

“Many thanks, benefactor!” The girl knelt on the ground with a thud, grateful.

Han Yu just drew his sword to help when he saw the injustice. How could he bear such a big gift, he quickly joined hands to pull the girl and said, “No need to be polite, no effort at all.”

Just when Han Yu was about to come into contact with the girl, suddenly a bright light radiated from the girl’s hand, and the girl jumped up and rushed towards Han Yu’s abdomen.

Han Yu eyes shrank, the young girl actually held a shining dagger in the hands of the girl. If this dagger pierced his body, it would surely break his stomach.


Han Yu was coldly snorted, protruding out the right hand like lightning, and caught the girl’s wrist. With a slight force, the short sword in the girl’s hand fell to the ground.

Although the girl is a cultivation base of the Profound Martial 4th level and a sudden killer, Han Yu is so keen and extremely fast, so she is able to control her afterwards.

Han Yu gave a light push, and the girl sat down on the ground and screamed in pain.

“I obviously saved you, why did you kill me?” Han Yu shouted angrily. If it wasn’t for the child who was carrying the girl on her back, Han Yu had just killed her.

“I recognize you, you are Han Yu.” The girl panting with rage stared at Han Yu.

Han Yu couldn’t help but froze, and said angrily: “I am Han Yu, that’s right, but what hate do I have with you? What’s the grudge?”

The girl was taken aback for a moment, and then stubbornly said: “All of you in our family were killed by you.” After speaking, tears poured out in large drops and burst into tears, and the child on her back also wailed loudly.

Han Yu was stunned. He didn’t even know who the girl was. How could the girl’s family be killed by him? But seeing one big and one small crying loudly, Han Yu’s heart softened all the time, and asked: “What’s the matter, let’s hear it!”

It took a while for the girl to calm her emotions and tell the whole story.

It turns out that she is the Young Lady of the Li Family Li Family, Li Qingling, and the Inner Disciple of Flowing Cloud Sect. When Han Yu and Chen Yan fought to the death, she went to watch the battle, so she met Han Yu.

Then he framed the He Family against Li Family, and then said the matter of sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

Han Yu finally knew why Chen Tianba didn’t go to Mangcheng to find him trouble. He died. Although in the storm this time, He Family helped Han Yu solve Chen Tianba’s big trouble, but Han Yu was rather unhappy, and felt like being used by He Family. However, Li Qingling regarded him as an enemy because of this, which made him slightly angry.

shouted: “Your enemy is He Family, what do you hate me for? If you change to an ordinary person today, you might be dead.”

Li Qingling seemed to realize his mistake, but stubbornly narrowed his mouth and said: “I don’t care, anyway, you have your responsibility.”

Han Yu can see it, this person is simply unreasonable, shook the head and said: “Do you care about my ass? So do it for yourself…”

“You can’t go.” Li Qingling suddenly hugged Han Yu’s thigh.

Han Yu complexion sank, this also made Eldest Miss angry, shouted: “Let go!”

Seeing the anger in Han Yu’s eyes, Li Qingling was a little frightened, let go of her hand, and said weakly: “Can you please do me a favour and give me something to eat? My younger brother hasn’t eaten for 3 days. .”

In this case, no matter how great the anger is, it will never come out. Han Yu glanced at Li Qingling’s sister and brother. Both of them were hungry and pale, especially the kid on the back. After crying just now, at this time It looks muddleheaded, very pitiful.

Han Yu didn’t have anything to eat, but there were some spiritual medicine. He took a few Grade 1 spiritual medicine fruits. Li Qingling first fed her younger brother. After her younger brother’s complexion improved a little, she took a big mouthful. It seemed to be hungry.

After nibbling for a while, Li Qingling realized that Han Yu was looking at her, his face flushed, and he turned to eat silently.

Not to mention, although Li Qingling looks a little sloppy at this time, she is a beautiful woman in the making. When she grows up, she will definitely not lose the existence of Guo Rongrong.

After Li Qingling finished eating, Han Yu asked, “Then where are you going next?”

Li Qingling said: “My house is gone, now I can only go back to Flowing Cloud Sect, and when it becomes stronger in the future, I will come back for revenge!”

Han Yu sympathizes with Li Qingling’s experience, because he also just lost a family member. He thought about it and said: “I will accompanies Buddha all the way to the west. You can take my cloud-chaser crane back to sect. He travels, it’s not easy for people who believe in He Family to intercept you.”

Li Qingling was overjoyed. She was chased by He Family because she was walking very slowly. She was surrounded by perils several times. She had heard of the name of chasing Yunhe. She walked ten thousand li every day. There is this kind of transportation. Avoid many dangers.

“Han Yu, you are a good person, thank you!” After Chasing Yunhe, Li Qingling implicitly thanked.

“Heh…” Han Yu faintly smiled, motioning to chase Yunhe to set off, and soon after chasing Yunhe, Li Qingling’s sister and brother disappeared into Han Yu’s sight. Han Yu turned and walked towards the Gilded City. He Family couldn’t cooperate with him. He actually used his name to do murderous activities. He wouldn’t let He Family go so easily.

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