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Chapter 164 Life saving benefactor

Han Yu arranged Narcissus in a hidden place and looked towards the inside of the castle. There is no defensive measure in this castle. Perhaps the owner here knows that with the defense of the Fallen River, ordinary people cannot reach here and can succeed. For those who crossed the River of Depravity, other defense mechanisms are no longer useful, and nothing is set up at all.

The castle is very large and divided into 4 areas. Han Yu enters a palace, and the palace is empty, with only the fragrance of spiritual medicine remaining. Obviously, the previous treasure was caught by the early bird catches the worm.

Han Yu searched 7 big palaces one after another, but found nothing. On the road, I also encountered a few dead bodies, all experts of those sects outside. In the end, Han Yu cast his eyes on the stone tower in the center. If this is really a cemetery, the stone tower is the most likely place to bury the coffin.

There are 3 dead bodies lying outside the stone tower, blood is still flowing outwards, and it seems that they will not die for more than ten minutes. Han Yu’s heart was raised immediately, Soul Power explored the way ahead, and walked carefully into the stone tower. As soon as he entered the stone tower, a huge pressure was like Cangshan’s top pressure, and he almost didn’t push Han Yu down.

Han Yu was not surprised, but overjoyed. The stone tower is guarded by Formation. This pressure is like the pressure on the Azure Dragon ancient road. It may be effective for others, but for him, the effect is not great.

Han Yu revolves the Canglong Art. The black and white Divine Dragon exhales dragon energy and covers the surface of the body. The pressure on his body is greatly reduced. Han Yu walked in as if walking on the ground. There was nothing but a dead person on the first floor. Han Yu went up. After the second floor, the pressure on the second floor is greater than that on the first floor, but it still has no effect on Han Yu.

Han Yu walked quickly on the second floor. There were 2 dead bodies on the second floor. On a shelf by the window, there was also a box made of jade, which contained a Grade 2 spiritual medicine that had not been taken away.

Han Yu was overjoyed, and after accepting spiritual medicine, he entered the 3rd floor. The pressure on the 3rd floor has reached a terrifying point. Even if it is the powerhouse of Soul Martial, it may be impossible to move a single step to reach this place, but Han Yu has nothing to do. There is a jade jar on the 2nd floor, which is filled with sparkling cyan, Spiritual Qi, walnut-sized round beads, which are purer in quality than low grade spirit beads. They are all middle grade spirit beads, at least 2,000-3,000 beads. quantity.

Han Yu took all these spirit orbs all at once, one middle grade spirit orb equivalent to ten low grade spirit orbs, this is a fortune.

After Han Yu cleaned up the property on the 3rd floor, he entered the 4th floor. When I entered the 4th floor, I heard the voice of conversation, and there were 2 people on the 4th floor.

For those who can reach the 4th floor, their cultivation base should at least reach the Soul Martial 5th layer, which is something Han Yu cannot contend with. However, from the conversation between the two people, Han Yu heard that these two people were actually suppressed to move.

When I got to the 4th floor, 2 people were crushed on the 4th floor and it was impossible to move even a little bit. These two people, one of them wearing black clothed, with a hooked nose, their eyes are deeply sunken, and their foreheads are protruding high, looking rather strange. Another person, wearing white clothed, had a goatee, and his face flushed. From the sign of his service, Han Yu could see that he was actually an expert of Rising Cloud Sect.

When two people saw Han Yu walking up, they all turned pale with fright. Especially when I sensed that Han Yu is just the cultivation base of the Profound Martial 2th ​​layer, I was even more stunned.

The two of them are experts of the Soul Martial 2th layer, and they are struggling here, and a kid from the Profound Martial 5th ​​layer can actually come up.

What made the two people even more unbelievable was that Han Yu was able to come and go freely. The huge pressure here had no effect on him.

“Boy, who are you?” the old man asked, his voice was hoarse and sharp, and it was very uncomfortable to hear it.

Han Yu ignored the old man, his eyes were swept in 4 weeks, 3 medicine ingredients made Han Yu’s eyes flash bright radiance, unexpectedly 3 strains are Grade 8 spiritual medicine.

“Haha…” Han Yu laughed excitedly, rushed to collect 3 medicine ingredients, Grade 8 spiritual medicine, each can be exchanged for 2 1000 low grade spirit beads.

After that, Han Yu cast his gaze on the two-person Heaven and Earth Bag. Now only two people are alive. Obviously, all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures before are all in the two-person Heaven and Earth Bag. It’s unimaginable. If Han Yu could take their Heaven and Earth Bag as his own, it would be really big.

2 Everyone was a little hairy by Han Yu. The red-faced old man warned: “Boy, we everyone minds their own business, don’t do things that you regret in the future!”

Han Yu walked to the red-faced old man with a wicked smile, and said, “I don’t know if I will regret it in the future, but today I will regret death if I don’t ransack your baby!”

The red-faced old man frowned wildly. The medicine ingredients he collected along the way were so large that he couldn’t remember them. If Han Yu took it away, he would have to vomit blood. But now he was pressed by the pressure around him unable to move even a little bit, and he had a body of strength but couldn’t use it, and Han Yu couldn’t help it.

Fiercely threatened: “You know who I am, I am Rising Cloud Sect 7 elder Zhao Qingsheng, if you dare to be disrespectful to me, you will bring a sect-destroying disaster to you and your family!”

Han Yu curl one’s lip, under Zhao Qingsheng’s angry gaze, took off his Heaven and Earth Bag, and then even more aggressively erased the mark on his Heaven and Earth Bag, dripping a drop of his own blood, Into the master.

Seeing the things in Zhao Qingsheng’s Heaven and Earth Bag, Han Yu felt dizzy. The mountain of spiritual medicine, the mountain of spirit beads, and the mountain of refining materials, the value of which Han Yu estimated at once Does not come out.

“Hahaha…” Han Yu laughed out of excitement, refining all these materials, he didn’t know how many levels of continuous breakthrough he could achieve.

“Boy, return my things to me!” Zhao Qingsheng almost cried gnashing teeth. The things in his Heaven and Earth Bag include not only the large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures collected here, but also his half-life accumulation. It can be said that this is his lifetime effort.

Han Yu ignored Zhao Qingsheng and directly tied his Heaven and Earth Bag to his waist, and then walked towards the old man.


Zhao Qing was so angry that he vomited a mouthful of blood, and his face suddenly became incredibly pale. The pressure here made him hard to accept. Now that he is suffering from internal injuries, he is even more unbearable. I am afraid there will be a mortal danger. He quickly pleaded, “Little friend, save me. You just need to save me. It never happened.”

Zhao Qingsheng is scared. If he stays on the 4th floor, he will only die. Only Han Yu can save him now.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, “You really don’t care?”

Zhao Qingsheng raised his arm with difficulty and said, “I, Zhao Qingsheng, swear to the sky, as long as you save me, you are my life saving benefactor, and the treasure in my Heaven and Earth Bag, even if I repay you!”

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