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Han Yu immediately went out to meet Phoenix, Phoenix’s belly was already tall, and Han Yu’s ears were attached to Phoenix’s belly, and he could feel 2 Little Brats kicking.

Han Yu’s family members are full of joy.

Now that Han Yu has recovered and the child is about to be born again, it is a great world of double happiness.

Tian Lao told Han Yu that it will take another year for Phoenix to give birth. In Tian Lao’s words: “Han Yu’s two children are definitely wombs after ten years of pregnancy.”

Han Yu decided to successfully break through the Saint Realm world before the child was born to welcome the birth of two children.

Tianlao thinks it is feasible, Han Yu survived a catastrophe, and this time hit the Saint Realm world. It can be said that it is 9 times stable.

On that day, Han Yu bid farewell to his relatives, quietly left Phoenix City, and entered a Savage Mountain wild, preparing to attack Martial Saint Realm.

Han Yu first arranged a Heaven Deceiving Great Formation, and then went to another place to sit cross-legged and start cultivation. The ball of light within the body has already been refining half of it by him, and refining the other half will definitely allow him to break through and attract heaven punishment.

“I had a one-sided understanding of the Tao before. The true self is my Tao, the devil is my Tao, and the god I is also my Tao. My Tao should not cut away the devil and the god, but embrace the devil and me. God me, my way is all-inclusive!”

The catastrophe at this time caused Han Yu’s state of mind to undergo a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, and his understanding of Tao has also entered a higher level.

After Han Yu stabilized his mind, he started to run the Longba Bible, frantically refining the ball of light.

Phoenix City, only three days after Han Yu left, a middle-aged man with bruises and bruises broke into Phoenix City, shouting to see the old age.

After seeing the man, Tian Lao couldn’t help turning pale with fright and asked: “What’s the matter?”

The middle-aged man is the discipline of Feng Clan.

“Reporting to patriarch, we were chased by a mysterious person in the west of Xiling. There were countless casualties. Ten Fifth Uncle led people to fight to death. Let me report to patriarch!” The man was crying, weeping bitter tears.

“Where are they?” Tianlao asked, blowing his beard and staring with anger.

“I was forced into the Luoshen Grand Canyon in the west, life and death are unknown now!” the man cried.

“Damn it!” The old man was furious.

Shuixian’er was startled and walked in and asked, “My God, what happened?”

Tian Old Daoist: “You help me look after him!”

After the old man said, he went straight across the void.

It didn’t take long for the sky to be old, and in the sky outside Phoenix, a faintly discernible silhouette suddenly appeared, the corner of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a cruel sneer.

Narcissus asked the servant to help the man down to rest. She immediately went to Phoenix and told Phoenix about Tian Lao’s departure.

“Elder sister, with the power of the old, who would dare to act on his clansman?” Phoenix frowned, thinking this was not simple.

“Younger sister, what do you think?” Narcissus asked.

“Everyone knows that the Husband is dead. Tianlao is our Guardian God. Now if you turn Tianlao away, there is no expert to sit in. I’m afraid that someone will lured the tiger away from the mountain. Let’s do it!” Phoenix Worried Road.

“Well, the younger sister is reasonable. But if there is a big girl, we don’t need to worry too much.” Narcissus said.

Now that Phoenix is ​​in the waiting period, she doesn’t want Phoenix to worry too much, which will affect her mood and affect the child.

Phoenix nodded, slightly relieved.

In the remote mountains, Han Yu refining all the light groups. His Dantian World has become more violent than ever.

The black qi gushing out of the black hole almost seems to blow up the black hole.

“roar roar 吼…”

Inside the black hole, there was a long roar of sound of dragon’s roar and White Tiger, and then divine objects rushed out from the dantian. They are Black Divine Dragon, white Divine Dragon, red Divine Dragon, White Tiger, azure Divine Dragon, orange Divine Dragon, blue Divine Dragon, and invisible Divine Dragon.

All divine objects are resurrected.

When Han Yu was crossing the supreme emperor, although he killed all divine objects except the white Divine Dragon, it was just a confrontation of ideas, it was virtual.

Black Divine Dragon, White Tiger, etc., not at all truly die.


Han Yu’s thoughts enter the virtual Dantian World again. Both the devil and god flew out of the black hole at the same time.

The demons and the gods are still arguing and want to go their own way.

Han Yu directly killed the past, and the powerful mind made him quickly suppress the demon and god, and force the demon and god to acknowledge allegiance. In the end, the true self, the devil, and the god and self became one.


Above the sky, the thunderclouds rolled, letting between Heaven and Earth kill.

The atmosphere in Phoenix City suddenly became extremely depressed. A group of experts suddenly appeared in Phoenix City for 4 weeks and surrounded Phoenix City.

Phoenix, who was lying on the chair resting, suddenly sat up, and his expression instantly became extremely solemn.

“Sure enough, it’s for us.”

Phoenix took out a formation flag and inserted the formation flag into the northwest corner of her dormitory. Suddenly countless black fog burst out from the underground of Phoenix City and soon enveloped Phoenix City. Within the black fog, the killing sword flew by, the beast roared, and the baleful qi was awe-inspiring.

This is exactly the 7-star God Killing Array arranged by Tian Lao, which has been controlled by Phoenix. Everyone was alarmed and soon gathered in the central hall. When asked about the reason for Phoenix, everyone’s expressions became serious.

Narcissus looked towards Ma Su and said: “Su Su younger sister, you come to order everyone what to do.”

Although Zhao Yubing is the most authoritative here, Ma Su knew that the matter was serious and did not decline. He looked around and said: “I, Xian’er elder sister, Ling’er younger sister, and Da Ya are going to meet the enemy, Gong morning sun, you take the others Escort your Ancestor Master and your Phoenix to the Palace of Qianyuan. If the enemy comes in, you immediately activate the Transmission Array and take everyone away, understood?”

Gong morning sun quickly took the order and said: “As you bid.”

Phoenix said: “Let me go with you to meet the enemy, mother and they go first.”

Ma Su said: “Phoenix younger sister, you are now the person in our Han Family who needs the most protection, so don’t be angry!”

“Hmm…” Phoenix nodded, no longer said, feeling abnormally moved in his heart.

Ma Su gave the palace morning sun a wink. The palace morning sun understood and hurriedly took everyone to protect Phoenix and Zhao Yubing and the others towards the Qianyuan Palace.

Lin Zi stayed and said, “I’ll go with you!”

Ma Su and Shuixian’er looked at each other. Seeing that Shuixian’er was nodded, she didn’t say anything.

“Let’s go, I will meet those people when I go out!” Da Ya gave everyone a confident look and took the lead to go out.

Having been in Phoenix for so many years, with everyone’s ears and eyes, Da Ya’s mind has matured a lot.

Da Ya wanted to fly directly out of the big formation, but Lin Zi grabbed him and said, “Let me see how many enemies there are. It’s not too late for us to start.”

Lin Zi used his Zi Jixian pupils, through the black mist, sweeping towards the people outside. After a while, Lin Zi’s expression changed drastically, cry out in surprise: “21 people came, 2 Saints, 8 semi-sages, The peak powerhouse of eleven Martial Sovereign.”

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