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Chapter 234 Purple Eyed Ferret

“Why the Senior Sister didn’t come back? Nothing will happen, right?” Han Yu and Yudie returned to the previous area. She Senior Sister hadn’t returned yet, and the little girl began to worry.

“What kind of cultivation base is your Senior Sister?” Han Yu asked. Within the danger lurks on every side of the cloud swamp, if the senior sister of Yudie’s cultivation base is not high, there may be a problem.

“Soul Martial 4 heavy!” Yudie said.

“Hiss…” Han Yu could not help being sucked in a cold breath, Sword God Valley and Rising Cloud Sect younger generation number one expert, but only Soul Martial’s 4th level of cultivation base. It seems that the Senior Sister of Yudie is also one of the very best characters in the younger generation of Qifenggu. Such an existence, as long as it does not enter the inner area of ​​the cloud swamp, there is absolutely no danger.

Han Yu comforted: “Don’t worry, what’s the danger in your Senior Sister It shouldn’t be? Maybe she has come back, but she didn’t see you, so she went to you again!”

Yudie nodded, relaxed, and said: “This area is where the purple-pupil ferrets often move. The purple-pupil ferret is a little glutton. We can put a lot of delicious foods and draw it out!”

Han Yu nodded, he didn’t have any other good solutions, so he and Yudie started to arrange traps.

Put a net on the ground first, and then cover it with leaves. Yudie took out a lot of delicacies from the Heaven and Earth Bag and put it on the net, and then hid with Han Yu on a tree not far away, waiting for the purple Hitomi Ferret came out for food.

Suddenly, a silhouette ran by from not far away. Seeing that embarrassed look, it seemed that something thrilling was encountered.

Han Yu’s eyes shrank suddenly, and he immediately held his breath. He didn’t expect to encounter eagle scale armor here.

“Hey, old man, stop!” Suddenly, Yudie next to Han Yu yelled, because the eagle scales were moving towards the trap she had laid.

Han Yu’s brain was full of black lines, and his heart was crying.

When the eagle scale heard the sound, he turned his head and saw Han Yu at first glance. The shocked face suddenly appeared in surprise, and he stopped looking towards Han Yu said with a big smile: “Han Yu child, really travel far and wide looking for something only to return and find it easily, I did not expect to meet you here!”

When seeing the 5 curses hovering above Han Yu’s head, the eyes of the eagle-scale armor almost ignited fire. Had Han Yu not been a hindrance, he would have become a high-level unloader. The body shape turned into countless afterimages, murderous-looking rushed towards Han Yu.

Han Yu didn’t dare to hesitate at all, picked up Yudie and jumped to the ground, leaving quickly.

“Han Yu, why are you running?” Yudie asked inexplicably.

“He is my big enemy, do you say I can’t run?” Han Yu was speechless. He found that this Yudie was completely ignorant of the world, and that such an obvious thing could not be seen.

“Oh…” Yudie showed a clear expression.

“shua shua !”

two figures, one after the other rushed through the forest quickly, at the extreme speed, just like 2 rays of light.

“What kind of posture did this little thief learn? How could he be so fast?” The eagle-scale armor stared wide-eyed, Han Yu’s speed is not slower than him, which makes him incredible.

Soon, the two rushed dozens of kilometers away, came to the swamp, and walked forward on the waves.

“Oops, although my speed is similar to that of the eagle scale armor, the eagle scale armor is strong. If this continues, sooner or later I will be overtaken by him.” Han Yu thought for a while and walked on air directly, flying up into the sky. Quickly disappeared into the mist.

“Heavenly Dragon 8 steps?” The eagle-scale armor raised his head and looked at the void in a daze. Huhuo learned the Heavenly Dragon 8 steps. How could Han Yu also learn?

The Eagle Scales shivered involuntarily. Is there any special relationship between Han Yu and Hun Huo, and also with that person?

“Wow, Han Yu, you can actually fly?” Yudie was surprised to find baring fangs and brandishing claws as if she had discovered a magical continent. Controlling Space Flight, is how many people grew up for something even in dreams, Yudie naturally yearned for it.

Han Yu hurriedly covered Yudie’s mouth. They were flying in the mist, and others could not see it, but there was no guarantee that others could not hear Yudie’s voice. Han Yu doesn’t want people in the world to know that he has learned the 8 steps of Heavenly Dragon, and he has to expose it today.

“Wu wu wu, why are you covering this Young Lady’s mouth, Han Yu, you bastard, let me go!” Yudie punched and kicked, very unhappy.

“Speak down, call me not to fly you anymore!” Han Yu threatened.

Yudie shut up immediately, and immediately incarnation, a well-behaved Little Luoli, said quietly: “Okay, this Young Lady will never speak loudly!”

Han Yu just let go of Yudie’s mouth. The little girl was obedient and didn’t continue barking. But his eyes were full of curiosity, it seemed to look.

“Han Yu, can you fly lower, the fog above is too thick to see the scenery below!” Yudie said hopefully.

“If you fly too low, you can see it!” Han Yu said.

“No, this Young Lady wants you to fly low, so that we can still look for purple-eyed ferrets, and you can also look for medicine ingredients by the way.” Yudie looked unearthly.

Yudie’s words also gave Han Yu a reminder, saying: “Follow me obediently, and I will help you catch the purple-eyed ferret.”

Yudie was overjoyed and asked: “Really?”

Han Yu nodded, quietly brought Yudie back to the previous area. Above the trap set before, there was a small white beast, happily eating the delicacy on it.

This little beast was about the size of a squirrel, with white as snow and purple eyes, like amethyst, shining with a faint purple glow.

Han Yu used Soul Power to detect the little beast. Yudie’s eyes were blocked by the fog, not at all.

“The purple pupil snow sculpture has already appeared, don’t speak, I will catch it!” Han Yu whispered to Yudie. Yudie suddenly turned upright, cleverly nodded.

Han Yu took the Yudie and flew quietly over the purple-eyed ferret. Han Yu’s movements were already very small, but the purple-eyed ferret was very keen. Whenever there was a wind and grass, it would immediately run away. The speed was abnormally fast and turned into a single line. The light went away quickly.

“Hmph, let me run into you, can you still run away!” Han Yu put Yudie on the neck of a tree and said, “You wait for me here, and I will be back soon.”

After speaking, Han Yu quickly moved towards the direction where the purple-pupil ferret was escaping and chased it down, at this time the purple-pupil ferret was no longer a trace. If you are an ordinary person, it is not easy to find it.

However, Han Yu cultivation got out of Soul Power, and accurately captured the breath of the purple-eyed ferret in the void. After chasing the breath, it didn’t take long to find the nest of the purple-eyed ferret.

The purple pupil snow sculpture lives in a hole in the ground. Its hole is long and deep, and there are several exits. Even if you find the nest of the purple pupil ferret, it is extremely difficult to catch it. But for Han Yu, it can’t be considered what kind of problem. Han Yu came to the entrance of the purple-pupil ferret, stepped heavily, and the ground trembled three times. Han Yu immediately flew up to the sky and looked down below, taking in the entire scene with a radius of several zhang areas.

Not long after, a snow-white silhouette sprang out from another direction and hid in the jungle. Han Yu hooked the surrounding Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi for his own use, blocking the retreat of the purple-pupil ferret, and directly grabbed a ready-made one.

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