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Chapter 1319

After returning to Wuyacheng, the pilot and the others did not chase, making Han Yu slightly relaxed. But in his heart, murderous-looking.

The encounter at this time, for them, was shocking and risky, but for Qitian Lineage, it was an extraordinary shame and humiliation, and Yin Xu was seriously injured. Even with the healing of the leaves of the Holy Tree, I am afraid that he will not be able to recover. , Let alone go further.

In the following days, Han Yu tried his best to help Yinxu heal his injuries. Yinxu woke up 5 days later, still abnormally weak. Yin Shi3 kept guarding the side, crying red eyes several times.

The great world is coming soon, Yin Xu could have attacked Martial Saint Realm, but now, he can’t even recover as before!

In contrast, Yin Xu is much calmer, let Yin Shi 3 not be sad and Han Yu not to blame himself. Everyone has his own life. Originally, his ability to cultivation to Martial Sovereign 8th Layer is already at the limit. Even if he encounters the big world, the chance of further progress is very slim.

Walking out of the secret room, Han Yu’s mood was abnormally heavy. Secretly swear in his heart, he must eradicate the lineage of heaven!

“Husband, I am afraid that a major event is about to happen!” Shui Ling’er found Han Yu, expressing grave.

“What’s wrong?” Han Yu asked.

“Suddenly a lot of people came to Wuyacheng. I am worried that they are coming to us!” Shui Ling’er said.

“Go, go out and have a look!” Han Yu took Shui Ling’er’s hand, walked to the ground, and found that there were a few more strange life auras in this manor.

Han Yu’s Soul Power was released quietly, and 7 people moved into this manor. The streets in the city are bustling, and there are many more people.

“What’s going on? There are only 1000 residents in Wuya City, and now it seems that there are as many as 10000?” Han Yu’s brows wrinkled tightly. This is not a normal thing. Han Yu thought for a while and said, “You go back first, so that everyone don’t come out, I’ll take a look!”

“Be careful!” Shui Ling’er said worriedly.

Han Yu slightly smiled, gave her a relieved look, and handed the Sky Thunder Bow to Shui Ling’er. After Shui Ling’er took the Sky Thunder Bow, he turned back to the ground. Han Yu left, Han Yu’s appearance and temperament quietly changed as he walked.

Soon, Han Yu became a 6-foot-long middle-aged man with a back of a tiger and waist of a bear. Even his aura became extremely violent, making people feel like a militant at a glance. Even the closest person to Han Yu can’t recognize him.

Han Yu directly found the 7 people, all of whom are youngsters, the oldest is only 7~25 years old, and the strongest is the Martial Sovereign 26 heavy cultivation base.

“Who are you and why are you here?” Han Yu asked directly and domineeringly. The voice is vulgar and perfectly matches his body shape.

“Your house, isn’t there no one here?” a young man asked in surprise.

“Isn’t Lao Tzu a human?” Han Yu raised his eyebrows, murderous-looking.

The young man was a little upset and wanted to choke on Han Yu, but was stopped by the leading man. He said, “This brother, it’s really sorry. We thought this was an ownerless manor, so we came in hastily.”

Han Yu glanced at the lead man coldly, and said: “Now that it is understood, please go!”

The leader young man said: “Brother, we have just arrived here and are not very familiar with this place. If we want to stay here for a period of time, we will give you generous rewards!”

Han Yu calmly asked, “What are you doing in Wuya City?”

The leading young man said: “Brother don’t know? The old celestial mechanic of the Shenji Palace predicted that the great world has come, and Cliffless Mountain may hide the opportunity of sanctification. Many people have come this time, all for the opportunity of sanctification. Coming.”

This is no secret, so the leader youth did not hide it.

“The opportunity for sanctification is in Cliffless Mountain?” Han Yu asked in astonishment. As for the news that the great world has come, Han Yu was not surprised, this kind of omen had already appeared.

“It may be in Cliffless Mountain. The old pilot predicted that there may be ten places in Wu Province where there may be opportunities for sanctification. We have five in Xiling, namely Monster Sovereign Ridge, Phoenix Mountain, Malgobi, and Luoshenda. Canyon and Cliffless Mountain, Cliffless Mountain is the closest to Shenji Mountain, so after learning the news, almost all the people who went to Shenji Mountain to observe the predictions of the old man came here!” said the leader.

“Five Great Dangerous Zones!” Han Yu was shocked. He didn’t doubt what the leader said, but he didn’t know whether the words of the heavenly pilot were true.

Monster Sovereign Ridge, Phoenix Mountain, Mahler Gobi, Falling God Grand Canyon and Cliffless Mountain are called Xiling Five Great Dangerous Zones, and Han Yu has visited all the four places in front.

“We are only staying here temporarily, and we will leave for Cliffless Mountain in 2 days. It won’t bother Brother for too long, and if Brother wants to go to Cliffless Mountain, we can travel together.” The leader youth said.

“If this is the case, then you can live here first. Remember, you can’t use force with me, or I’m not polite to you! Also, I don’t want any reward from you. If someone else comes, you can send me away. “Han Yu said.

“Many thanks brother! We must!” the leader young man joyfully said.

Han Yu didn’t say much, turned around and left. The young people were also in peace and settled in the palace they chose.

Han Yu came to the street. People in small groups can be seen on the street. This street is still relatively remote. It can be seen that the Main Street will be more lively.

He walked to Main Street and met many acquaintances along the way.

People from Zhao Family, People from Everlasting Palace, and People from Wuliang Holy Land passed Han Yu one after another, but they didn’t recognize Han Yu.

Before long, I met Ye Xunhua and Ye Wen Willow Brother.

“I heard that Brother Han and the others have come to Wuya City first. I don’t know where they are now and what’s their situation?” Ye Xunhua said with some worry.

“Brother Han is divine might be hard to stop, Tianlei Bow is nothing that cannot be broken, the old Jigger and Wuzi didn’t chase after him, It shouldn’t be something.” Ye Wenliu said.

Han Yu was moved in his ears.

Han Yu and the others were in a desperate situation that day. There are that many people in the world. Only Qin Le and the Ye Family brother helped Han Yu, but the Ye Family brother was immediately controlled by the Ye Family people, but Han Yu was in the eye.

Han Yu not at all recognize them and pass them by.

Along the way, Han Yu heard a lot of talk about the great world and the opportunity of sanctification, which confirmed what the leader said before.

Many people have come to Cliffless City, ready to go to Cliffless Mountain, looking for opportunities for sanctification.

“How important is the opportunity for sanctification. Whoever gets it first will be able to become sanctified. Is the old pilot really willing to disclose it to the people of the world?” Han Yu was skeptical.

“wu wu wu ……”

When Han Yu passed a fork in the road, a cry suddenly came from the alley on the left that caught his attention. The cry sounded familiar.

Han Yu turned his head to look and saw a sloppy little girl sitting in the mud and crying.

“Girl?” Han Yu exclaimed.

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