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“dang dang dang ……”

The clear sound of iron strikes reverberated in the deep alley, Han Yu walked briskly to the front of the weapon shop, looked at the rotten wooden door, and suddenly felt a kind of cordial feeling.

He sorted his clothes, walked into the weapons shop, and into the back shop.

In the shop, only the old blacksmith was quietly hammering the iron, and Xiaojiao and Narcissus were not there.

“Buy weapons, outside.” The old blacksmith said lightly without looking back.

“Senior, I’m back!” Han Yu said with a slight smile, while speaking, his face quietly changed to the face of the deity.

The old blacksmith turned his head, a touch of surprise appeared on his face, and said, “I knew you would be back!”

The old blacksmith put down the things in his hands, looked up and down Han Yu, joy from the heart.

“Senior, where are they?” Han Yu asked.

“Sit down and talk!” the old blacksmith said.

Han Yu walked over and sat at the tea table with the old blacksmith. The old blacksmith said: “Shenji Palace and the stealing mountain range are fighting, the people who steal the mountain range leave first, your 3 wives and Xiaojiao will leave behind. , It’s been more than 2 months.”

Han Yu complexion slightly changed and hurriedly asked: “How is the situation?”

The old blacksmith said: “Both sides have suffered heavy losses.”

Han Yu’s heart sank suddenly and asked, “What’s going on now?”

The old blacksmith said: “The two sides stopped fighting after the first battle. I am not quite clear, but your 3 wives are fine.”

Han Yu slightly relaxed.

The old blacksmith handed Han Yu a cup of tea, and Han Yu was shocked.

After taking a sip of tea, Han Yu asked, “Senior, is the girl with them?”

The old blacksmith said: “Yesterday she grandfather came and took her away.”

oh?” Han Yu didn’t expect old lunatic to find it here.

The old blacksmith asked, “What’s the situation in Cliffless Mountain?”

“Terrifying, too terrifying!” Han Yu sighed, even though he has returned safely now, but thinking about his experience at Cliffless Mountain, Han Yu shuddered abruptly.

He unreservedly told the old blacksmith about his experience in Cliffless Mountain. After hearing that, the old blacksmith sighed and said: “If you were a heavenly demon body, you have that many special abilities, in Cliffless Mountain it is really impossible to move a single step.”

Han Yu nodded, said: “Yes, and even so, if it weren’t for the grandfather who met the girl, I wouldn’t be able to come back. By the way, Senior, where did you meet the girl and her grandfather before? ?”

The one big and one small coffin of Cliffless Mountain made Han Yu unable to let go for a long time.

The old blacksmith said: “You might have guessed that I saw them outside Cliffless Mountain back then, and I watched them come out of Cliffless Mountain.”

Han Yu’s heart jumped suddenly and asked, “Did their grandparents come from Cliffless Mountain?”

The old blacksmith definitely nodded, said: “Yes.”

Han Yu looked at the old blacksmith blankly for a while, then suddenly spit out a long sigh, and said: “In this way, the one big and one small coffin is likely to belong to the old lunatic and the girl, but the rest Who is in the coffin and is it alive?”

The old blacksmith sighed, “I was very surprised when I saw them come out. Who could imagine that people would come out of Cliffless Mountain, the head of Xiling’s Five Great Dangerous Zones. Now that I want to come, the scene of the day is incredible. .”

Han Yu said: “This is really incredible… By the way, Senior, did their grandfather and grandson tell you where to go?”

The old blacksmith said: “No, that Senior took the girl away when he came here, but the girl left a word for you, saying that she will come to you.”

Han Yu silently nodded, suddenly feeling sad. The last time I had separated from the two grandsons was a few years, and this time I don’t know how long it will take to meet.

Han Yu lightly sighed, suppressing the fluctuating emotions, took out the petals, and handed them to the old blacksmith: “Senior, this is the petals of the Jade Buddha Lotus. It is very good for your injury, you accept it. “

The old blacksmith was a little surprised and asked, “You risked the mortal danger to get this holy medicine petal. Are you willing to give it to me?”

Han Yu’s eyes resolutely said: “There is nothing I can’t bear.”

“Haha…” The old blacksmith laughed and blocked Han Yu’s hand back, saying: “My injury cannot be cured even if it is a holy medicine, unless there is a powerhouse to help me!”

The old blacksmith paused and warned repeatedly: “Although this is just a petal, but it is enough to live and die, you can keep it, 10000000 don’t waste it!”

Han Yu nodded heavily, and put the petals away. This petal is equivalent to a life!

“Senior, I am leaving, will you go with me?” Han Yu said. He is now impatient who wants to understand the situation of the mountain range. It would be great if the old blacksmith could go with him. With a backer like an old blacksmith, who would dare to easily start with Han Yu?

The old blacksmith seemed to see through Han Yu’s mind, said with a smile: “You want to borrow my power, right?”

“Uh…” Han Yu scratched his head awkwardly.

The old blacksmith said: “The Palace of the Divine Machine is very powerful, even if I am willing to take action, it can’t play a big role. You still don’t think about revenge for the time being, just cultivation.”

Han Yu was surprised and said: “Senior, you are half-sage. Could it be that there is also a half-sage in the Shenji Palace?”

The old blacksmith said: “The foundation of the ancient forces is beyond your imagination. The Divine Machine Palace is comparable to the ancient forces. Remember my words, if you don’t really become stronger, don’t get too stiff with the ancient forces.”

The words of the old blacksmith sounded a wake-up call to Han Yu.

The performance of the old blacksmith outside Cliffless Mountain deeply shocked the experts of the ancient forces. Han Yu thought that with the power of the old blacksmith, he could declare war with some forces. With the protection of the old blacksmith, no one would dare to attack him. Now it seems that he still thinks a little simpler.

“In the future, if you have time, come and see my old blacksmith and tell the guy in Xiaojiao that his work has not been completed yet. Also, if I have enough of my stuff, let him return it!” The old blacksmith said Han Yu Delivered to the door, there is no expert shelf, and there is some feeling of mother-in-law.

Han Yu felt very warm and said: “As long as you are not annoying, I will come whenever I have time. You can teach me to strike iron when the time comes. I will tell Xiaojiao your instructions. If Little Brat doesn’t come by himself, I catch it all!”

2 people smiled at each other, Han Yu cupped the hands, and left under the gaze of the old blacksmith seeing off. It wasn’t until Han Yu turned and disappeared that the old blacksmith returned to the shop and continued to strike the iron.

Han Yu left Cliffless City directly, and the storm of Cliffless Mountain came to an end and returned to the usual desertedness. There were almost no who, cold and cheerless in the streets, and the atmosphere was depressed.

After leaving Wuya City, Han Yu soared into the air and flew to the east quickly.

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