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“Master, is the marriage contract between you and Adoptive Father fake?” In the hall, only Yun Ru and Li Qingling were left. Li Qingling looked at Yunru directly and asked.

“Foolish child, what do you think? Master’s words will be fake?” Yun Ru said, his eyes evasive.

“If you and Adoptive Father really have a marriage contract, Adoptive Father will definitely tell Big Brother Han before leaving.” Li Qingling said.

“Don’t think too much, get ready to take over my position in 3 days.” Yun Ru said.

“Master, if you don’t tell me the truth, you won’t follow the discipline!” Li Qingling knelt on the ground with a thud, with a firm expression on his face.

“I said you child…” Yun Ru came to help Li Qingling, but Li Qingling refused. Yun Ru said slightly angrily, “Aren’t you very obedient in your usual time? Why are you so stubborn now?”

Li Qingling knelt and said nothing.

Yun Ru stomped his feet with anger and thought for a while, “Well, it’s okay to tell you. I haven’t made any engagement with Han Zhan. Are you satisfied now?”

Although Li Qingling got the answer, he became lost for a while and asked: “Why does the Master lie?”

Yun Ru looked at Li Qingling with a hate iron for not becoming steel and said: “This is not for you!”

Li Qingling was silent.

Yun Ru asked: “You don’t like Han Yu?”

Li Qingling shook the head.

Yun Ru said, “I don’t like it? No matter, it seems that I am superfluous. I will tell Han Yu that you don’t like him.”

“No…” Li Qingling hurriedly pulled Yunru.

Yun Ru smiled secretly and said: “Since you like him, that’s right, listen to Master obediently, everything where water flows, a canal is formed!”

Li Qingling was very entangled in her heart, and said: “Master, it’s okay that the Adoptive Father is not there now. When I meet the Adoptive Father, the lie will not be exposed. Then what will Big Brother Han think of you, how will we think of Misty Palace?”

Yun Ru said: “That’s why I want to go to Kunjie with you. With our Misty Palace’s kindness to Han Family, wouldn’t Han Zhan still give me this face?”

Li Qingling didn’t know what to say for a while. She knew in her heart that it was wrong to do so, but she hoped that Yunru could help her accomplish this.

Yun Ru helped Li Qingling up and said, “Don’t think too much about it, get ready, everything has a Master.”

After Han Yu returned to his residence, he began to refine the mobile formation. The people of the Sun Moon God Cult already know that he is Qi Heavenly Master. It is by no means an easy task to get Yang Ming into the battle. Han Yu must make sufficient preparations.

On the morning of the 3rd, Han Yu left his residence. Because today is the day when Li Qingling takes over as the lord of Misty Palace, he has to participate whatever he says.

Coming outside, Han Yu found that there was no festive atmosphere, and everything was business as usual.

Han Yu found Yunru and asked in surprise: “Senior, isn’t there a Zen ceremony today?”

Yun Ru’s face was rather helpless, with a reluctant smile, and said: “The spiritual sense is not enough to be the palace lord, so I went to retreat.”

Originally, Yun Ru had already touched Li Qingling’s heart, but Li Qingling was not a liar after all, and finally rejected Yun Ru’s kindness. Sorry saw Han Yu and went to secluded cultivation.

Han Yu didn’t think much, bid farewell to Yunru, and went back to continue refining the mobile formation.

It took more than 2 months for Han Yu to refine 3 sets of mobile bases of the 7-Star God Killing Array. Then began to deploy.

Han Yu first arranged a 7-star God-killing formation at the temporary stronghold of Misty Palace, and then arranged a maze and imaginary formation. There is the confusion of the maze and imaginary formation, even if it is the expert of Martial Saint’s prophase 6th-layer, it is difficult to see the Killing Formation inside.

However, this is only Han Yu’s first trap.

Han Yu arranged a 3000-star God Killing Array in the Savage Mountain field outside the Misty Palace stronghold Northwest 7 li.

“Boss, what are you doing here with Killing Formation? Do you want to bring Yang Ming here?” Meng Zuisheng asked suspiciously. He didn’t think Yang Ming was so easy to deceive.

“It has its own magical effect.” Han Yu mysterious said.

After arranging the Formation, Han Yu went to the northeast of the Formation and arranged the third 3-star God Killing Array, with the 7 large arrays close together. The third large array was arranged by Han Yu underground several ten thousand meters. Even if all the peaks above were cut off, the large array could not be disturbed. And this Killing Formation is the strongest among the 2 Killing Formation.

“Boss, you are too cautious, you Killing Formation, Martial Saint Middle Stage Hualian first heavy expert strayed into it, there is no life, a trifling Yang Ming, can it turn the sky?” Meng Zuisheng Surprised way.

“Yang Ming has a quasi-imperial soldier, and he won’t be easily tempted by me.” Han Yu said.

This is where he is in the dark and Yang Ming is in the light. If Yang Ming is in the dark and Han Yu is in the light, Han Yu’s layout must be more complicated and delicate than it is now.

This time, Han Yu is preparing to fight Yang Ming head-on, so there can be no difference.

After arranging all the traps, Han Yu asked Fairy on the cloud to arrange for someone to spread the news of Misty Palace. He changed his appearance and walked in the world, but instead turned to look for Yang Ming’s trace.

Misty Palace’s ability to distribute news is so strong that the Sun Moon God Sect found them, yet it seemed unconscious.

More than 40 days later, Sun Godzi sent a message to Han Yu, saying that the people of the Sun Moon God Sect learned that Misty Palace were still alive, and they were all shocked. People who wanted to send out an army to encircle Misty Palace, but were suppressed by the Sun God, he told the Sun Moon God Sect that Misty Palace and Han Yu are in the same group. Finding Misty Palace is not far from finding Han Yu. Don’t beat the grass to scare the snake, let Yang Ming come to attack, Han Yu impossible to escape.

Soon, Yang Ming received a letter from the Sun Godzi and headed east into the Eastern Region.

Han Yu encounters Yang Ming in a city in the Eastern Region. Yang Ming also changed his appearance, but Han Yu recognized him from the Heaven and Earth Bag on his waist. But Yang Ming didn’t recognize Han Yu.

Yang was obviously very cautious. He came to the city closest to the Misty Palace stronghold and settled down without rash action.

Although he was acting secretly, I believe Han Yu would not know. But he was also afraid that the news was deliberately sent out by Han Yu to lure the enemy.

After many investigations, Yang Ming found that it was indeed the stronghold of Misty Palace, and it was not a deliberately spreading trick to lure the enemy, so he chose to take action.

Yang Ming quietly appeared outside the stronghold of Misty Palace, watching the misty mountains from afar, complexion is gloomy like water.

“A maze, what can I do?” Yang Ming sneered again and again.

This puzzle made him more certain that Han Yu was not a trap. Because who set the trap, will it be obvious?

However, Yang Ming was a cautious person, not at all, he took out the Ming Emperor Sword and urged him directly.

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