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Chapter 185

Liuyun’s ancient cave has a large space, like an Underground City fort. Even with the keenness of Han Yu and the Tomb Raider, they almost got lost in it. Fortunately, there are not at all traps in it. Two people tossed for a while, and finally found The place where Master Liu Yun died during meditation in the past.

This is the deepest part of the ancient cave of Liuyun. It is a round stone chamber. In this stone chamber, there is nothing but a futon. Han Yu and the Tomb Raider used Soul Power to probe around carefully, but they were disappointed.

In the ancient cave of Liuyun, apart from some ordinary clothes and bookshelves of Master Liu Yun, there is no treasure, and even the coffin of Master Liu Yun is not there. Looking at this situation, Master Liu Yun’s life has come to an end. At the time, it should be the choice of Huadao, and the fleshy body will self-destruct, otherwise it is impossible to leave the coffin.

Some powerhouses, before death, do not want the fleshy body to be desecrated by posterity after death, they will choose to transform the way, and the fleshy body will self-destruct to end its life. In this way, it will not evolve undead resentment.

Han Yu and the Tomb Raider carefully checked several times, and finally found regretfully that there was really no useful item. During the period, Han Yu asked Tian Lao to check it out. With Tian Lao’s powerful Soul Power, nothing was achieved.

Now it seems that the Formation outside is entirely to prevent someone from coming in to desecrate Master Liu Yun’s died during meditation. The entire Liuyun ancient cave can be regarded as Master Liu Yun’s invisible tomb.

“Azure Dragon Ancient Road and Liuyun ancient cave do not have the opportunity of Master Liu Yun. The last hope lies in the Xiayun ancient cave!” Han Yu is ready to find an opportunity to explore the Xiayun ancient cave.

At the moment, the two people did not stay long and left the ancient cave of Liuyun. When he was about to leave the ancient cave of Liuyun, Han Yu frowned, motioned for the female tomb robber, and hid in a dark corner in a flash.

“Da da da……”

Not long after, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside, and the tomb robber couldn’t help but glanced at Han Yu in shock. In the level of Heavenly Master, she is higher than Han Yu, but Han Yu’s Soul Power is higher than her. This is simply Unreasonable.

A silhouette wearing a night clothes gradually fell into the sight of Han Yu and the Tomb Raider. The two looked at each other and both saw the weird color in each other’s eyes. It’s a coincidence that the three were almost at the same time. Come explore Liuyun ancient cave.

The black clothed person is holding a map in his hand, and it seems that he has walked through the puzzle outside on the map. Han Yu Soul Power swept away, and he could see the face under the mask. This is a young man in his early 20s, dashing eyebrows into the temples, handsome, even if he is wearing a mask, there is a look of pride between his brows. The most important thing is that the breath of this person has reached Soul Martial 2 , This is actually a Soul Martial 2 expert.

Han Yu immediately held his breath, Soul Martial realm’s powerhouse, even if there is no cultivation out of Soul Power, the spiritual sense is very sharp.

The youth quietly passed Han Yu’s eyes, and stopped suddenly without taking a few steps.

“Has it been discovered?” Han Yu heartbeat couldn’t help speeding up.

“Shua!” The young man turned his head suddenly, body flashed, and hit the tomb robber not far from Han Yu with a palm. Han Yu finally knew why he found the tomb robber hiding in the dark. The tomb robber can hide her breath and hold her breath, but she ignores the faint fragrance from her body, which has attracted the attention of the youth.

Han Yu and the tomb robber immediately rushed to the entrance of the cave. When they met such an expert, even if they teamed up, they were impossible opponents.

However, before rushing out a few steps, the bodies of Han Yu and the Tomb Raider seemed to be frozen. Soul Martial realm’s expert can cultivation out of the domain, and the opponent used Domain Imprisonment 2 of them, making them impossible to move even a little bit.


Han Yu and the female tomb thief broke out with powerful auras at the same time, and urged Qi Tianjia, but no matter how much strength they used, they could not break away from each other’s Domain Imprisonment.

What shocked Han Yu was that the tomb robber had reached the realm of the Spirit Martial 5th layer. In the old days in the Han Family Cemetery, the Tomb Raider was only the first cultivation base of Profound Martial, and its cultivation speed was comparable to Han Yu, which is an unimaginable thing. You know that Han Yu’s cultivation speed can be so fast, and it is entirely due to the black hole’s credit. Why is the tomb robber?

The tomb thief propped up a formation mark shield. Within the shield, she regained her freedom. She took out three fist sized dark and swarthy balls from the Heaven and Earth Bag and threw them at the youth. Unfortunately, once the formation mark shield was released, it was restricted by the opponent’s domain, and the three spheres were set in the void.

At this moment, the three spheres exploded at the same time, and a sudden explosion sounded the earth. The terrifying air wave hit the tomb robber and Han Yu, and the two people were shocked to vomit blood.

Fortunately, the youth field was also exploded, and the bodies of the two rushed out more than ten meter away. After staggering to the ground, they immediately rushed out of the ancient cave of Liuyun and fell into the big formation.

There was a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered in the ancient cave of the drifting cloud. The young man was also hit by the air wave and flew out. When the air wave reduced and chased it out, Han Yu and the tomb robber had already left.

The youth also left, and the movement here will definitely attract the attention of Flowing Cloud Sect people, and it is not appropriate to stay for long.

When Han Yu and the Tomb Raider left the big formation, they could be regarded as a familiar road. They quickly rushed out of the big formation. The two of them didn’t say a word, and left quickly on each side. On the way, Han Yu met a lot of Flowing Cloud Sect people, but his spiritual sense was strong, and he avoided them well. It was not until he came to Azure Dragon Peak Front Mountain that Han Yu took off his mask and rubbed shoulders with many disciplines casually. And pass.

If you look closely at Han Yu at this time, you can see that his face is pale and his eyes are a little wilted. Fortunately, there are so many acquaintances in the core area Han Yu not at all, and no one observes Han Yu too much.

After Han Yu returned to his Cave Mansion, he squirted a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. The formidable power of the three black spheres exploded by the Tomb Raider just now was too terrifying, not a single powerhouse full strength attack like Soul Martial.

When Han Yu woke up, he was already lying on the bed. He turned his head and saw that Narcissus was sitting on the side of the bed and fell asleep on his body. Han Yu slightly smiled, not at all disturb Narcissus, continue to close his eyes and rest.

An hour later, Narcissus woke up leisurely, her complexion was not very good, it seemed that she had guarded Han Yu for a long time, and she fell asleep when she couldn’t sleep. Seeing that Han Yu had woke up, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked: “Han Yu, where have you been, why did you suffer such a severe internal injury?”

Han Yu didn’t want Narcissus to know about the investigation of Liuyun’s ancient cave, and said, “I went out to do something, but I met an expert and was injured by him. By the way, how long did I sleep?”

Narcissus didn’t ask much, and said: “For 7 hours, I have used medicine pill to stabilize your injury, and then I have to rely on you!”

Han Yu squeezed Narcissus’ small face, said with a smile: “Xian’er, thank you!”

Narcissus said softly with a smile: “You have a good rest, I’ll get you something to eat.”

As Narcissus left, Han Yu turned his head, his face gradually darkened, and secretly speculated that the identity of the tomb thief and the black-clothed youth was an amazing possibility.

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