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Su Aocheng groaned, and Deng Deng went backwards glaringly, and each step stepped on a deep footprint. There was a cracking pain in his fist, making him unable to bear to breathe in cold air, while Han Yu, standing still motionless, looked calm.

“Shua!” An energy shield appeared, covering the yard, so that the aftermath of the fight was limited to raging in the yard, without hurting any grass or tree outside the yard.

Su Aocheng’s complexion became ugly, Han Yu not only face doesn’t change, but also has the heart to take care of other things. Its strength is no longer comparable to Su Aocheng.

The aftermath dissipated, and Han Yu pushed towards Su Aocheng step by step.

“Brother Wuya, it was a misunderstanding before!” Su Aocheng hurriedly said, Han Yu made him feel a lot of pressure, and he no longer had the courage to fight.

“Misunderstanding?” Han Yu slightly raised the corner of his mouth, showing a sneer. If he is not Su Aocheng’s opponent today, he will be taught by fiercely.

“I’m not here yet to apologize to Brother Wuya!” Su Aocheng sternly swept towards the three women and shouted, and transferred the blame to the three women without a trace.

The three women were already shocked, and this result was simply dreaming and would not have thought of it.

Han Yu stopped and looked at the four people indifferently.

The three women bowed their heads to apologize to Han Yu. Whether they were sincere or not, they dare not show the slightest impropriety in front of Han Yu.

Narcissus and the others were still healing next to him. Han Yu didn’t want to make the matter a big deal, so he didn’t pursue them anymore.

Su Aocheng was very polite, saying that she would like to thank Han Yu for being magnanimous next time.

After a few people left, Han Yu went back to the house and continued to study the body sutra. It is a profound mystery, a different kind of cultivation method. After 3 days of exploring neglect sleep and forget about food, Han Yu finally studied the whole mind method. Almost, for cultivation.

The 1st Step of cultivation is to get through the meridians of the whole body, which is a very difficult process for those who have just stepped into cultivation. But Han Yu is now a cultivator of Martial Sovereign 2, within the body meridians have all been opened up.

The main purpose of the body exercise is to absorb Moon’s Essence body refinement, medicine ingredients, Demonic beast essence blood, etc. as auxiliary, and the only purpose is body refinement.

Han Yu sits cross-legged, with his hands raised up to support the sky, the cultivation mentality of the body is quietly revolving.


The moonlight scattered from the windows and roof gaps turned into 2 thin threads and rushed towards Han Yu’s palms, entered his within the body, and then began to run in the body along the Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

Han Yu’s body suddenly shivered and shivered. The power of the moon was contained in the light of the lunar yin, and the power of the moon was so cold that most people could not bear it.

“zi zi zi ……”

Han Yu’s meridians began to absorb the essence of Taiyin, and then spread from the meridians into the flesh and blood, and the essence of Taiyin began to tempering the meridians and flesh and blood.

Han Yu’s fleshy body has reached a very strong point long ago, and it has no effect at all at first. But Han Yu is not in a hurry. According to the cultivation of the body classics, the Fleshy body can be sanctified and eventually become an emperor. After the cultivation accumulated over a long period of time, it will definitely achieve unexpected results.

The night went away and the sun rose.

Han Yu began to absorb the essence of the day cultivation.

The highest realm of fleshy body tempering can be completed only by cultivation of body meridian, absorption of supreme strength of yang during the day, power of the Moon at night, and combination of yin and yang.

Han Yu didn’t know the cultivation experience day and night. During the period, Xiaojiao visited several times and reported to him the condition of Narcissus and the others. The injuries of several people are getting better and better.

Five days later, Han Yu still did not receive any results, but he was mentally prepared.

It was another evening, and in the middle of the night, Han Yu suddenly moved and left the yard.

One person sneaked into the courtyard where Narcissus and the others were. Judging from their faintly discernible aura, this was a Martial Sovereign 2 expert.

“Although they relied on the power of the old blacksmiths, few dared to attack them, but there are still people who are unable to bear!” Han Yu’s eyes turned cold.

If he hadn’t been by his side, Narcissus and the others would have suffered a big loss.


Han Yu shot, dropping from the sky, banging with a palm.

His palms are as long as several feet, hiding the sky and covering the earth. The man was taken aback. When he reacted, it was too late. He could only hold up his hands to block, he was directly smashed by Han Yu, and then he was shot into the ground, violent death.

Han Yu left quietly.

His shot speed was unusually fast. When Yin Shi 3 and the others rushed out, the man was already dead and Han Yu had returned to his yard.

Xiaojiao finds him immediately and asks if he did it, Han Yu indifferent expression.

In the morning of 2nd day, Yin Shi3 took Hu Lilie to visit. After several days of recuperation, their injuries were almost healed.

They explained their intentions, the Xuantian realm was about to pass by Xianxia Mountain, they wanted to see and invited Han Yu to accompany him. Han Yu naturally agreed very readily.

Going to their yard, Xilai 3xian had already left the pass, and the injury had not yet been completely recovered, but it was no longer visible from the surface.

Bloodline Strength The three women who have fully recovered, don’t have a normal imposing manner.

Narcissus is gentle like water, Ma Su is arrogant, and Shui Ling’er is as light as the moon. The three have their own styles, but they are all rare beauties in the world.

Yin Shi 3 introduced 3 women to Han Yu. The 3 women didn’t pay much attention to him at first. I heard that he was Han Yu’s friend, so I just talked a little more.

The little horn subconsciously wanted to jump on Han Yu’s shoulder, but was secretly stopped by Han Yu. If it jumped on Han Yu’s shoulder, it would be exposed.

Shui Ling’er turned gu lu lu with big eyes, Soul Power had already locked Han Yu, and asked suspiciously: “Wuyazi, why did my Husband never mention you?”

Han Yu slightly smiled and said: “But he told me about you.”

Oh?” Shui Ling’er’s eyes lit up and asked: “What do you say about us? “

Han Yu said with a smile: “He said he has 3 wives, one wives with mad blood, two wives with bright moon, I look at 2, if I guess right, Xian’er, Ling’er sister- In-law is the moon body, and Masu sister-in-law is the mad blood body!”

3 Women are stared wide-eyed, their physique, only the closest people know, now there is no doubt about Han Yu’s identity.

However, Shui Ling’er still kept an eye on it and asked, “When did you and him meet?”

Han Yu said: “In the tomb of Saint, we have teamed up to win some treasures.”

Han Yu knows the time very accurately, if it is too early, Han Yu has not married the 3 women, it will be revealed. It’s too late to say it too late, because it’s difficult for Han Yu to make friends with people they don’t know except for the trip to Saint’s tomb.

Shui Ling’er didn’t doubt him, so a group of people walked together. The little horn jumped onto Narcissus’s shoulder, and the little mink jumped onto Shui Ling’er’s shoulder. It could be seen that the three women like the little mink very much, and the little mink has been integrated into the big family.

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