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Both the magic me and the golden clothes Han Yu nodded. The former said: “You have to choose a demonic path to swallow a heavenly demon!” The latter said: “The way of all beings is the Great Dao!”

Mo Wo argued with golden clothes Han Yu, and Han Yu fell into contemplation.

“The way of swallowing the heavenly demon body is the demon self, then the way of all living beings is the god self. My way is not a demon, nor is it a god. Whether it is a demon self or a god self, it is not my way, I have the way It’s the real me!” Han Yu’s gaze gradually became sharper.

Before that, he made up his mind to get rid of the demonic self and stick to the true self. Now there is a god-self, no matter what the god-self represents, it is actually the same as the demon-self, he wants to control Han Yu. And Han Yu is not controlled by anyone or any way, he has to follow his own way and choose the true self.

The arguing between the devil and the gods gradually became smaller, and both of them looked towards Han Yu of the complexion is gloomy.

“Did you really think about it?” The Demon Me and the God Me asked in unison. They and Han Yu cherish their hearts.

“Come on, no matter what you are or what do you represent, I will not choose, I will step on my feet!” Han Yu said with burning eyes.

Demon I and God I looked at each other and slammed Han Yu.

They have decided to wipe out the true self first, and then determine the male and female.

This is a battle of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. The three people have the same methods, and the most terrifying thing is the connection of hearts.

According to common sense, Han Yu would never be the opponent of the devil and god. But Han Yu is firm-willed, swears to be true, and has gained the upper hand in mind.

In the end, the true self, the devil self and the god self all ended in defeat.


Han Yu returned to reality and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. Looking inside the pubic area, not at all the slightest damage, the previous battle was the battle of the illusory world.

Han Yu is a bit regretful. If he didn’t suddenly jump out of a god-self, he would definitely be able to kill the god-self this time and pass the mentality level.

But Han Yu is not in a hurry. He has now found a way to deal with the devil and the gods. The next time he meets again, he will definitely succeed.

“Han Yu, why did you vomit blood?” Da Ya rushed over and hurriedly wiped the blood for Han Yu with his sleeves, cleaned the sleeves of white as snow, and instantly dyed them red.

“It’s okay, I got a little hurt.” Han Yu slightly smiled.

When Da Ya saw this, he relaxed a little, Han Yu said: “Da Ya, you continue to help me protect the law, I will recuperate for a while!”

The big girl is nodded and retreats to the side.

Han Yu was about to take medicine ingredients to treat his injuries, but suddenly realized that his heart no longer hurts.

“En?” Han Yu was taken aback, hurriedly looking inwardly, his whole body was stunned for an instant.

His body has become glittering and translucent, and contains golden light. Every inch of flesh and blood contains a terrifying life force. His injury just now healed itself in a short time.

“Fleshy body become a saint?” Han Yu’s head was blank for a short time, and after reacting, he almost jumped up with joy.

Han Yu didn’t point to Weiwei as a sword, a finger sword appeared, and Han Yu cut a hole in the back of his hand. He didn’t let azure Divine Dragon heal. He saw Han Yu’s wound, golden light gushing, and the injury soon recovered completely without leaving a trace.

Han Yu hurriedly sat down and ran the “Tianjing”. Suddenly, Han Yu’s blood rushed like a big river, making a loud shua~ shua~ shua~ sound, and the big girl who was far away could hear the sound. The golden light in the flesh and blood is released along the pores, making Han Yu bathed in the golden light, looking extraordinary.

The golden light is getting more and more prosperous. As Han Yu thoughts move, it turns into a golden mask to cover Han Yu inside, just like a god.

These golden lights are not Origin Qi, but the powerful blood energy of Han Yu. His fleshy body, already Transcendent Saint, has become a saint.

“It deserves to be the origin energy of the emperor’s blood. It directly sanctifies my Fleshy body!” Han Yu was overjoyed.

He clenched his fist and moved towards the void in front of him with a punch.

“hong long! ”

The void collapsed and a huge hole appeared. Han Yu is also like a big girl, with the power of fleshy body, it can crush the void.

“Han Yu, why are you as good as me?” Da Ya ran over and looked at Han Yu curiously.

“Because I am like you, the fleshy body is sanctified!” Han Yu said with a smile.

“What is fleshy body sanctification?” Da Ya curiously asked.

“It is to cultivate the fleshy body to succeed the saint! And its Martial Dao Cultivation Base has not yet reached the Saint Realm world.” Han Yu explained.

Da Ya seems to be nodded.

“The Body Classic is amazing. After the fleshy body is sanctified, my body is much stronger than the average Saint’s fleshy body!” Han Yu looked up and down his body, it was perfect.

Han Yu cultivation “Training”, Fleshy body hasn’t been sanctified, you can talk to Wang Ba, and now Fleshy body is sanctified, Han Yu has already walked in the full range of Wang Ba’s talk.

“A single drop of Saint can destroy a mountain and penetrate the earth. Mine should be the same? Even stronger!” Han Yu curiously squeezed a drop of blood from his fingertips and hit a big mountain in the south.

So a catastrophic scene happened. The mountain was hit by Han Yu’s blood, and it instantly collapsed and turned into fly ash. Then the blood fell, hitting a terrifying pit on the ground, and Han Yu was stunned.

Although the volume of a drop of blood is not large, it contains incomparable energy and holy power, so it can cause such a large amount of damage.

When Da Ya saw this, she also learned Han Yu, squeezing a drop of blood and hitting it out, creating a terrifying scene similar to Han Yu, making Da Ya jump up and down with joy.

“I didn’t realize that I was so great!” Da Ya was so excited that she wanted to squeeze a drop of blood out to play, and was hurriedly held by Han Yu. A drop of holy blood is Supreme Treasure, but it can’t be wasted like that.

Of course, this is for others, and now for Han Yu, the holy blood is not valuable anymore.

“Wang Ba Tan and the black clothed man should be chasing after him, give them a surprise!” Han Yu faintly smiled, pulling Da Ya and flying south.

On the way, Han Yu deliberately did not erase his breath, so that Wang Ba Tan and the black clothed man could chase him.

Han Yu and Daya traveled forward for about 1000 miles. Suddenly, void waves appeared in the sky before and after them, and then a void channel appeared. The black clothed man talked with Wang Ba one after the other and walked out.

“Han Yu, hand over the things from Beijie Mountain!” The black clothed man came to Han Yu and said in a low voice. The invisible cold caused the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly, and the void was frozen.

Such a mighty power makes even Half-Holy shudder, but it has no effect on Han Yu and Da Ya.

“Han Yu, just hand it over if you know it, or you will die!” Wang Ba said in a low voice, murderous aura rushing into the sky.

Han Yu ignored Wang Ba talk, but looked towards Da Ya and asked, “Who do you choose?”

Da Ya pointed to the black clothed man and said, “I choose him!”

After that, he raised his fist and killed the black clothed man, just like a militant demon.

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