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Ten days have passed. In the morning, Han Yu is about to leave for the 10000 ancient pavilion. Meng Zui was born to send each other away. Before leaving, Meng Zuisheng took out his broken high-level Holy Weapon and handed it to Han Yu, saying, “Boss, this treasure can give you self-protection.”

Han Yu grabbed Meng Zuisheng’s hand and said with a smile: “Take it back, your boss, I have a self-protection thing.”

Meng Zuisheng’s eyes lit up, and Han Yu said that, he must be carrying a magic weapon even more powerful than his dilapidated high-level Holy Weapon. Don’t force it, put the treasure away.

Han Yu warned repeatedly: “Before I come back, don’t leave Heart Island.”

Meng Zuisheng was nodded, smiling hehe and said: “I’m not that stupid.”

Han Yu bid farewell to Meng Zuisheng and went to the 10000 ancient pavilion. In front of the 10000 ancient pavilion gate, I met Sun Godzi. Sun Godko glanced at Han Yu coldly, humming proudly.

Wugu had been waiting outside the 10000 ancient pavilion. Seeing two people arrived, he took the initiative to greet him and said, “Two Daoist Brothers, I have been waiting for a long time.”

Under Wugu’s leadership, Han Yu and Sun Shenzi walked side by side into the 10000 ancient pavilion and met Jiang Xian.

“Since the two are here, let’s start, and talk to the two in detail when we get there.” Jiang Xian said.

Neither Han Yu nor Sun God had any objections.

Jiang first flipped his hand to take out what looked like a small boat, and saw the rays of light flashing on the small boat. Soon, the palm-size small boat turned into a big one-meter boat. The ship is made of a special metal, dark, and looks like some kind of wood.

At first glance, there is nothing surprising, but the faintly exuding breath of high-level Holy Weapon made Han Yu and Higashiko slightly moved.

“Two people, please get on board!” Jiang Xian made a please gesture for Han Yu and Sun Shenzi.

Han Yu and Higashiko looked at each other and jumped onto the big boat, no one would give in to others.

Jiang Xian and Wugu also boarded the big ship, and then the big ship floated on its own without being urged, and then rushed into the void channel and disappeared without a trace. When everyone regained their vision, the big ship had already arrived in the universe of deep space. in.

From above the sky, you can take the entire Lihuo continent into the entire scene. There was fire everywhere in Lihuo Continent, like a world of fire, but four weeks away from Huo Continent, there were 4 ancient glaciers that did not melt.

Both Han Yu and Sun Shenzi were a little surprised. They didn’t expect that the place where 10000 Guge would perform the mission was in Universe Starry Sky.

The big ship shuttled past the stars, and many stars seemed to be close at hand. There is no air in the starry sky. Most people who come here will soon suffocate to death. But Saint can walk freely in the universe, which is not a problem at all.

Although Han Yu has been holy for a long time, it was the first time he left the realm of human life and came to Universe Starry Sky. He was inevitably curious about the surrounding environment.

In the starry sky, Han Yu and their ship, like a drop in the ocean, is not worth mentioning.

The big ship crossed the void several times in the deep space of the universe, and went to a relatively special Star Domain.

None of the stars in this Star Domain exudes rays of light, and the entire Star Domain is pitch black. Even if Saint comes to this area, the range of sight is very limited. It was unusually quiet for 4 weeks, and even the big ship was moving without sound.

Both Han Yu and Sun Godko were secretly vigilant. In Universe Starry Sky, there are too many dangers that can endanger Saint’s life.

“It’s almost here.” Jiang Xian suddenly said. The big ship moved towards a distant spot of light flew away.

That spot of light is in the vast and boundless universe, like a Fire Insect in the dark screen, and like a beacon to guide people forward.

Not long after, the sound of “weng weng weng” came from the front, like a group of mosquitoes. As the big ship moved forward, the noise became louder and louder. Soon, it seemed as if countless war chariots were crushing across the sky, and it seemed that there was an army reviewing it ahead.

After driving for a while, the sound became countless times louder, like countless meteorites falling across the sky.

The people on the boat finally saw the situation ahead. Han Yu and Sun Godko were all shocked.

The spot of light that I saw just now was not a star, but a group of luminous stars. Those stars are madly revolving around something invisible, forming a sphere, a storm of stars.

At this time, Han Yu and the others are still far away from there, but they are all photographed by the star storm. The average Saint enters the star storm, no matter which star hits, there is absolutely no life.

Suddenly, the ship stopped, and Jiang Xian pointed his finger towards the direction of the star storm and said: “Our 10000 ancient pavilion has one thing in the star storm, and we need two help to take it out.”

Han Yu and Sun Godzi’s expressions were condensed. Going to fetch things from this star storm, didn’t they kill themselves?

Feeling the sharp eyes of the two people, Jiang Xian hurriedly explained: “This stellar storm has a three-day weakening period every year. During this period, it is safe for Saint to enter it.”

The expressions of Han Yu and Hi Shenzi improved slightly.

Han Yu asked: “What is in the 10000 ancient pavilion, how can it be in this star storm?”

Jiang Xian said, “A box, which used to be a Senior from our 10000 ancient pavilion, entered it and was lost in it.” Jiang Xian said, taking out a portrait to show Han Yu and Sun Shenzi.

This box is 4 4 squares, the box is black, with 8 golden dragons carved on it, each golden dragon is lifelike, and there are also many mysterious and mysterious runes, which can be seen with the eyes of Han Yu and Rijinzi Can’t tell what these runes mean.

Both Han Yu and Sun Godko silently remembered this box in the heart, and Sun Godko asked: “Since there is a three-day weakening period every year, why doesn’t 3 Guge send someone to take this box out?”

This is also Han Yu’s doubt.

Jiang Xian said: “Frankly, we have sent many people into it, but none of them have returned.”

Rijinzi frowned and said, “They are all dead?”

Jiang Xian said: “It should be.”

Sun Godzi said uncomfortably: “Since the weakening period, the star storm does little harm to Saint, why hasn’t anyone come back alive?”

Jiang Xian said: “I don’t know the specific reason, but one thing is certain. There are other dangers that we don’t know in this star storm, which can endanger Saint.”

The expressions of Han Yu and Hijinzi became serious. This is a major event about life and death, and you must be cautious.

Jiang Xian said: “The two can cultivate for a period of time, and there will be half a month before the weakening period.”

For half a month, in this Universe Starry Sky, it can be said to be just a flick of a finger. Sure enough, the rotation speed of the stellar storm began to weaken, and when it was reduced to a certain level, it would rotate at a constant speed. With the eyesight of a few people, it can be judged from the rotation speed of the stellar storm. Now it is even the first-stage person of Martial Saint. Enter, the star storm will not cause mortal danger.

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