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Tian Lao’s eyes widened and looked at Lin Zi incredible. Lin Zi’s thought was too bold.

Zhao Family since ancient times, I don’t know how many people were used to conceive this thing, and all of them finally ran out of energy and died. To transplant this thing into Han Yu within the body, not to save Han Yu, but to harm Han Yu.

Lin Zi explained: “Han Yu does not have any Life Aura on his body now, and there is nothing that can be absorbed by this thing. Once this thing has no energy supply, it will naturally be released. Then it will release Life Aura. It is a good medicine to treat Han Yu. Once Han Yu’s fleshy body recovers a little, I believe it will be able to contend with the ability to swallow the heavenly demon body.”

The old man is nodded, and there is a touch of appreciation in his eyes. Lin Zi’s analysis is very reasonable. Han Yu has nothing to lose now, what to fear. He is a little concerned and confused, otherwise he would naturally think of this level with his old knowledge.

Tian Lao didn’t hesitate and did it quickly. Carefully moved the ball of light into Han Yu’s within the body, and then and Lin Zi quietly unlocked their seals.

After the seal was released, the thing began to absorb the essence of Han Yu within the body, but unfortunately there was nothing for it to absorb, and gradually the thing quieted down.

Lin Zi is always paying attention to the light ball. For about 3 hours, Lin Zi happily said: “It has begun to release its vitality, and its vitality is very effective for Han Yu.”

Although Tian Lao couldn’t see the things in the light ball, he could sense the Life Aura emanating from the light ball, and he smiled at the impossible to bear.

Lin Zi said: “With the Life Power of this thing, Han Yu’s fleshy body will definitely be revived, and then it will be the game between the heavenly demon body and it!”

The old man was nodded, looking at Lin Zi with satisfaction: “Little girl, starting today, you don’t owe Han Yu anything, you can leave at any time.”

Lin Zi was overjoyed and said, “Many thanks, God.”

She followed Tian Lao. Although Tian Lao never felt sorry for her, she is essentially a prisoner, and now she is finally free.

Lin Zi hesitated and said, “My God, can I stay and leave after Han Yu recovers?”

God said with a smile: “Yes.”

It’s best to have Lin Zi watching Han Yu’s situation at any time.

Tian Lao and Lin Zi looked at each other, and both of them smiled in relief. Now, it is considered one move, two gains. Not only has Zhao Yubing’s life been resolved, it is also possible to save Han Yu.

After paying attention to Han Yu’s situation for a while, he was moving in a good direction. Tianlao was completely relieved and said: “Go out and have a look. Shuixian’er and the others should have woken up. Go and tell them the situation. Can rest assured.”

Lin Zi went out, and soon brought Narcissus and the others in.

Shuixian’er, Ma Su, Shui Ling’er, Phoenix and the others all looked very haggard, but it was sighed in relief to hear that Han Yu had a better chance.

After Tian Lao asked them to take a look at Han Yu, he directly put Han Yu in a space magic weapon, giving him an absolutely quiet environment. And the day after tomorrow took everyone out of here.

On the way, Zhao Yubing woke up and learned that Han Yu was not only saved, but the cancer within her body had also been removed. She cried with joy and thanked Tian Lao and Lin Zi 1000 for 10000.

Tianlao said with a smile: “Everything is Lin Zi’s credit, I just lay hands on it!”

The old man intended to accomplish Lin Zi, but in fact, his credit is similar to Lin Zi. As soon as this statement came out, Zhao Yubing and Han Yu’s 4 wives were extremely grateful to Lin Zi.

In a blink of an eye, half a year passed, and when they returned to Phoenix, they could not get out of the gate.

The turmoil of Han Yu and Qi Tian’s battle is still sweeping in Wu Province.

Both Han Yu and Qi Tianxia 2 Heaven’s Chosen were killed, which became a pity for Cultivation World (the world does not know that Han Yu was rescued and escaped with the world).

In one morning, Lin Zi’s excited sound transmission entered Tianlao’s ears. Han Yu’s fleshy body already showed signs of life. He almost lifted Tianlao from his chair excitedly, and hurriedly entered the space magic weapon to investigate.

After returning to Phoenix City, the old man asked Lin Zi to guard Han Yu in the space magic weapon.

For this matter, Zhao Yubing is naturally an attractive spectacle, but Lin Zi is her designated daughter-in-law back then. It has always been her regret that Han Yu and Lin Zi have become stiff. And Shuixian’er, Ma Su, Shui Ling’er and Phoenix are not opposed, as long as they are good to Han Yu, they are willing to do anything.

After Tianlao entered the space magic weapon, he hurriedly reached out to Soul Power to check Han Yu’s body, and found that a drop of bright red blood appeared inside Han Yu’s withered heart. This drop of blood was full of vitality.

God is overjoyed, this is the dawn of Han Yu’s resurrection.

“Great, that thing finally worked!” Tianlao said joyfully.

Everything in this world has two sides. That thing killed countless people, but this time it became Han Yu’s life-saving medicine.

Tian Lao observes Han Yu’s soul again. Although Han Yu’s soul is still asleep, after this period of time, Tian Lao’s continuous healing has made the soul a lot stronger. It can survive forever without a seal.

Everything is going like a good direction.

After Tian Lao checked the error, let Lin Zi continue to stare, he left the space magic weapon and told Zhao Yubing the good news. Zhao Yubing burst into tears. After that, Zhao Yubing brought in Han Yu’s wives and took this Tell them the good news.

After Han Yu’s body had a glimmer of survival, the recovery speed began to increase. It only took half a month before his heart fully recovered.

However, the situation also happened at this moment, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, the thing sensed the fluctuation of the essence around it, and began to swallow the essence of Han Yu’s heart.

For this situation, Tian Lao and Lin Zi had long anticipated, and immediately sealed the thing with life chains.

Lin Zi’s life yoke could not completely seal the thing, but it also played a vital role.

At this time, Han Yu’s body was extremely eager for recovery, just like a long drought in the rainy land. After the thing was sealed, the power to swallow it was not as strong as that of the Han Yu fleshy body. The fleshy body of Han Yu still relied on the Life Power of the thing to begin to recover.

One day, Tianlao suddenly left Phoenix City and returned more than 8 months later. He brought a kind of treasure medicine for the soul-Huanglongshen, which is the treasure of the middle grade medicine King level.

Tian Lao used all the refining of Huanglong Ginseng to nourish Han Yu’s soul, and Han Yu’s soul began to grow rapidly. Half a month later, Han Yu’s soul was close to recovery, still sleeping. Heavenly old long relaxed, Han Yu’s soul is completely preserved, even if the fleshy body is destroyed, he cannot die temporarily.

Next, he had to recover on his own.

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