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Chapter 1322 Talking about old lunatic

“Sou!” Upon receiving Han Yu’s sound transmission, Xiaojiao immediately rushed to the rear window with the girl. Han Yu shook his body, and the powerful aura of Martial Sovereign 1st Layer was like a volcanic eruption, lying in front of Fang Yun.

“I still want to run here?” Fang Yun sneered, and a huge energy envelope suddenly appeared around him, covering the entire shop.


The little horn hit the energy shield, screamed, and bounced back.

“You are still obediently and honestly, let me take it away. It’s a good thing for you and this little beast.” Fang Yun glanced at Han Yu and walked towards Xiaojiao.

“dang dang dang ……”

The sound of iron strikes has never stopped, and Little Old Man is completely immersed in the world of iron strikes.

Fang Yun walked 3 steps, suddenly body trembled, wow vomiting a mouthful of blood.

“Shua!” The cold and severe gaze swept towards Little Old Man.

“Who are you?” Fang Yun exclaimed, hurriedly backing away. He shattered his heart with the sound of iron strikes, it was hard to imagine.

“dang dang dang ……”

Little Old Man hit the iron, but did not respond.

Fang Yun’s expression turned gloomy and uncertain, he turned around and left without daring to turn his head, for fear of slowing down.

Han Yu was so shocked that Little Old Man was too terrifying.

“Many thanks Senior!” Han Yu hurriedly cup one fist in the other hand thanks.

“Ao ao ao…” Xiaojiao exclaimed excitedly.

Little Old Man turned his head to Han Yu slightly smiled and didn’t say much. The little horn flew up, the claw grabbed it, took the sledgehammer, and hit the iron with Little Old Man.

Han Yu really admires the little horns this time, and quietly built such a terrifying powerhouse.

Little Old Man and Xiaojiao, you hit me with one hammer, and they played very well.

Dao Rhyme is contained in Little Old Man’s iron strike; the little horn’s iron strike gradually has its own characteristics.

Han Yu quietly walked to the side and sat down. The girl obediently walked to Han Yu’s side and sat on the ground leaning on Han Yu’s lap. The two of them watched them hit the iron.

Soon, Han Yu entered the realm of enlightenment, and the surrounding Heaven and Earth Dao scars quietly flashed into the flesh and blood of the right hand.

Little Horn’s body gradually bloomed with golden light, and he accidentally acted, but quietly hit the realm of Rank 1 Monster Sovereign.

Two hours later, the weapon was hit, and Little Old Man turned off to rest.

Han Yu wakes up from entering concentration and finds that the cultivation base is diligent again. And the small corner, the same cultivation base diligently, not far from Rank 1 Monster Sovereign.

“Senior can accomplish all the good fortune. The sound of iron strikes helps people enlighten. If Xian’er and the others can come here, they should be able to take this opportunity to break through Martial Sovereign Realm, and they are protected by Old Senior, so they are not afraid of those enemies looking for it.” Han Yu’s heart moved.

“Supper here?” Little Old Man asked.

“En!” Han Yu nodded. This is a godsend opportunity to have a good relationship with Little Old Man.

Little Old Man slightly smiled and said: “I’m going to cook!”

Han Yu hurriedly stood up and said, “Senior, I will help you!”

Little Old Man said nothing, and walked to the kitchen.

“Big brother, I’ll help you!” The girl looked up at Han Yu with her head up.

Han Yu rubbed her little head and motioned her to go with him.

After entering the kitchen, Little Old Man washed the rice and cooked it first. Han Yu saw the vegetables on the shelf and took them to clean. The girl and Xiaojiao helped.

It didn’t take long for a dinner to be completed.

A very simple meal, 3 vegetarian dishes, one meat, Han Yu’s cooking skills are good, the fragrance is flowing, and the girl and Xiaojiao keep swallowing.

Han Yu took out its wine vessel and poured a glass for Little Old Man.

“Good wine!” Little Old Man held up the wine glass, smelled it slightly, and suddenly looked intoxicated. After taking a sip, he shouted more refreshedly.

Han Yu is now drinking more, and after a toast with Little Old Man, he is not drunk. And Little Old Man didn’t feel drunk at all. Let Han Yu fill up again without seeing anything, Han Yu will naturally not be stingy.

For the second cup, Han Yu drank slowly, a little bit drunk. Little Old Man sipped his lips.

Seeing that Han Yu didn’t pour it, Xiao Jiao was a little angry, so he took out its small bottle gourd and drank the bottle gourd by himself.

“You Little Brat also has this good wine, why don’t you share it with old fogey?” Little Old Man reproached slightly.

Little Horn grinned and didn’t say anything. Holding his small bottle gourd, he looked at Little Old Man warily, making Han Yu and Little Old Man laugh.

“Big brother, I want Hah too!” The girl smelled the wine, her mouth filled with fluid.

Han Yu poured a small half glass to the girl. Although this wine is powerful, it is harmless to the body and is not afraid of hurting the girl.

The girl picked up the wine glass and finished it with one sip, her small face instantly became flushed, but to Han Yu’s surprise, she was not drunk.

Han Yu poured some more to the girl, who was bored again. Later, the amount of drunk was not less than Han Yu’s, but he was not drunk at all, making Han Yu stared wide-eyed.

With the addition of the girl, the drinking of several people became more lively.

The girl is very naive and lively, and often makes Han Yu and Little Old Man laugh.

“I don’t know what Senior’s name is.” Han Yu asked Little Old Man.

“Just call me old blacksmith.” Little Old Man said indifferently.

Han Yu gave a wry smile. Little Old Man didn’t want to talk to him about his identity. He didn’t ask him, but instead asked: “Senior, Cliffless Mountain is known as the top of Five Great Dangerous Zones in Xiling. It is the most terrifying in Wu Province. One of Danger Land, how scary is it?”

Little Old Man said: “Cliffless Mountain, also known as the Ominous Mountain, Death God Cemetery, is definitely one of the most terrifying places in the world. As far as I know, no one has ever been alive after entering Cliffless Mountain.”

Han Yu was surprised: “So scary?”

Little Old Man said this, which shows the horror of Cliffless Mountain.

“Huh?” The girl screamed, pulling Han Yu’s sleeves anxiously: “Big brother, my grandfather has entered Cliffless Mountain, will he be fine?”

Han Yu’s heart sank suddenly. The old lunatic entered Cliffless Mountain a month ago, but hasn’t come out yet. Could something happen?

Little Old Man stared at the girl and asked: “Your grandfather really entered Cliffless Mountain?”

The girl was nodded, and immediately weeping beauty.

Little Old Man said: “Your grandfather, maybe an exception.”

“En?” Han Yu was taken aback, Little Old Man, what is this, did he meet the grandfather of the girl, and asked: “Senior, have you seen the grandfather of the girl?”

Little Old Man nodded, said: “Don’t worry, she will be fine with grandfather!”

The tone became more affirmative.

The girl is hearing this, smiling with tears, no longer worrying. And Han Yu was relieved, he didn’t think Little Old Man would be silly. Asked: “Senior, have you been into Cliffless Mountain?”

Little Old Man shook the head and said: “Don’t dare!”

Han Yu suddenly turned the stormy sea in his heart. It is better than Little Old Man who dare not enter Cliffless Mountain, but he solemnly vowed that there will be nothing wrong with old lunatic. This shows how much he trusts in the strength of old lunatic. , How terrifying old lunatic would be.

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